Why does Sup Forums deny the fact that Ancient Egyptians were black?

Why does Sup Forums deny the fact that Ancient Egyptians were black?

Are you that threatened by black excellence? While Europeans lived in savages we ran this large empire in human history and built the Great Pyramids (something white savages could never dream of doing in those times).

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Ancient Egyptians looks like my shit, i always make sure i flush them so they don't start rapping


Look at the reply to this image of a black queen from butthurt racist white subhumans.


>Why does Sup Forums deny the fact that Ancient Egyptians were black?

Because they weren’t.
Ancient Egyptians looked more like Rami Malek than Beyon-say. And you guys didnt’t build The Great Pyramids. Y’all built the “eh, iss allrite” pyramids down in Nubia (pic related). Then you got your shot culturally appropriated and the Egyptians used Nubian and Jewish slaves to build the Great Pyramids.
Why don’t more blacks just groove on the “we wuz Nubian kangz” instead of trying to culturally appropriate Egypt?

See Keep trying to steal/erase our history white devil.


You didn’t invent peanut butter either.

ancient egyptians were the last of the blacks
they have mixed with other races for thousands of years, to the point where they are mostly brown today.

don't be fooled, brother

They weren't black, they were EGYPTIANS.

Just go look at what egyptians look nowadays, do they look anything like black men??? They look more like arabs to me.

Its simple they are NOT NIGGERS
>pick related Egyptian army

Why is OP so insecure that he or she has to grasp on to every culture that achieved anything as if it would change their current present self? The shit is sad and it's honestly just pathetic to most people these days who don't have their head up their ass.

Here's the truth. Africans got one dynasty of the Egyptians. One. The last one before it crumbled down. Not a coincidence that it fails after a certain group of people are steering the ship I'd say. All the previous dynasties were held by a mix of Europeans, Eurasians and Mediterraneans.
Incorrect. The kikes cut off the nose to hide the truth and they use that detail to convince you and others like you of all kinds of afrocentric WE WUZ bullshit so you take the heat off them and help pave the way for their globalist agenda.

Why deny lies? Well because they are not true, subsaharan africans are not egiptian, only nubias were briefly pharahos

They were semitic people not niggers lmao.

Get hit by a truck you smelly spic

xaxaxaxaxaxaxa niggers eternally BTFO by every race on the planet...

the word afro comes from pharaoh
dat bitch cut samson's fro and stole his powers

Because they werent, and even jewed scientists who support the out of Africa theory don't claim that Eegyotians (or carthaginians for that matter) were black

T. 99.4 percent european DNA, 0.6 percent Egyptian dna

Because of this exciting new area of science called genetics. Ancient Egypt was built by whites. The Blacks moved in and it went to shit a few years later. This is fact.

So you sayin we wuz kangz?

>Tfw no Korean girls around to marry.

actually thats something the Muslims did when they conquered Egypt as a sign of smashing the main pointing feature of idolatry within those statues. It was also a Greek and Roman custom done to deface a conquered enemy, but not because they were niggers. You fucking sudanese faggot


You don't have any culture. It's a genetic fact that you have nothing in common with the Ancient Egyptians. Deal with it. Maxx Plank institute.

Maybe if you stopped trying to take other people's culture you would have something more than Kiwanza, FUBU, and Kanye West.

blacks were always savage subhumans. not once in history have they accomplished anything of importance

fuck you , you and your imaginery black ''excellence''

Now this is shitposting. Have a (you)

Wtf she's part white when some slave owner banged her great-great-great-grandma. That's how her skin color is able to match that of Ancient Egyptians. But in reality DNA shows that Egypt is a mixture of proto-Asiatic and White genes.

Sub-Sahara blacks like her ancestors were harvested as slaves - their skin color would be pitch dark during that time.


MLK actually was white. As you can see in this image that removed the blackface makeup he wore in public.

please be real

idc about your post but the picture is retarded. she is 100% not egyption at all. she's clearly bantu+possibly hispanic or white. what a stupid cunt.

We wuz pharaohs n shiiieet is just sad at this point

Who the fuck cares? Ancient Egypt is literally ancient history. It's interesting, but irrelevant.

And if Egypt's the most recent civilization black people have to be proud about you've got bigger problems than you think.

An arab is more egyptian then a junglebaboon


Like pottery

Fuck off nigger.

>We wuz Kangz.
Lets say this is true.
That means that the kangz were completely, utterly, and absolutely defeated by the Persian empire and occupied. Their excellence couldn't even thwart a foreign invasion.
Not only this.
But they basically fell to their knees in praise when Alexander the Great conquered Egypt from the Persians. They hailed him a savior and a liberator and fell over themselves to adopt Hellenistic culture.
That means KANGZ were fucking falling over one another to get fucked raw by big strong Greek and Macedonian and take their seed.
You fucking cucks practically begged to get BLEACHED.

>Basketball-Americans descended from West Africans are the same as the North Africans who built the Pyramids
try again negro


Fuck she’s hot

i don't give a shit about Egypt and even less about ancient Egypt.
Keep living in your fantasy world nigger, at least there your tribe is considered human.

brownies will never be kangs #trueblack



Can you walk from wadi halfa, closest negro settlement to aswan?


Everyone knows ancient Egyptians were Aryan.

> niggers havent build anything ever
> expects me to believe they build one of the greatest architectural achievements ever
Try with something else

I just feel bad for niggers.
Imagine being a member of a race that has been so completely worthless that you feel compelled to steal the history of innocent Egyptians.
If they didn't make believe they would have nothing.

>small and very easy to be eroded

Ugh, i can smell her just looking at the pic

>While Europeans lived in savages we ran this large empire in human history and built the Great Pyramids (something white savages could never dream of doing in those times).



Actually that's a rather inaccurate thing you said there. The people who live in that region have lived in that region for thousands upon thousands upon thousands of years. The people who are there today are the people who are there then. That's more or less than actual the middle eastern thing. My understanding they were only kind of dark and up in that it was only in the last hundred or 200 years that they started darkening up. That's by the genetic testing. Theres a guy on YouTube who covers this stuff.

Wtf i love korea now



They weren't dark. That's the only thing I can answer confidently. The people who live there today aren't either.

I just don't care desu

Wait user they were in Egypt for 70 years so they obviously created it despite it existing for thousands before.

That looks completely unreal what did you find that picture?

Egyptians aren't black and even if they were their empire still got made irrelevant by the Greeks, the Romans, the Persians, the Babylonians, and other groups.

Africans were used as slaves in Egypt, sorry to burst your bubble that has no oxygen that your brain would need...

Ghaddafi was The King of Kings of Africa.

>Imagine being a member of a race that has been so completely worthless that you feel compelled to steal the history of innocent Egyptians.
they rly do believe that they were egyptians. average black IQ is 80 dont forget about that. low IQ invididuals rarely feel bad about such things

real black, true africans are an endangered species. In africa, the darker you are the more powerful, royal.
they know that missionaries want to make them all brownies, forcing them to breed with whites, so the blackest are protected,

Because Egyptians aren't

ancient egyptians were not sub saharan dark skinned negroes, they were arabs and more olive skinned and the ones of higher social class were lighter of skin as with all cultures across the globe, the darker the skin the lower the class because guess who is out there workin the fields like the good field hands they are the sub saharan slaves just like the slaves the muslims keep today.

why does nobody on here ask the egyptians ?

Egypruans never really had any black influence, they were ones who influenced the dumb negroes in khartoum.

Travel to Africa was impossible from Egypt.

>ancient egyptians were not sub saharan dark skinned negroes

>arabs are black
you have to be 18 to post on this board kiddo

the concept is simple

I can't promise, but I will try my best. No one can promise, not even the gods.
believing in promises was what led to the end of the british empire.

>egyptians arent egyptian but arabic
>north africans arent north african but arabic
>sudanese arent black but arabic
>somalia isnt somalian black butbarabic
>negro intellectuals


Maybe it's because the only languages in the whole history of humanity, that weren't capable of conveying abstract thought, were those constructed by black people. Meaning, you are incapable of abstract thought, and the black race is incapable of ruling over anything.

black lives matter, OP
find the blackest woman you can, and make blacker babies


So she was italian?

italy was conquered by africans and they ruled for a long time, also spain

By Arabs you mean.

No, I mean Africans. Italy and Spain still have a large black population.


Arabs were originally dark skinned people.


Are you trolling?

I wish this ebony goddess sat on my face

You look like your shit



You've never haven't heard of the Moorish wars?

Serious question here, but what is with black people and their delusions of grandeur lately?

We Wuz:

> Jews
> Egyptians
> First English settlers
> American inventors
> Only people in the world to be enslaved
> etc.

When your race has achieved nothing ever you need a way to cope.

Semites were dark skinned, Egyptians were dark for the most part.
I'm sorry you weren't educated properly.

Fuck off nigger

Trump preparing to invade Africa:

How about you niggers fuck off back to Egypt then?


she needs to be colonized

The yellow peril is real


Friendly reminder to pull the trigger on every nigger

Its true that there were black Egyptians and a couple black pharaohs but as a whole Egyptians weren't black, closer to arabs