What does Sup Forums think about Proto-Indo-European language (PIE)?

What does Sup Forums think about Proto-Indo-European language (PIE)?

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Sanskrit master race, bitch.

Everything else is faggotry.

Lithuanian is closest to it

I've heard this alot, can you elaborate why?

Hope so, it is certainly one of the oldest




These aryan invasion theories deserve as much ridicule as black kangz shit t b h. Hindus are subhumans. What fucking gives?


>most widely accepted academic theory for the origins of Indo-European languages is the same as few niggers wewuzing
>croatian intellectuals

Only thing worse than a Slav is a Slav that licks German arse.

the steppe is the natural home of the white man
if you're not a yamnaya nationalist in 2017 you're a fag
we must reclaim the eurasian steppe for our people



Not.Suck.Thing pajeet.

Filthy romans brought their indoeuroshit and replaced our iberian language. Fuck them and fuck indoeuroshits.

Turks are subhuman cancer.



visigoths are also indoeuropean, unless your flag is basue. in that case shut up and cook for me

Iberia to a good degree had likely already been Indo-Europeanized, by Celts and other incursions who pretty much almost completely fucked over your male lineages from I/G/E to R1b

Thankfully I'm neither Slav nor German.

>aryan invasion theory approved
No it isn't.

fucking subhumans cant even just carry around a fucking plate in their bag?

jesus fuck

>No it isn't.
lol, no other theory at the moment compares with the Kurgan one(aka the PC name of the AIT), especially after the last couple of years ancient DNA results

Redpilled Brahmin here kek
When do you think so my ancestors reached India?
Was it migration or invasion
Harappa and Mohenjodaro vanished before we came here or we destroyed it?

aryan invasion is literally being proven by molecular genetics as you shitpost

30 years ago shitheads in academia ran around shitposting "u cnt prove dat every1 da same peaceful savage" so hard they fooled people. but the aryan invasion 99% most likely happened

Is that the gaelic language?

South Indians are our niggers, what do you expect?
They have no nationalism in them


who the fuck was the reard putting these two word together

your stereotypical poojeet is a local dravidian from the south

Fucking this we need to kidnap and murder the southees asap

Yeah sure. And Croats are from Iran meme is true. I'm fucking tired of this mythomania dragging this nation down. Mcfucking kill yourselves before it happens to you too, dumb larpers.

Look at India now. That's a sufficient proof. Always were subhuman and always will.

>brought brown eyes into Europe
>brought red hair into Europe
>brought freckles into Europe
>had effeminate, gracile bone structures
>also fucked up teeth
>too weak for regular atlatl usage, chose faggy bow instead
>brought degenerate agri lifestyle into Europe with shitty, long work days
>ended Chad tier hunter-gatherer lifestyle
>unironically eats (((grain)))
>unironically rides horses, which are actually just another form of big game to reasonable people
>genocided big dick Cro-Magnons to a point of near extinction, solely because the Ary*ns couldn't compete

Tell me what part of this wasn't a mistake.

>protip: you can't

>confusing early farmers from the neolithic with bronze age steppe nomads
never post again dumb nigger
this board sure earns its reputation as being full of illiterate chimps

notsofunny thing: there are eurofags who think '''''indo-european'''' is a thing

I've been studying Greek and Latin, which I assume are closer to the original PIE language, and I have to say the grammar is just way more elegant than in languages like French or English or Russian. Especially the Greek grammar.

everything is so regular and formalized in these neat patterns. You have one word and then you just modify it in a million predictable ways to get related meanings.

I know nothing about linguistics but I would be curious to know why this sort of thing 'degrades' over time. Also how the fuck it evolved in the first place

but its usually the pajeets who go 'we wuz chariot riders n sheeit'

>Hindus are subhumans. What fucking gives?

Dravidian blood.

i got hepatitis from this picture

>Croatian calling others subhuman

You should study Sanskrit.

We should found a transatlantic white ethnostate with sanskrit as the official language

In what way are the Visigorths any more "indo" than the Basques? Most Basque men have lineages that existed in Europe no more than 5,000 years.

I wonder who else would associate themselves with indians

southern brahmins have higher i scores

islam raped you hard. also they are only a little more dravidian than you

They all spoke a P.I.E.-based language, you spaghettinigger.


>They all spoke a P.I.E.-based language
>P.I.E.-based language
comedy gold, hardly anyone takes the anatolian hypothesis seriously anymore

No, the EEFs you're talking about spoke a Basque like language from the middle east. The indo-europeans came in later and killed them all.

They originated on the steppes of what is now southern Russia and spread westward into Europe via horse-folk during the late Neolithic and Bronze Ages and also southeastward into what is now Iran and India.

R1a and R1b for the win.

Or even a Rinsed large leaf for that matter.

aryans 3000 years ago fucked some even uglier poo girls and made indians

to their credit, they figured out it had been a mistake almost immediately because their children came out retarded an immediately instituted a caste system, you can see this in the genetic record by a thing that looks essentially like a cliff

the only interbreeding that took place had been during the initial invasions. even then europeans had been too accepting of other races. interbreeding took place during the initial period hen all the aryans thought "nah theyre not that retarded dey just need mo' dem programs"

they never realise the mistake until the kids come out retarded

Neolithic farmers sure did NOT speak a PIE language. They were related to (most likely Semitic speaking) agriculturalists from the Near East. PIE languages came to Europe when the Indoeuropeans STEAMROLLED Europe (as well as Harappa culture, BMAC, etc.) after being forced out of their Urheimat in the Pontic-Caspian steppe by climate change.

The farmer's language did not survive that (except as several substrata in nowadays PIE languages), however their genetics did in a way.

Inbred southern trash everyone! Absolute retards!

Koks tavo tikslas diskutuoti tema, nesusijusia su nūdienos temomis?
Tokiem tik per veida su abrūsu.

to be honest I don't know too much about the eastward expansion outside of the basics
but the dates of the andronovo culture match up quite well with the decline of the indus valley civilization. if I had to make a wild guess pulled out of my ass, I'd say it's likely that the domesticated horse brought diseases with them that helped lead to the decline of the ivc
that's honestly a tough one as well. if it were just a migration, you wouldn't expect their male haplogroup to become the dominant haplogroup almost everywhere it went, but it did. talking out of my ass again, but I'll go with it being a migration that incidentally happened to kill off a lot of the population due to disease.
the good news is we should continue getting more information pretty regularly. it's crazy how 10 years ago there were no genetic studies done on ancient remains, and now we have loads of bronze age skeletons full genetically sequenced


Biggest pile of crap theory after Anatolian hypothesis! Has been thorougly disproven by the most recent paleogenetic evidence. Pontic-Caspian steppe is the Urheimat ... period!

>most likely Semitic speaking
not really, neolithic Anatolia were of a completely different stock from the modern near east, Semitic language likely have their origins in the neolithic Iranians(as testified by the fact that Semites tend to be J1 and G2a is almost completely absent in the near east)
not to mention that by the time they were in Europe they had absorbed so much hunter gatherers that their language likely became a creole

at best those languages may have been related to Caucasian languages

I ... I had no idea.

I'm from based cowland literally called Goa (Go or Gau means cow)
Mudslimes never ruled us much, we have mostly brahmin population here, currently under Hindu Nationalist party BJP's rule
But lately lot of southern niggers are coming here and disrupting life, it's getting so bad that even normies are getting redpilled and want to throw them out


but pajeets will still claim they rode chariots from india to europe and gave them civilization

They most likely brought the plague. Yersinia pestis genome has been found in the bones from a proto-Indoeuropean burial. However, this ancient strain lacked several pathogenicity genes and was rather "tame" compared to the Medieval Black Death. Maybe still enough though to strongly affect populations which did not evolve a partial immunity.

Hitler used to believe that too.

Any data that shows which ydna iberians had?
Also let's assume they were R1b and celts introduced it, how did they came to be ~80% R1b without changing the language, culture and other stuff? Such replacement can't be possible.

I think we've spoken before on PIE and other Indo-European topics. You know what's up.

There aren't any southern Brahmins as such, all are from the North
We Brahmins have 5 subgroups who were from different regions in the north and have spread all over the country to teach the Vedas to the locals


take a look at this
it's not complete with all of the available samples but it should give you a hint

i swear you fuckin plebs look ridiculous trying to talk about linguistics when it's clear that 70%of you faggots has not even studied basic historic linguistics. i got 30/30 in my exam so i know shut the fuck up, now im going to eat my meal, cucks

no, he believed the opposite

he thought aryan god-men from Hyperborea who spoke german spread civilization to world but more specifically india

India is a cluster fuck of genetics and cultures.

It's what the Vedas say.

I don't like half niggers and i don't like indians

that doesnt change phylogeny

the visigoths came straight from the indoeuro homeland. ostrogoths probably spoke the closest you can get to pie langs as you can get in terms of grammar

really no bases to it, it was just some old linguist who made an observation with no proof at all


>You should study Sanskrit.
Yeah that would be super interesting. That is what the old HIndu religious texts are written in right?

the fuck are you talking about? Visigoths and ostrogoths both came from sweden and divided to west and east. hence the germanic names Visi for west and ost for east.

Rechecking Neolithic history I have to admit that I was wrong about tmy assumption ... was just a few thousand years off about the Akkadian influx into Mesopotamia. Thx for clarification. I focus more on genetics and tend to be quite sloppy about the linguistics....

Why do they call your language the most based?
Explan plox

What are you talking about? The term Indo-European has nothing to do with poos or races.

the aryan migration/invasion theory isn't that indians/iranians spread their language and religion into europe. it's that nomads who domesticated the horse in what is today ukraine and southern russia spread their language and religion from britain to india. sounds like you're confusing that with the out of india theory

you're confusing two very different events. the anatolians who brought agriculture into europe around 6500bc. they virtually wiped out the hunter gatherers living in areas like the balkans, while they mixed with the hunter gatherers further away in northern and western europe
then around 3500bc horse nomads from the steppe came and brought their language and the r1 male haplogroup
lct is being lactose tolerant, so the yamnaya were a bit better but still nothing compared to modern europeans, slc45a2 is one of the light skin pigments and it was higher in yamnaya than in the earlier europeans, herc2/oca2 are what give us blue eyes. highest in the early swedes, relatively low in the yamnaya, and tuscany level for the corded ware. other two are not phenotype related

well basque is a pre-bronze age language while visigothic is germanic and ultimately stems from the same language that sanskrit, russian, and greek all stem from

They domesticated horses before anybody else-that's why they took over. It was an economic advantage rather than anything racial.

summarize the indoeuopean migration for us then Dr mario

vedas say fair skinned warriors (aryans) came and fucked up demonic black beings (dasyus). But they never mentioned anything about nordic mysticism and hyperborea.

It does, but from ages ago. Some Indians are Indo-European, many are not.

It needs a better acronym.

they're inbred like kikes but they are still higher in intelligence

the northerners had caste abolished by islam. it only takes one generation to destroy a gene pool

northerners might be better organised or less corrupt or something but they are clearly not smarter. scientists only come out of iran or southern india, places islam barely touched

Yes, it was and still is a language for religious use, that's why it's spoken by very few yet never got extinct

>the visigoths came straight from the indoeuro homeland

I may not be up to date on every prehistory meme, but user...


Yes. Everything.
We can also study Sanskrit in schools. In some schools it's mandatory. In others, its elective subject.

>the aryan migration/invasion theory isn't that indians/iranians spread their language and religion into europe. it's that nomads who domesticated the horse in what is today ukraine and southern russia spread their language and religion from britain to india. sounds like you're confusing that with the out of india theory

nope youre just trying hard to include a european bases to this aryan invasion, the aryans came from what is now Georgia and spread north east into ukraine and then east to poo land

Of course not, they didn't knew they were just attacked, but germans should know.


they came from the ukraine. they stopped by the nordics and raped a bit before going south. during the collapse of rome it couldnt be discerned if they had been real nords on orses or eastern horsement coming from the nroth

turns out they had been ukrainians driven out of the ukraine by the huns

EEFs had very very little genetic mingling with the hunter gatherers of Europe as they spread. They don't appear to have wiped them out either, instead simply taking all the prime agricultural land and leaving the hunter-gatherers encapsulated.

Looking at similar situations today, the farmer side of these things doesn't seem to really pick up the H-G language or creolize. Rather, the H-Gs are forced to adopt farmer speak.

Some remained behind in Crimea.

Also, they most likely were the first to produce iron weapons. Might still argue that they had a racial predisposition for technological innovation. Mesopotamians may have developed agriculture ... but that's about it. After reaching a status quo their cultural development simply ... stopped. You have to consider: agriculture requires cyclic thinking, the cycle of sowing and harvesting must go on and on uninterrupted unless you want failing crops and mass starvation. It also allowed the gentically less fit to survive, favoured a reproductive strategy of high birth rates while at the same time releasing the evolutionary pressure on intellect and resourcefulness. Higher population density also meant that diseases ran rampant and from a nutrishional viewpoint their diet was one-sided and promoted malnourishment.

because its not a pleb tier language such as:

then tell me hy their brains are bigger the larger % of ancestry they have?

>EEFs had very very little genetic mingling with the hunter gatherers of Europe as they spread
but that's wrong, by the time they were in Iberia in the middle late neolithic they had a sizeable HG component to them, and moreover, the hunter gatherer paternal lineage even took over the farmer one as the most common, which is something still visible to this day in Sardinia, where G2a is at a lower frequency than I2a, especially in the archaic areas of the island
even a simple PCA shows a strong variation from the early anatolian farmers towards late neolithic Iberian ones

in fact, it seems they very much included the hunter gatherers among them

>but germans should know.

there isn't a correspondence in german mythology, in fact the Æsir gods (Odin, Thor, etc.) were said to come from asia minor.