Guys I really fucked up

Guys I really fucked up.

Yesterday at my office job we had a Halloween party where we wore costumes

One guy I worked with wore a dress, skirt, wig and make up. Pretty typical costume and no one really said anything.

Well today, when I got in the office in the morning I saw him again. He was wearing a skirt, a wig, make up and heels.

Well being me, I break his balls a little and say "Halloween is over, you don't have to scare people by being an ugly hideous woman anymore." He runs away crying and calls me and ass hole.

Well i go sit down at my desk and check my emails.

The whole office had gotten and email last night from HR saying that one guy is transitioning from male to female and nobody is to comment on her appearance and will refer to her with female pronouns and her new name.

Oh fug

Well 10 minutes later, Mrs. HR lady sends me an email saying to go home for the day and to set up an meeting tomorrow at noon to discuss what happened with HR, my boss, and bosses boss.

I'm think I'm pretty fucked. Im getting fired I know it. Should I even go to the meeting tomorrow?

Just say you tell all your male friends shit like that.

>Hello HR, boss and bosses boss
>I don't check my work-related emails after hours
>This is on HR and all of you to properly notify myself and the staff of something like this. Using an email after hours was inappropriate
>walk out of that office with no fucks given

Just say that you missed the email before making your 'cruel and unprofessional joke' and that you would be 'humbled to be able to make a heartfelt apology to "her" because you truly do respect "her" choice and are an ardent supporter of trans issues; it was simply a misinformed joke that you would have never made had you known the full story'

Deal w/it froggot, trannies are here to stay good luck finding a new job homo maybe you can sit outside the office and offer blowie joeys for neetbux

just say the tranny lied or some shit ffs man up

Don't apologise for shit, you did nothing wrong. Go to work tomorrow, call that dude a fugly queer and resign. You're better off not working in an environment like that.

sorry for not checking email after worl hours, i just got there, a nd yes i can see how transitioning can have seomeoe react like she did, after all trans people have the higest suicide rate, so we gotta give special traetment i agree
alsocan i bring helicopter toys to work? i like helicopters and identify as such, you would not discrimanate me right?

Look for work elsewhere. It will never be a good situation after this. Even if they let you continue to work there, which they probably won't, you will turn into an office pariah.

Don't sign anything that will go on a permanent record and don't ADMIT to anything.

IF you quit now, they have no real evidence on you and they can't give you a bad review on hearsay. The worst they could say legally is that you quit abruptly which you could explain with family illness.

This admits to the wrongdoing. This is a huge mistake.

"wrongdoing" .. it's not wrong fyi. Worked for a gay organization previously and this shit now makes me sick. Sorry op for the part I played in this. :(

The only way is to suck that hon's trannycock. Hon's are really desperate and lonely and "she"'ll tell them to forget all about it.
Literally this is the only way you'll get out of this.

They can tell if you read it... computers don’t lie

The situation is manageable. You need to come into work tomorrow dressed completely as a woman, and claim that the whole ordeal has helped you come to terms with your new identity as a woman.

Big if true

Listen to me very, very fucking carefully user. You go in there and tell them you are a Christian, you believe in the Bibles definition of a man and a woman, and that you feel that YOU are being discriminated against based on your sincere religious beliefs.

This puts them in an impossible position. But, it also protects you, which is all that matters. Even if they think you are full of shit, they cannot fire you without opening themselves up to a retaliation lawsuit.

Pick up your phone and dial a Plaintiff's side attorney right now. They will help you with this. Even if you do end up getting fired, you can inflict a ton of financial pain on the company with a lawsuit. And hit them back for pimping LGBT degeneracy in the workplace.

Go to the meeting and stand up for yourself for Gods sake. Hell that guy was probably even baiting something like this to happen. "Gee I'm going to (((transition))) right after Halloween what could go wrong?" Fuck that noise. It was a holiday where everyone dresses up and that guy KNEW what he was doing. I can smell the tumblr post from here. STAND UP AND PROTECT YOURSELF OR JUST FUCKING ROLL OVER AND DIE ALREADY

Say that his faggotry was offensive to you and demand that he's reprimanded for his bigotry.

Welcome to life where sometimes you need to suck up to keep a job

>my religion makes me verbally abusive against people

Do you wanna know how I know you don't work in the American legal industry? nyuck nyuck nyuck

Good plan but use Islam and The Koran instead

Sorry user but your story made my sides blast into orbit. You really can't even tell the difference between Halloween and every day life anymore. Good luck tomorrow

>Should I even go to the meeting tomorrow?
No. But you should return to the tranny and kick him in the nuts before you leave for good (you'll be helping speed along the transition), and make sure to call him a hopeless faggot and tell him to suicide too.

Won't help.

Thanks greatest ally

Deny everything

>Not working in an environment like that
Where? Seriously where?

I'd mention that they were dressed the same way at the fucking costume party.

Buy the tranny a gold plated dilation tool to say sorry.

2bh you probably helped that tranny anyway, while the rest of the world lies to him and tell him he's stunning and brave.
He cries because he knows it's true. You could actually save him from suicide, user.

Just concern troll them about how having mentally ill, unstable people in office can be dangerous and counterproductive. Be subtle. Good luck.

>thinking the bottom-feeder employee has any shred of power to say this to his bosses
>thinking the bottom-feeder employee is anything more than a replaceable cog in a wheel

The best you can hope for OP is to kiss ass, admit you made a horrible mistake and it was insensitive of you and blah blah blah, and then hope they don't fire you. Nothing much else you can do.

Yep. Go suck his dick to show how tolerant and welcoming you are. Then express shock that the rest of the office hasn't done the same.

Yes, you are fucked but you can do what you guys do better:
Mass Shooting

>ugly fat faggot in my office wears womens clothing
>He tried to use the womens toilets on a few occasions
>Quietly got btfo by HR and told the faggot to use male toilets

I have hope that Bongland isn't lost just yet.

i mean its an honest mistake, how are you supposed to know someone in your office has mental illness? do they give you access to coworker medical records? no? then tell HR and boss to fuck off

this, say you have been talking to a lawyer and are considering legal action for inadequate notification of somebody's civil right to identify as a gender of their choosing

tell them you choose to live life as a gay man now.

His only chance is to alpha his way out of it. Appologising never works you retarded cuck leaf. It just makes them smell blood on the water

Please do this.

Or put on black face and come out as transrace

Take your future in your hands and start your own business.

You don't need to work as a slave, undergo HR bullshit and cope with trannies.

It's your choice, everything is up to you.

When you go to the meeting remain calm and say little.

Slowly start saying more and then start talking about society and Jews.

Build up a steady pace and work it into a steady froth where at the end you’re standing, sieg heiling and screaming white power at the top of your lungs.

Do that for like 10 minutes straight to really drive home the point that you’re serious and they need to respect your transition too

>considering legal action for inadequate notification of somebody's civil right to identify as a gender of their choosing
flipping the dropped ball to them is the only way you can recover while keeping your job. make them scared that the fault actually lies with them

There are benefits in having muslim managers, Bobby.

is this a lawyer form of laughter?

>The only option that will work. Fight fire with fire.
>If they dare to fire you the day you finally come out as a transwomanmanwomanman, they are in deep shit (unless they flip it again by coming out as shemales themselves!)

Double points if you come to work in blackface with a basketball or watermelon and say you are coming out as a transnigger.

Who in the fuck transitions on Halloween. They did not think this faggotry through. You must bring road flares and a full propane tank with you in your briefcase for meeting tomorrow. Otherwise it will spread.

>permanent record
Lmao what is this, middle school? This isn't a thing...

Fuck you.

exactly. take it from me OP, they want to make you a martyr, admitting guilt will just backfire on you.

be tactful and say something like "i don't mind apologizing but the onus of the responisbility for this misunderstanding lies with management for not properly notifying the workplace. if this was such an important issue why was only a casual email sent and not a workplace in-person meeting called?"


>This puts them in an impossible position
Nope. There's nothing in christianity that allows somebody to discriminate against somebody else.

Go to the meeting and tell them you're a furfag and that the trannies doesn't deserve better treatment than you or they are racists and bigots, also go in the most disgusting fursuit you can get. LoL, just do it.

Yah obviously he combined his coming out with the party to ease his own anxiety. This way he could say to the people he already trusts : "oh shh whisper please, I actually dress like this outside, or well I could if I was out. And yeah, I´m coming out to you guys hehe" and then kind of "predictive programming" the others and have them remember the mail.

Still this is LARP because if they mailed you after hours the day before they should hang.

>Don't sign anything that will go on a permanent record and don't ADMIT to anything.

SJWs Companies will not hire some one with criminal record.

Don't admit anything.

Avoid judicial process for homophobia.

tell them halloween is over and it's time to stop playing pretend


"I'm Muslim, mam."

This really is your best option OP. This right here.
And absolutely mention that you are discussing this with a lawyer. Mention it right away if you can. That is important.

Kill yourself Ahmed

This, your life is over, you have nothing to lose.

if real, get legal advice.

this is also a valid secondary defense.

"i am muslim and it is against my religion to acknowledge such disgrace for allah's will of gender"

Tell them they need to put that dude in a mental ward not give him a job wtf?

with OPs comments infront of everyone he must go full muslim and blame it on fasting or not being able to pray. Christianity is like saying you were a big hungover , nobody cares.

This is what you get for being an officecuck. Be a real fucking man and go into trades or manual labor you will never have to deal with stuff like this.

Stand up for yourself, user. Tell them you have a first amendment right and it needs to be supported. The fact that your job is in jeopardy over some tranny and misspoken words is absolutely ludicrous. You do not have to refer to someone as something they would prefer or just ignore a transitional period such as a sex change. It needs to be the persons responsibility of getting a sex change and realizing how people react, not your duty to not "offend them." If you do get fired, I would go for wrongful termination.

The only muzzie we had quit because he was a lazy fuck. The SJW mind virus hasn't taken over the company yet, common sense and bantz still reign.. for now at least.

Walk into the meeting with your resignation letter, plop it down before they can say shit. Start sending out resumes tonight.

>Who in the fuck transitions on Halloween.

No kidding. So guy shows up in drag for Halloween, everyone says nice costume, and he thinks, "Hey, they like me like this! They really accept me as a woman! This won't be so bad."

And they wonder why we say they're mentally ill.

Apologizing*** (you fucking retarded illiterate leaf) can work. But it is a cucked thing.

It's up to OP. If this job is super important and he needs it, he will try and kiss ass to make it all better. If it's some bullshit 20 year old entry job, then yeah, he should take the alpha road and walk out of that place like a boss.

this is the only way, using christianity is like saying you were a bit hungover, nobody cares.

Is that real? Is that this famous first world problem?

Good idea but Christians are not safeguarded. Tell them you are Muslim.

KEK - admit that you are bigot nice.

Why don't you just suck ITS dick too.

I would blame it on the IT guy. Everyone else does.

Stay strong.

I wonder why did they dress first for halloween? I also wonder if you could claim disability?

This won't work. This is all but an admission of guilt. Do any of you faggots have an ounce of testosterone?

You could makeup a story. Tell them the trannie was clowning you for dating a black monkey and you told him at least you're not dating a mental retard trannie.

This. Throw your jacket on or over your shoulder as you leave too for extra oomph.

>Im getting fired I know it. Should I even go to the meeting tomorrow?
Go there. If you're going to get fired anyways, you might as well do some irl shitposting.

You do not apologize for telling the truth. Never.


They will only write you up sign it and move on, if its you’re first offense no problem. Then always leave email open and wait for email tranny has killed itself (inevitable) take day of funeral off have beer and smile knowing you helped defeat degeneracy.

this might have to be your last line of defense. if no other witnesses were around, you can claim that you said those mean things to get away from him because he started touching your crotch area and saying inappropriate things

who knows maybe you get him fired for sexual harassment ?

Literally just explain what happened and apologize.

If they ask for anything more let them fire you so that you can leech off the government while searching for another job...or quit if you have enough balls and a face to keep.

I see two ways to go about this, it depends on your political alignment/how much balls you have

>Option 1:Apologize at the meeting, tell them you didn't see the email and you didn't think that he was transitioning since he started on halloween.

>Option 2: Go the meeting, tell them they are bothering you with your work and it's not good for productivity. Tell them you are there to work and not befriend other coworkers, you didn't know he was trans. Mention them it was bothering you and you wanted to clear that out. If they ask if you tolerate trans, affirm yourself while being tolerant to his condition. If they want to escalate it, leave on the spot.

Women in H.R. are retarded, they want a power trip about fucking people's life. Stay in control of yourself and don't give her more power than she has.

man up user, don't be a pussy

you go there and tell them they're spreading cancer across the world with this trans trend. If you don't do that, you give them good goy point.


>I'm think I'm pretty fucked. Im getting fired I know it. Should I even go to the meeting tomorrow?
I think you should try keeping your job for the short term.
But also, you should look for a new one.
This guy is mentally ill and poisonous. It will poison everything around, and you will possibly have to bend over like a pretzel to please Mrs. HR.


I'd respond back saying I quit.

Fuck working for a place that adheres to mental illness.

Say your gay and he's being homophobic. Tip the justice tables

There's literally no case, it's an innocent missunderstanding.

>First dresses as a woman on halloween
>Leads you to believe it's a halloween costume
>Comes in to work next day dressed the same
>You think they're joking around

If they fire you for a genuine misunderstanding, I don't know what the law is over there but over here it would be unfair dismissal.


And meanwhile subtly concern troll them on the grounds that having mentally ill and unstable persons in workplace can be unsafe and counterproductive.

What is this poor lunatic's field of work?

This is why we need UBI

I do and I love my place. All the manangers and senior figures are blokes and pretty based.

They keep the dykes, nu-males and faggots in line and out of positions of power.

This. This is what you do.


Claim religious discrimination.

>God created man and woman. Man cannot make himself a woman, only God can. Forcing you to recognize him as a woman goes against the word of God by forcing you to lie and deny the truth; which is sinful.

They have to provide reasonable accommodations. If they force an entire company to call someone a woman, they can make it so you do not have to interact with it.

And lawyer up, you will win.

Christianity is a religion covered by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

>Islam is covered but Christianity is not

Literally kys you ignorant faggot. This isn't a discussion. You are just wrong.

this is true was in a similar experience when a whore bag made up 10 different false sexual allegations on me and I went the apologetic what the fuck route and that got me no where.

Never apologize

^this is the best avenue, you didn't know and it's not your fault you didn't know

People with jobs only ITT concern trolls go away