Co Worker overheard me singing my racist renditions of pop songs

My co worker who is black overhead me singing my racist renditions of pop songs to myself in the bathroom. Saw him talking with boss afterwards. I live in California. I'm fired aren't I?

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Can't be fired if you are acting in self defense and kill everybody

Just bring in your ARMALITE AR-10 CARBINE GAS POWERED SEMI AUTOMATIC weapon and pump round after round into coworker after coworker. Then they’ll respect you.

Call in the air strike.

This has some merit to it but then I make the white race look bad.

Say it's racist to fire you. If you were black and saying the same exact things you wouldnt get in trouble

AR10 dindu nuffin.
It's a battle rifle of peace

Please post your lyrics so we can inspect if you're fired or not


Why are people such bitches. He should have just said something to you or you two took it outback and that be the end of it.


If you find yourself in hot water, do what celebrities, politicians, and public figures do... LIE

Too much traditionalism, I've reported you to the police

This guy gets it.

share your racist pop songs with us user

True shit

Muslim dude yells Allahu akbar and runs people down
Deranged white guy shoots random white people
>Omg all white people are responsible

He heard me singing my rendition of 'Fiddler on the roof' aka 'Negro on the roof'

>If I were a negro, bidibidibidibidibidibum
>All day long I'd lather in the sun, if I were a negro man
>I wouldn't have to work hard bidibidibidibidibidibum
>I'd buy a lot chrome rims
>All day long from policemen I will run, if I were a negro man

>And then I'd smoke two joints, call in sick to work and smoke two more with my friends
>Leave my children in families with no men!
>I wouldn't have to work hard bidibidibidibidibidibum

I'm coming up with more every day but that's what I have so far.

Deny. Deny. Deny. Make them prove it.


Ask them to substantiate their claim, beyond using hearsay anecdotal evidence from a single witness

>being this autistic

it's a small miracle a trumpcuck like you landed a job in the first place, though it sounds like you probably flip burgers.

how are you so retarded to sing racists songs at work?

you deserve to be fired

tell the boss man you sang 'fiddler on da roof', not.. the 'n-word on the roof', gosh

Retard. If you get a complaint say you were using the word yiddish nebbish (a pitiful person), not negro while singing a jewish song to yourself. Accuse the negro and your boss of antisemitism and demand some gibs.

Might work. Boss likes me cause I produce sales like no other, so I may be okay. However I know he's from new york, so that odds are unlikely that he is not a Dem

Your word against his.
My co-workers are suspicious because I merely used the word "usury".
Although I think it's fairly well known that I collect Axis memorabilia, and, that I commit thought crimes.

This. Just make it a he said she said case, claim the other employe hates you for some bullshit reason, get a story and stick too it. If the working nog didn't catch any of it you should be ok. you might lose this job but at least it wouldn't follow you to the next

Exactly, say you were singing something else, then deflect. Ask why the co-worker is spying on you while you use the toilet and you don't feel safe with him in there now. Also, you were singing the normal lyrics, he heard them incorrectly.

>user goes full 1488 at work

Good job

Above all, just don't act like you're guilty. Pretend that it was a song out of fun and truth (which it is).

If you were on break you can not be fired as that is your own time and not the company's.

>I collect Axis memorabilia
Why would you announce this to your co-workers? Just have a nice windowless room in your house where you stockpile guns ammo and a hitler shrine like the rest of us.

I feel so bad for gordan Hayward dude

>take the offensive & feign offense
I like your style

All the other yids with the cut up dicks, better run, better run, faster than my oven.

No he needs at least one witness unless your labour laws are completely fucked

Don't forget the bump stock

You have to stop singing Jebcore at work, user.

>the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

wrong, suicide
>Accuse the negro and your boss of antisemitism
correct, foolproof

>What? A man can't wish he was in Dixie?
>Hoorah? Hoorah?

Just deny. This guy is right. If you are even an ok worker you're more valuable than that nigger. You'll be fine.

You're fucked.

Deny deny deny deflect. He was singing songs about lynching white folk people

only if your co worker sounds is a flaming faggot.

Because a collection does not mean that I support it. Although I do.
I have a little British militaria, but not much.

Also, they reckon that just because I've got an undercut and listen to Industrial that I want to fire up the ovens (I do). Plus, we have an Afrikaaner in the workplace, I'm the only one who agrees with him that the ANC are nasty. No-one else was on board with this.

It's pretty much an open secret. They will have to prove it to fire me.

Deny, deny, deny. It's his word vs your word with no proof.

With classics like Toto’s “Send them all back to africaaaa!”

I asked why The Empire are bad in Star Wars and literally am Hitler at work now

Just tell your boss you're gay and love your black co-worker.

good taste user, I sing a very similar song in the shower quite often. never at work though, because i'm not an autistic retard.

Many such cases. Enjoy looking for a new job retard.

sing another song next time you know he's aroundl plausible deniability.

say you were rapping a Migos song or something

haha! I've also said that in my work too. I WISH I were Hitler

If he's from new york he's probably at least sympathetic to jews. If nothing else, if he's from the city he's heard yiddish which only adds to the plausibility of my advice. Just stick to the story that you're jewish and have never brought it up because you were afraid of exactly this type of antisemitism. At worst they drop it, at best they fire the negro, either way you win.

Sounds like it user, move to a non cucked state.

Good luck.

You're singing in the bathroom? That's adorable.

There sure are a lot of journalists here today

Apparently it's not ok to be white.

holy shit
is that a fucking fight club reference?

Deny deny deny whitey - make the nog prove that shit, and when you brought in for questioning, before they say anything be like "I'm really glad you took time to talk to me, I take my mental health very seriously and id like you you know that I am very impressed at the speed in which HR contacted you about my concerns".

Watch the oh shit look form, then, watch him semd you back to your cubical-

Can confirm. Confided in my boss that I hate niggers. Turns out she hates them as well.
>t. black

