Maybe I didn't pay enough attention to the news

Maybe I didn't pay enough attention to the news
but is there a known motive yet from Paddock?

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Most people habe forgot about it. That's what ""They"" want you to do. Forget. I honestly think we was an arms dealer between Isis or ms13 and the Fed's, decided to have a change of heart and try to do something horrible to bring light to what was really going on but they covered it up by not really doing anything

Never heard of him. Anyways, did you hear about the Papadopolous arrest? Drumpf is going to get impeached!

I haven't heard of any witnesses coming forward recently.

He was possible pedo trafficking.

the cops and the media said the day after that "we may never know the motive". that's all you need to know about this shitshow.

Someone posted this article from 2014 which seems too damn coincidental:

wat?? looks like a nice man i bet he likes sushi hmm just a hunch.... any ways you gois hear blumffs about to get impeached for russia collision

Paddock the Patsy

That's just odd as fuck, for a guy who supposedly killed 58 and injured 546
for there to be no motive whatsoever. I call bullshit.

He was a patsy for some CIA op.

He was getting old and decided life wasn't worth living anymore so decided to have some fun before he left.

He could've purposely not left a motive so he'll never be forgotten. People love a good mystery. Personally I agree with an user's post from when it first happened. He was a boomerfag who loved "highs." He liked high stakes gambling, fucking hookers, etc.

Or Stefan Molyneux may be onto something. His father was a sociopathic criminal. His childhood was probably hell. Grew up resenting society.

that's why i don't buy the false flag secnario that many anons push here. if it was a false flag, they would've had a perfect little motive all ready to go.

They could've blamed it on any group they desired, regardless.

I've been leaning toward a botched false flag scenario, like they were trying to do something but fucked it up and then tried to cover it up as quickly as possible

I honestly think this is all there was to it. The guy was probably a nihilist/solipsist who viewed other people as NPCs in his reality.

BUMPING to keep this from falling down the memory hole

There is allways a motive. In your example his motive was to be remembered as a mystery

>This is paddocks long lost twice removed cousin, there was a mistake in a restaurant and his sushi wasn't COMPED. Which leads back to why paddock snapped. The real reason for Vegas was a new guy in the sushi restaurant fusion. Steven fucking snapped because the tacobell-tier employee tried to charge instead of comp. Sushi captcha confirms, check pic relare.

Whole thing ties in with the attack in ny yesterday.

he, or whoever pulled of the attack, was either Muslim or radical leftist, thats all that matters...

Yea I think you might be on to something there

The real question is why nobody talking about it. Its such a big deal but everyone has forgotten already

All this tragedy going on and Eric posting about maybe going to the three sisters motorcycle rally. His new trailer can hold 3 bikes

Especially considering how much is wrong with the entire story.
Thread will slide into oblivion.

digits confirm this

Wait what's this posted the day after the shooting