"It's ok to be white" nazi-posters campaign

I've read the news of those posters saying "It's ok to be white" posted throughout my campus and I've backtracked the origin to this place:


There are a few things I want to make it clear.

I and my peers know that this was no "simple troll", this is an active an national white supremacist coordinated attack on PoC, LGBTQ and anyone who isn't a strait white male. The message might seem "banal" to some(the ones blinded by their white privilege usually) but saying "It's okay to be white" is akin to saying "White Lives Matter", and we all know what that REALLY means and what kind of people use those disgusting, hateful expression. These are expression asserting white supremacy over others.

I'm glad to see that the university responded while also reaffirming their embrace of diversity. While I feel the response to be weak in some aspects/(they don't address any plan to do in order to assure PoC students feel safe, future diversity programs, etc.) this just goes to show how every Academic institution out there is strongly against bigoted losers.

Hope they find the perpetrators of this and that they are accordingly punished(both university AND police are looking into this). For all the neo-nazis, Sup Forums users and white supremacists that think this is acceptable or "funny" please know that every decent human loathes your guts and that you are in the wrong side of history.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck drumpf and fuck white people


Are you saying "it's not okay to be white"?

so its not okay to be white?

I mean, white people keep acting like this, why is it surprising that other start to hate them? It almost natural reaction to centuries of oppression, colonization and enslavement.

Nice bait faggot, try harder next time

>whites getting mad at each other
As a spic, I honestly don't give a fuck about these posters. We have brown pride so why can't whites have the same?
Not like they're all part of the KKK

2/10. At least you tried to bait.

You know very well what I meant, don't play dump.

White supremacist dog whistles are still white supremacist.

same, I would side with whites against niggers and kikes.

Looks like the sand nigger from this video found our home youtu.be/pOl1fFMseLw

I'm not afraid of this white supremacist site, you are a bunch of sad, bigoted losers.

Why isn't it ok to be white?

>calls us bigots
>takes down signs he doesn't agree with
you're fucking dumb.
a literal retard

whit supremacy makes no sense. ashkenazi jews and some south east asian countries have far higher iq averages than whites globally. no one here is a white supremacist you dummy.

Nothing wrong with what she said. That's why you can't use arguments and just call her vile racist terms.

Eat wise plant

Of course I take a white supremacist sign that that originated on this neo-nazi website.

You are the one who said your opinions are based on race hate right here. Hypocrite.

Most normal people don't care, what got your thong in twist.
>big bad nazi's make these posters
>doesn't take into consideration that a majority of us here think nazis are retarded as fuck
> most of us here wouldn't be racist of we didn't have this forced multiculturalism, we are fine with other races when they live in their own country

Literally nothing you said contained any actual real life connection. You just spouted and connected non real general concepts. That's why no one is going to care about this. If they do on some level though, I strongly agree that the perpetrators of these signs needs to be extraordinarily severely punished.

This is one of the biggest websites in the world you dumb cunt. Anyone can come here. How can it be a neo-nazi site when we have to listen to your boring, ignorant, anti-white racist drivel?

Is that like bracktracing?

>t. fuckkkdrumpf
You’re an excellent shit poster my man, keep up the good work on plebbit

Nazis made fun music


>I strongly agree that the perpetrators of these signs needs to be extraordinarily severely punished

That means you're a fascist.

I'll shamelessly use your shit thread to promote the following two infographics.

POLLACKS(not commie fags) LISTEN UP:


>Involvement with terrorist groups such as The Weathermen and anarchists from Syria
>Involvement from church members who housed political reunions and promote the rallies
>The intermediary organizations, such as charities, used by the likes of George Soros to finance these groups

This is not a drill, this is important information. If you can, we ask that you share it, it was made purposefully to be "normie shareable". Thank you.


wait till you hear about the Jews my guy...

This is ass bait

-NO OFFENSIVE POSTER PLACEMENT (over other social justice posters, etc)

So you're saying it's not okay to be white. Racist.

Bump quality threads and stop falling for commie baits. You get the Sup Forums you deserve. If this turns into t_D or Sup Forums 2.0 it is the fault of those who underestimated the power of Sup Forums. It can be used either for good or for evil, make sure to do your part. Strength is the only true currency.

This. Usually memeflags are shills, but this is good advice

> Anarchists flag
> Wants to censor what you say

oh lawdy

It's okay to be white.

Is This hovering in the air?

Because they're obviously harmful to a peaceful society, and at the age they're presumably at they should receive life changing punishments, lest they think it's okay to carelessly invoke hatred in people again.

>OP doesn't answer this
really makes you think

quit being so bigoted towards white people

How is it invoking hatred? The only people who could be offended by this are people who don't think it's ok to be white. They're the racist cunts. Punish them.

Seriously, if you are here we won. God you ppl are so soft and squishy,
Now >pic related


try harder, faggot

Minorities could hold resentment over relatively recent, even if the most egregious occasions were two or three centuries ago, interactions with European peoples. Posting something like this is carelessly and needlessly invocative and the people who did it need to be punished.

fuck you too, nigger

You can call me a white supremacist all you want but I can assure you I’m darker than you

This is an anime website.

>mfw Hillary lost and her pedogang's about to get inprisoned.

Anyone have billboard sign money? Where are the rich anons when you need em

White people were attacked YESTERDAY by muslims in New York. Is it not okay to be muslim today?

I think you're looking to much into this. Its just a sign that says its ok to be white. There's nothing wrong with being white, is there?

Guess what?

It's okay to be White.

I enjoyed this

Just proving my point that the hateful posters originated from here.

The university has already contacted the police & both are looking into this, reviewing camera footage and trying to find the culprit(s).

I know that you bigoted fools don't leave the basement much, but in the real words spreading white supremacist posters is an criminal offense!

Checked mane

Maybe whites should be allowed to live in separate communities, as well as literally any other denomination?


I did it
Now come get me faggoys


If the "attacks" on muh PoC are putting up signs saying its okay to be white then are they really attacks? or are you just a offense junkie looking for a fix?

Only crazy people hear dog whistles

fuck off racist pig fuck

And just what criminal charges do you think someone would get for this? Or can you admit that you are just a fag?

Here's your participation (you) for a top quality larp

Lol. Your reaction and hysteria is exactly the point of these posters user. The best thing ever for those making these posters is the most vocal and oration all reaction possible. In fact if I had set up this program and really wanted it to make an impact I would post them and then have an organized reporting campaign against them so as to draw much more attention to them. That would be even more effective and really drive home the message to those who it's meant to target

So tell us.
Is it not okay to be white?
I can post proce of being a spic if you wish


>they are accordingly punished(both university AND police are looking into this).
"Hate" speech is free speech.


Erwins men did for sure. if only it was him at the helm things would be very different today.

"Ive traced it back to this place"

>vpn flag

Your troll is showing

reee its not ok to be white reee

This website hosts all kinds of people from all walks of life, yourself included at this very instant; you'd be floored if you knew how successful and connected some anons are. If ever there was a true melting pot - in the only way that matter: ideas - then it's this place. Maybe that's why you can't stand it here? The only thing that separates anyone here, for a brief moment, is the value that they bring to a discussion.

Assuming you're genuine then the fact that you are here means that the campaign is working.

You have no actual argument to decry "It's OK to be white" other than to claim you can read minds and thus know for a fact that everyone else is secretly conspiring to keep you down. That makes you the lunatic, not us.

Free speech and free expression aren't crimes.

You take us way too seriously antifag


>implying a newfag would know how to use memeflags
Shitty larp

Yes, the people who did this probably shouldn't be allowed somewhere where people are trying to achieve a higher education. What they've done is mindless, hateful, and desperately needs to be punished.

So it's not ok to be white? Racist.

OP is a weak beta male.
Probably larping too.

There is nothing Nazi about saying "It's okay to be white."

But you will continue to destroy your own movement. Your anti-white agenda will fail because of how hypocritical you are.

>"No it doesn't mean other lives don't matter just that black lives matter too!"

>"You're saying I don't belong here?!?!"


You said right here you hate white people because of centuries of oppression, colonization and enslavement. You just hate white people. That's your problem with this. You literally don't think it's okay to be white. Admit it.

By your logic, it's ok for white people to hate muslims because of centuries of oppression, colonization and enslavement. Did you know that Spain was occupied by Arab muslims for over 700 years? That Turkey used to be Greek-speaking and Christian? That the Ottoman Turks enslaved over a million Europeans and many more Africans? Muslims raped literally millions of white people within my lifetime and murdered tens of thousands more. They are colonising our countries by the millions. There are about 4 million muslims in the UK right now. Should we hate all muslims on this basis and say it's not okay to be muslim?



Do you know how I know you're false flagging?

>you are in the wrong side of history
>in... ?
>implying sides exist, and it's not just winners and losers

4/10 larp -
Back to (((reddit))) with you please. we're full.

You are right. Welcome to Sup Forums my new friend.

Fucking white guys appropiating buddhist levitation

>desperately needs to be punished.

For saying it's okay to be white?
It is okay to be white.
Furthermore, it's free speech to say so.
So you can shove your commie ideals up your ass.

Suck my brown cock, cunt.

You should be ashamed of yourself for being so thinskinned that the statement "It's okay to be White" triggers you souch.

I'm off to get some beer to get comfy for tonight :)

>mfw people think they’re answering an american
>mfw the fun flag is always a dead giveaway
>mfw OP won’t do shit except be a third world mongrel who hates white people and envies everything about them

No, what these people doing is extremely mindless and the only discernible goal is to invoke hate. The people that did this very truly should be reprimanded.

PDF as requested. Please use this from now on. I've tried to replicate it as best as possible.


>OK Hitler
>that get

Quads for the kill

>What they've done is mindless, hateful
>and desperately needs to be punished
For what?

you're a retard.

it's okay to be black. do you think that's a hateful statement too?

>The people that did this very truly should be reprimanded.

Thats what the people who hung them wanted you to say. Good job.