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People who believe this shit are retards.
So a woman who holds a political position doesn't hold political power?
Beliefs require no temporal power to exist.
anyone who accepts this """"logic"""" should never be allowed in any position of authority. And I don't mean like a government, they should never be in charge of anything. They shouldn't be in charge of taking orders at mcdonalds, even.
>women have no institutional power
>women face less time in prison for the same crime
Pick one
>there are no women involved in politics, economics, and none hold any posts at any institution
It's just her time of the month is all
>No such thing as reverse racism
Correct, that's just called racism
>There is no such thing as reverse...
yes there is.
>Women cannot be "just as sexist as men"
yes they can
>because they do not hold political, economic, and institutional power
yes they do.
jesus christ destroying that was hard.
Minorities and women actually have more institutional power over straight white men. I would argue economically as well, since straight white men mostly fund the gibs.
>While women can be just as prejudiced as men, women cannot be "just as sexist as men" because they do not hold political, economic, and institutional power.
Oppression is defined as discriminating against those without power. Racism and sexism are forms of oppression. Are you literate, or..?
This is basically them stating: "You will be victimized because I said so."
Your options are:
1. Shut up and pretend to agree (student mode, pussy mode, machiavellian mode)
2. Violence
Choose your fate.
Their "let's just sneakily change a definition and repeat it until people accept it" thing is one my biggest annoyances with the left.
that fact that you take this retarded logic seriously, makes me question your IQ, this proves that feminism is insidious and self-serving by definition.
No, that would make her responsible for her actions which isn't possible for an oppressed group(anyone not white, male and straight) since it would imply the ability to do wrong which is ludicrous because everything is oppression.
>no matter what, women and minorities will always be inferior to white men and therefore cannot be in a position of power to be racist
I dunno guys it sounds right to me
>There is no such thing as reverse racism or reverse sexism
I agree, because it's retarded to pretend that racism/sexism is magically a different thing, makes it easier to cover up/dismiss.
>we're going to redefine words without any authority and now you can't use those words in the original context...white cis scum!
They're their own worst enemy. This sort if shit just pisses normies off
So they're admitting men have the power? Nice. Now we can recognizing everything that's going on lately as what it is. An attempt at a power grab. Why should men go quietly? Let's hear that argument.
Thanks for setting me straight, user.
I am mad as hell
Power is a meaningless, nebulous concept that constantly changes in every environment and situation. Unless you show me official state regulations that prohibit x from attaining power over others in the legal, executive or judiciary systems on the grounds of sex or race then your point is moot.
They’re right, there is no “reverse racism,” that’s just called racism.
Where the fuck do the "new meanings" even come from?
There are only two kinds of feminists: ignorant feminists and retarded feminists. The ignorants are the ones who don't truly know what they are supporting, they just believe on dumb slogans like muh equality between genders. The retarded feminists are the ones who do understand what they are supporting and even though it makes no sense they still support it.
Women make up most of the voting population
the idea that only certain racial groups are capable of bad behaviors and certain racial groups are not is in itself racist by classical definition
Leftist brainlets generally don't do a good job a thinking things through. Leftism is intellectual laziness after All
Finding fault with a female's actions is anti-women and thus sexist. The very idea that women are fallible is sexist. In 2017 there's only us and them, no justice.
>you can only be hateful when you're better than someone!
> women do not possess political or social power
But what about these ones?
or these?
Hillary doesn't count?
> it is wrong for one group to do a thing
> when a different group does a thing it is completely acceptable and fair
my jimmies have been compromised
so it's about the misperception of true power.
blacks are extremely oppressed. the open door policy for niggers acceptance to universities is devastating. the free food and housing might as well be a holocaust. the media and commercial bias towards shining a bright light on niggers is sickening for the african american community. imagine being black and having everything handed to you and NEVER being held responsible for your actions. wow whites are oppressive and mean.
down with the patriarchy
>there are supreme court justices who are female
>there are female legislators
>there are female CEOs
>there was nearly a female president
>"b- but we're just like actual minorities! we have no representation or power! more gibs and outrage pity please!"
yeah, fuck off. that's all there is to say on the matter
Hey man, don't make fun of the retarded
I guess it worked then.
My boss is a woman. If she was "prejudiced" against men and used the power that she has over me to make my life miserable, would she be sexist?
Racism is racism is racism
sexism is sexism is sexism
Fairness and Justice can only truly exist when we Uphold The Individual and every man and woman is responsible for their free actions.
Is she also black?
They just made that up! These hyper liberal commie professors write the freaking textbooks! They just make up shit and it becomes curriculum. Like the pronouns they invented, Ze and zey and all that other made up shit. It's disgusting and should be illegal. Now the textbooks are WRONG! Reverse racism absolutely does exist. Everything can have an opposite.
Crypto-dub Ayyyy
Lain Acknowledged and Approved senpai.
Germany has a female president, look how great their society has been doing. There wont be a natural European German in less than a half century. Progress!!
there is no end of time if you reverse entropy. Stupid humans.
lose the aids flag and come back when you're ready for a serious discussion
Yes, that is an opinion.
I didn't ask you.
>Are you literate, or..?
sounds pretty classist user
I am glad I am not on twitter or facebook and that I am not american. I just feel smugly superior when I read posts like those contained in OP and not angry.
classic incoming
thats too bad HIV-man
power is not singular and binary, stupid whore
"Reverse racism" as people call it is literally just racism. People defend it because they twist the definition of racism to mean something else entirely, normally involving positions of power. If there was ever such a thing as reverse racism, it would be the liberals acting like anyone who's not white or a man being totally incapable of literally anything and basically being handicapped because of their sex or race. It's blatant racism disguised as being an "ally".
>being racist against whites is not racism, it's reverse racism!
>also reverse racism isn't a thing!
Make up your minds.
you can oppress an individual without oppressing a larger group. this who racism=prejudice+power is a good stipulative definition for ease of discussion but it too simplistic. if you’re talking about institutional power then you’ve lost the argument because you’re saying that i, or any other white person has access to the institutional power, instead of merely benefiting from it. to say the cops are racist is one thing, but when you define racism as power then you’re saying i exercise control over how the cops treat me because of my skin color.
say you’re black, if you define racism as power+prejudice then you’re arguing that those dumbshit poor rednecks who call you a nigger have some sort of power over you, which they don’t really die to being dumb and poor.
>serious discussion
racism is not a form of oppression
it's simple natural behavior.
birds of a feather fly together
free education 4u
paid 100k to some old college to teach you a whole load of horseshit, lmao
The funny thing is, the paper which came up with the whole power+prejudice explicitly explained it only applies to institutional racism, as in for it to be institutional, there has to be both prejudice and power to enforce it. It explicitly said to not ever apply this dynamic to person-to-person racism.
Whoever it is, they're right. There is no 'reverse' sexism, it's just being straight up sexist. Same with racism, genderism, whatever. Like tell me that 'for women by women' vegan sandwich shop in England isn't sexist. Oh sure, you seat women first and charge men more and generally treat men as less than women, but I guess that's just life, right?
The issue is that they conflate race and sex with class, which isn't necessarily true.
Ill take pointless, etymological arguments for 400 Alex.
There is no such this as racism because non whites are not human.
Ugh, so problematic you nazi.
Women may have positions of power in institutional systems, but they don't have institutional power because they're systematically oppressed by the invisible laws of the patriarchy. Ugh. You have to be a woman to understand. Check your privilege.
I'm sure you'll feel the same when an army of (((peaceful refugees))) washes up on your shores
If this is true then it is OK to call Obama a nigger, it's not racist because I certainly don't hold "political, economic, or institutional power" over a former POTUS.
Racism is racism and sexism is sexism. There is no reverse.
> winning in courts every fucking time
> forcing courts to take unlawful decisions under threat of major chimpout
What is it if not holding institutional power?
Of course they hold it not for themselves, they hold it for the Eternal Anglo in it`s proxy war against straight white male, that is not happen to be a part of anglosaxons and freemasons.
No, tribalism is natural behavior. Racism is a recent social/political trend.
Cultural Marxism, folks. 'Racist' is just a concept used to target the cultural/racial 'bourgeois' that is whites. White people are more successful than other cultures so to the Marxist this shows we are abusing other groups and need to be 'overthrown'. Stop trying to win with their language.
It's bullshit. Racism and sexism themselves are vague meaningless slur terms constructed by leftists and constantly redefined to attack their political opponents. Anti-whites and man-haters exist.
It's all about deconstructing white tribalism. What the rest do don't really matter to the enlightened Marxist.
This shows my point. Only white people can be racist. Stop fretting over natural behavior practiced by every group on earth.
Shouldn't you be steaming up a bowl of soy or something?
The hold social power, which is more powerful than all those things combined. They rule the world through empathy-baiting and social herd mentality without even having a job.
>Oppression is defined as
By whomst? Leftist academics with ideological biases?
no, you're just manipulating the blatant truth because it doesn't reinforce your insane perspective or argument.
> women have positions of power in institutional systems
> women don't have power in institutional systems
this is what arguing with a liberal is like?
>women can't commit "hypergamy", they can marry into a higher social status, but "hypergamy" implies marrying into a higher social status + institutional power
>POC can't commit "murder", they can unlawfully deprive another of life, but "murder" requires unlawfully deprive another of life + institutional power
>muslims cannot commit "jihad", they can partake in a religious revolution, but "jihad" requires partaking in a religious revolution + institutional power
They're literally just moving the goal posts. Redefining age-old words into newspeak so they can monopolize on words as powerful as "racist"/"sexist" without being criticized as a hypocrite for their own views.
>Their "let's just sneakily change a definition and repeat it until people accept it" thing is one my biggest annoyances with the Jews.
Not goalpost moving. Cultural Marxism. They have created a perfect slur that can only be used to target straight white male etc.
something something conglomerated power
something something individuals
something something zero sum game
>unironically believing this
Why are you surprised? CULTURAL MARXISM. It's time to start calling them out for it. It's an anti-success ideology and it's where all their bullshit comes from.
STOP: There is no such thing as antisemitism or anti-Zionism (or the reverse of any form of anti goy sentiments). While goyim can be just as prejudiced as Jews, goyim cannot be "just as racist as Jews" because they do not hold political, economic, and institutional power.
Fpbp as usual
bitch is retarded.
By the way, if Sup Forums was as quick to name commies as they are Jews, we might actually win over people and start forcing institutional changes.
Seems like a fine way to do to a group the very same things that you claim they did to you but actually didn't m8s.
she is semite
not even surprised man... just tired of this sort of bullshit getting me down. day of the rope when?
>Oppression is defined as discriminating
Oppression is oppression, not discrimination
Does this mean it was impossible to be racist towards Obama while he was president?
Lel. Check this out goy, we can't have boycotts of Israel because there are Jews in Israel. Look at the other atrocities being committed around the world. Not just Jews are doing it. You're anti-semitic if you want to hold Israel accountable for doing bad things.
We were working on American ideas of peoplehood and tribe before the Marxists showed up. It's origins were in the European Enlightenment and Imperial eras, and we could already see without the goading of the Marxists that some additions to the idea were artificial to begin with.
But, we don't need it. America set out to do what is new, and it has worked well enough that we should be proud of it as an example to others.
The only reason the Marxists want to get on the ride is to hijack it, prevent that last part, and get us to cave into their collective ideology.
Keep polarizing, I don't give a fuck.