Is Laura Loomer mentally retarded?
Is Laura Loomer mentally retarded?
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she's false flagging
she is mental. keep far away
How do we stop Jewish people's racism?
years of Jewish inbreeding has led to a high prevalence of Schizophrenia among the Chosenites.
She's a jew so you answered your own question.
We predicted this
ITT: muslims getting exposed
Insane and also unbelievably ugly.
Take pleasure in knowing she was probably known as "rat-face mcgee" throughout middle school
AHAHA. unrelated but I literally saw a Muslim in Domino's right after this attack happened. She was asking Domino's to take off the bacon on her sandwich. I was like oh shit they are literally everywhere now and dumb as fuck. DONT ORDER A FUCKING chicken BACON ranch sandwich and expect them to not put bacon on it because of hijab. fuck sakes.
>can I have the chicken sandwich but with no bacon?
>can I have a burger with no cheese?
Sorry user, gonna have to side with her.
>can I have a cheeseburger with no cheese
you would side with her, you're retarded
learn how to analogy JESUS!
Is there a chicken sandwich at dominos without bacon?
>can you please not order the fish honey, it's friday
see what I did there?
yeah, chicken parm, sweet and spicy chicken, lots /
Is the chicken bacon sandwich different in any other way besides bacon?
Are you on a spectrum perchance?
she could have ordered a chicken veggie, literally the same with no bacon, stfu you fucking stupid
I'm kind of liking her Islamophobia.
Laura Loomer's Dirty Bloomers
Fuck you fucking faggot
Maybe she just wanted the ranch
Yes. That is all. End of thread
Her pet subject is Muslims.
Similar to how Little Ben always goes on about trannies.
Or how Milo talks about free speech.
Or how Cernovich talks about masculinity.
Or how Ann Coulter talks about how nothing is a wall or fighting immigration.
Reminder she raped some poor Sup Forumslack. Try not to vomit.
Hey now, don't lump in Shapiro with those other clowns
I get that Miss Shapiro is decent, but Benji is worse than Cernovich when it comes to debates. The only topic the once aspiring rabbi does well on is arguing against trannies as otherwise he's largely in agreement with the Democrats on foreign and domestic policy.
>0 replies to that thread
A jew hating sandniggers who want to kill all jews. Seriously mental, yeah.
>Benji is worse than Cernovich when it comes to debates
You can disagree with him on certain issues all you want, but you have to admit he's the only one you mentioned who's a competent if not skillful debater
She's pretty hot for a jew, but her singing sucks for an opera singer.
Its okay to eat fish on Fridays though
Stop posting this ugly cunt ffs >_>
not during Lent if you're a Catholic
my point is Islam isn't the only faith with retarded dietary restrictions
>also i meant to type 'meat,' not 'fish'
this. she is smart, she wanted something simple without the added veggies. She is surprisingly redpilled.
She's 100% right.
I hope Loomer snaps and kills some mussies.
And millennia of genetic scraps from their various host races
would racemix
Force them to eat the fucking swine or file them for deportation
Fuck the muds
stfu! She's a qt 3.14
>he's the only one you mentioned who's a competent if not skillful debater
Well no? I would argue the exact opposite.
The others at least try arguing against the other person's comments rather than paint everyone they disagree with as an extremist and/or construct strawmen that they knock down. It's honestly one of the things that's fairly admirable about Milo since you can find instances where he's even just debating kids in colleges and won't try insulting them or do the usual strawman bullshit that Benji is adept at.
She may be mental, but she's not wrong...
Those tits look like they're rotting.
Maybe you stop being an autistic mong and let people order whatever the fuck they want and make any alterations they want? How mentally damaged do you have to be, to be offended by a complete stranger's food order?
>Is Laura Loomer mentally retarded?
no, but anyone walking around aimlessly with muslims present is fucking retarded
she is
lauren vs her botched clone is my favorite anime battle
>*drops fire* teehee
*drops fire* teehee
>*drops fire* teehee
*drops fire* teehee
>*drops fire* teehee
*drops fire* teehee
>*drops fire* teehee
*drops fire* teehee
>*drops fire* teehee
Damn, rekt
Lauren southern>>>>>>>>>looney loomer
Didn't jim make a vid on this attention whore stalker?
She's the hero we need to infiltrate the New Right neo-neo-cons. Everybody that supports her looks a bit retarded, too.
>walk down the street
>some insane woman films your every step, denouncing you as the real racist
I pity the muslims.
When Ezra's shabbos goys refused to shill shekels from gullible goyum He replaced them.
With non whites.
If she shows her face toss some donations on the floor at her feet.
Lauren owned that jew like an Egyptian Pharaoh.
Rat face jew
No you can't eat meat on Friday, fish isn't a meat. You have it backwards.
her face looks like a fucking Halloween mask, so tragic
probably why she's so hateful
>>also i meant to type 'meat,' not 'fish'
>can I have a burger with no cheese?
it'd be
>can i have a cheeseburger with no cheese
I noticed this too, they all seem to think they're being persecuted at every moment
How dare those muzzy scumbags fucking WALK AROUND! IT MAKES ME GODDAMN SICK!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!
She's a kike. As such she isn't interested in facts or logic. Her main objective is to stir up as much racial and cultural hatred as possible so she can control you.