You always seem to be talking about families, children, wives etc...
But do you have gf?
You always seem to be talking about families, children, wives etc
Already had three. Can't seem to find the one..
wife and 2 kids. You?
I had a few gfs but last one stabbed me :'( current one has a kid so it's more of a "wintertime slam piece"
>be 20
>be engaged
>relationship of 4 years
What's your excuse?
In Amsterdam?
Heh. Got me laffin.
Got engaged last Saturday, thanks for asking. :)
I like money
I may know why you got stabbed
>tfw almost 20 and never had a gf
lul take it to the next step and contractually give away half of your value.
Actually was 3.5 year relationship and it only started goin south once we moved in together :/
Protip: Girls from broken homes that smoke weed like crack are NOT good material. Also love makes u blind :/
>stable trade job as an apprentice electrician in the IBEW
>own a home and wife stays home and cleans, cooks, takes care of son.
>go to church on Sunday with family.
OH shit. Wish I would had considered this before. Love IS blind..
If I stay in the U.S., I'm waiting on my jailfu.
If I leave, I will work on it when I get to Europe.
Yea, she’s pretty qt desu. Wants to have lots of babies.
Looks like u guys r related
>In Amsterdam?
Why is that so hard? Plenty of girls studying there m8
>lul take it to the next step and contractually give away half of your value.
Incel MGTOW virgin sperg detected
She's a Latina, and left wing.
I'm too shy.
And all of them are lefties.
I spent some time among them, it's horrifying just how politically incoherent they are while voting for a guy like Jesse Klaver because of his pretty face.
Nah, if I want a gf, I need to fuck off to the countryside and integrate there first.
Funny you mention that because people point that out all the time but we have no common ethnicity. Hispanic on her end, hapa mix on mine.
Lol, life must suck. Mine rants about liberal lunacy 24-7, hates political correctness, she's perfect.
I don't have a husbandu or a bf because I don't let anyone get close, due to lol molested as a child and raped as a teen lol. I also have a heart condition that will probably kill me. I don't see the point in having children and passing that on to them. World's been trying to get rid of me since I got here.
>inb4 roastie
>tfw no gf
Kys faggot. A brown belt with blue jeans? Your tie is uglier than that grimmace pulled across your wretched face. I wouldn't be surprised if she is putting warfarin in your food
I'm an autist. So no gf. Don't need one till I want to get married.
She's Japanese and doesn't mind me complaining about shitskins.
>And all of them are lefties.
You can fuck them and ignore them when discussing politics
Race traitor faggot
I don't but I make a pretty big deal out of not being a hypocrite, so I don't do the "dude, just start a white family" posts that you see americans do all the time.
Surrogacy for a healthy baby then
no. went out yesterday a few girls kept grinding their ass into me like some fucking ape degenerates.
True, if I was fine with quick flings.
Don't want that.
>molested as a child and raped as a teen
>tfw you will never have a white gf that smokes weed like crack
Nope never kissed a girl and 23. Everyday I pray for North Korea to emp us and enjoy death in apocalypse.
Not your blog you dumb whore
Have gf, can't have kids on Walmart and hairdressers wages and bringing a child in an increasingly anti-white world in the current year is insane.
Probably just adopt in the future, there's plenty of kids that need a mom.
at least you have a white gf that's the most important step. Just pop some out and apply for gibs
Sorry, I'm not a nigger and actually have some guilt relying on the American taxpayer to expand my family, rather than thinking that it's simply "free money"
Have a finance. Getting married in two months.
You do realize that means she will be stealing your money or smoking all your weed
I understand the sentiment.
Your guilt is based on jewish values. If the economy was not being run into the ground by jews then you would be able to find employment that would allow you, the white man, to provide for your gf and children. The bigger issue is demographics not your weird sense of "guilt." Every gib you do not take just goes to a brown family
Young and redpilled. Nice.
It's not free, you're actively working towards making the world a better place and deserve support in doing so. Niggers and spics can't say the same.
this is the Sup Forums I've come to love
>she will be stealing your money
Impossible I would slap her and my money is hidden from thots
>or smoking all your weed
That's fine having women reliant on you for their addiction is a good way to handle the modern dating landscape. Works with pimping too
I am married with a child due in ~4 weeks...
but I'm not a trumpcuck, so therefore am capable of fucking a woman.
that's a man, baby
I'm sorry user, hope you do find companionship.
>Dating is like drug dealing
I'm not saying you're wrong, but that's a rather dark way of looking at it. At least I'd think so.
why do all trumpcucks look prepubescent?
I am married and have 4 children.
user, you won't find a bride at wherever degenerate hole that happened.
No I am unattractive.
It is not about me.
I respect you for the decisions you made that led you to where you are. I wish I had made similar ones. I hope to be where you are soon.
I don't really pay taxes to the US, but if it was from the country I'm from I wouldn't mind my tax money going to a white family struggling to bring more life, user.
she moved to California and became a godless degenerate
lol, congrats!
This is horrifying. How do you allow yourself to be that guy?
I'm sorry to hear that. Cali seems to bring out the worse of people nowadays. Would also include NY on that list.
>tfw my gf wasn't a virgin when we met but I was
>tfw can't imagine marrying her and being past-cucked
>tfw just using her for sex basically
Is this wrong
I am a 34 y/o permavirgin that has given up on ever getting a gf. It's not as if I hadn't chances before, it's just that I've realized that no woman will ever be good enough in my eyes, and I rather be alone than in a bad relationship.
Not yet but I have started making mad gains and lost a lot of extra weight. I generally made my life better thanks to nazis on the internet.
On the other hand commies wanted for me to stay the same but their commie sluts wouldn't put out. Thanks Sup Forums for showing me that the old ways are the best ways...could have avoided a few redpills like about how Hitler was actually the good guy but as long as I don't sperg out in public I'm practically a model now.
>qt that goes to my church
>Convervatarian virgin 7.5/10
>Drinks coffee after sermon out of a snek mug
>Rants about liberals in the fellowship hall
>Want to ask her out, the Sunday I do there's a new guy there
>"Oh user, this is my boyfriend from Missouri! He's visiting for the weekend!"
>mfw it's some lanky soyboy with a shitty beard and even uglier and less /fit/ than me
Why must God be so cruel?
>apprentice electrician
>home owner
>stay at home wife
Why would anyone lie on the internet?
lmao, most women arent good enough for Chad's eyes yet he fucks dozens and dozens of girls at the same time
If you aren't aiming for a stock photo family then you are basically a cuck.
That's not how it works.
You take the lefty and convert them with your cock.
Currently doing the same to be honest. She is nice and all but having dated virgins before there's just no comparison. Considering looking at dating 18 years old at this point (way below my age)
People like you would have been killed of by war, disease, or menial labor by the age of 30 a century ago. It is both a blessing and a curse to be a low-class perma virgin in the 21st century. You are alive, but no one want to fuck you. A sad existence.
Nah, and probably never will. How much money do I need to artificially inseminate some broad as a service to me?
Great to hear that user! Just lose 20 pounds myself last week and watched my Dick grow back from under that love cushion. Feels gud man.
21, have a gf, getting married when i return home to UK. Couldn't be happier.
You two look really happy together. Congrats
you are both mexican and need to go back there. respectfully.
Ask her if she got sisters or cousins. Church girls love to play matchmaking. Thank me later.
Is that your sister?
you need to get bigger
A hapa and a qt mestiza? Wouldn't mind them raising children back at my México desu. That place needs real family growing real values now more than ever.
>pol having kids
Since most of Sup Forums consists of Le Harsh Woman Hating Supreme Gentlemans i highly doubt it.
Nuclear family is not the ideal. Humans must be connected to their grandparents and extended family as well. Marrying and staying with your wife is what is expected of everyone. If you truly want the ideal family then live, if not in the same house, then next door or close to your grandparents and invite aunts and uncles to join you under the same roof. This is the best environment to raise a child under, it takes a village to raise a kid, bring as much of the village with you as you can.
I was raised with my aunt living across the street and my grandmother living two blocks away. We always helped each other out and were always there for each other's celebrations. It was fantastic, and I'm going to make sure to give my kids the same fertile environment I had.
Actually that's the best place to go. You'll later see those same girls at a library, coffee shop, or church and otherwise would have thought "what a nice innocent wifey material girl" had you not already seen her at the bar grinding against your crotch like ape degenerates.
Winter time slam piece. Lmao. I was able to find one too. I was in a frantic search towards the end of summer
I've only recently joined, I was non-denominational for a while but finally decided on a faith to commit to so I'm sort of new to church life.
without social media, girls would actually be interested in you (for their own ego, yes, but) instead of obsessing at their phone.
Lift weights seriously. Study math and science. The pussy will come.
How do you want to fuck the same person for 30 to 40 years, seems highly unlikely,
>Both university educated with graduate degrees in meaningful fields
>Own my business
>First child is on the way
I laughed but nah, brown belt and blue jeans? That's a solid, classic combination.