Why can't Drumpf be more like Bush says Schumer
Why can't Drumpf be more like Bush says Schumer
What a waste of space
>Why won't you suck Muslim cock like Bush did?????
Reminder that W. visited a mosque the day after 9/11 and repeated the "moderate Muslim" meme in front of it.
someone pls post the trump tweet btfo'ing cryin cuck schumer
>Quit calling me out for my shitty immigration policies Trump. You're supposed to be bringing us together.
t. Cuck Schumer
I get that Schumer's not a fan of Trump, but for fuck's sake, in what way was Trump's response to the terror attack unacceptable? I wish these people would elaborate a bit!
>Cuck Jewmore
We need to start bombing Uzbekistan immediately! Or may be bomb wherever that Visa Lottery concept came from, that should work as well.
>Why can't you just attack random muslim countries and get us into a mess that will last for decades and kill hundreds of thousands of people?
What did he mean by this?
>cryin' chuck
Yeah, be like Bush and use terror attacks to fuel more fucking war in the Middle East, making it harder for terrorists to get into the country is racist
Liberalism was a mistake.
he is just extra butthurt from when Trump owned his ass on a tweet this morn
pic related
He is trying to distance himself from that fact he brought two terrorists into the nation.
That's a very effective tweet--succinct and devastating. I can see why Schumer is assblasted. But to cite Bush of all people as a shining example of a President who exercises strong leadership is just insane. These people are so two-faced.
Actions like more snooping in citizens' lives? Limiting citizens with all kinds of anti-terrorist acts?
Religion peace standard small trucking of peace is few orders of magnitude smaller than 9 fucking 11.
Saw this earlier. He's really comparing 9/11 to this attack?
And yes, let Trump go to war in two countries because of the attack.
Chuck Schumer is a lying piece of partisan shit.