BTFOs arabs, jews, and degenerates
Absolute power
no Cucks
gets tons of pussy
BTFOs arabs, jews, and degenerates
Absolute power
no Cucks
gets tons of pussy
>gets dubz
I keep my own thread alive.
No retards allowed
someone please
agree with me
>doesnt have evolution in schools
555 come on now.
ro*ches fuck off
Mountain II, watch it. Shows national pride, and comradiere to make Turkey great again.
it was never great shitskin
There's this fucking roach on here with a cuckfetish and niggerdick - unless they imprison and torture him to death turkey can go fuck itself
This is very correct.
> turkey
> btfo anyone
They also:
>Castrated and impressed thousands of Christians into their army
>Converted much of the Balkans to the religion of piss
>Enslaved white people
>Almost infected Europe as a whole with Islam
>Genocided Christian Armenians
>Invited gypsys to Europe
>Estinguished the light of Rome
>Fucked over Europe by dismantling the Silk Road
>Destroyed the greatest Orthodox Church on earth and converted it to a mosque
Fuck the cockroaches, Anatolia is Greek and Armenian
I lived in turkey for some time and I agree its a great place no niggers in there
it wasnt great and you lived in a shithole worse than bulgaria
Anatolia is just the part where humans lived
turks just called half of the shithole eastern Anatolia
Turkey is a cancerous cyst of a county, infecting everything around it with it's worthless immigrants. Seriously nuke those parasites to death asap.
You can love us as long as you don't associate us with white subhumans
ty very much
stay mad lmao
turkey used to be pretty ok, now they're just turning into another turbo muslim cuckery
Hello my friend. can you perhaps explain what happened to 1.5 million Armenians in 1915 ? I'm curious...
like it or not your basically white, especially western anatolians.