Interesting move Disney


Whys there a guy with a big nose holding his hands? Is that part of a facebook app?

(((Billy Eichner))), (((Seth Rogen))) and cuckboy John Oliver. Wonderful. ...Oh, can't forget (((Eric Andre)))


The Lyin Kang

Niggers are gross.

>Male lions sit around all day and get free food
>female lions have to raise the kids
What did Disney mean by this?

Lol of course John Oliver is the only white guy in the cast, probably thinks he'll get some pussy with all the diversity points he's racked up.

To be fair if I was going to make a movie about talking animals I'd cast blacks too

More like Lion KANG

Why does this matter? It's an animated movie. It's not like you're going to see their faces on the screen.

jews and blacks

>Lion Kang
>a movie about talking animals
>mostly black cast
and they said the left can't meme


>It's the current year 2019, Simba!


Hey newfag


I've never seen this movie and normies always give me shit when I say so

If it's anything like B&B it'll be a fucking disaster

>Eric Andre

........................................what in the actual fuck?

>Everyone I don't like is a Jew

Isnt the lion king set in Africa? It's just a Disney movie anyways, are you 12 or something


>African Lions
>Set in Africa
>Played by Blacks
Jesus this board is retarded.



>make a movie adaptation of European literature but with talking African animals
>feel morally bound to cast all the actors as African

Jews reaaaally love pushing niggers as much as possible.

He's literally a kike

I know Walt Disney is rolling in his grave right now with the Jews taking over the empire.

>Search for AricanAmerican actors to sound real
>It's southern murrica accent

They are white niggers they only know how to complain bitch and moan.

He's a pozzed Anglo goy m8. Half of the English middle class are the same and they're not Jews.

>convinced this was b8
>look it up
>it's real

Wait. Is it a live action?

As much as I fucking hate most of these people, especially John Oliver...his voice sounds about right for fucking Zazu. James Earl Jones as Mufasa again is brilliant on Disney's part. Weird the rest of the actors are all black but it is set in Africa..I don't know.

>make a movie about animals
>cast animals
What's the problem?

Hollywood wants your daughter to race-mix, white man. Are you just going to let them decide what happens?

The film was set in Africa, what is the big deal?

Original movie had white people voicing the characters and the stage show has had both whites and blacks playing the characters, race didn't matter, singing ability and voice mattered. Here it looks like the bowels of a slave ship solely to get the diversity points

I remember when Disney did hand drawn animation, those movies are comfy as fuck

Hahahahaha no

Bernie sanders is Mufasa, they are changing the famous line to "everything the light touches... is free."

Amy schumer is pumba and Simon Pegg is timon.

If you're looking for proof, Seth Rogan couldn't be in this movie bc he is busy working on his new spy movie "License to Chill"

Fuck off shills

So dunecoons and spics are white?

what happened to Disney

Actually user, it's pretty damn redpilled. Hyena's are a savage pack of hoards that are lazy and do nothing but consume. A son looks up to his dad, and does everything he can to live up to or surpass his name. Scar the uncle is a lying conniving bastard (very similar to jews) that use hyena's for his endgoal. Definite recommend.

thanks senpai


jews and nogs.

>James Earl Jones
It's nice they got him back.

BLM are like PETA activists, except the animals BLM claims to defend, get killed by their own. They see one video clip of an officer shooting a nigger for putting his hand in his pockets like a dumbass or he pretends he can't hear, they get all stupid about it on the internet. They are stupid people because they blow an incident out of proportion and act like niggers are getting killed by cops by the hundreds, and only by cops.

I dont get it....they're remaking lion king? Why? Isnt that like one of their most beloved movies? All they can do is make a less loved version....

I assume it’s going to be like the jungle book. CGI with minimal real footage.


Times change abon. Doesn't matter what skin colour you are with voice acting. With love action, you kinda want to keep it as real as possible. The movie is set in Africa, it makes sense to cast black people. These are like, their spirit animals or something

How exactly are they intending on doing this movie? Live action? I haven't seen any trailers or anything.

I don't get it, is it a remake? That's fucking horrible, now they are destroying and replacing classics

what's the problem? they're blacks playing african characters

>niggers and jews doing an Africanised Hamlet
How is this okay?

not African Apes.


Seth Rogan is a flaming faggot and an embarrassment to marijuana smokers worldwide.

If you could allow lions to speak, I'm sure they'd be super unhappy that niggers think of them as their spirit animals

Got any evidence of that?

hey kids did you guys know black people are from egypt and are basically animals?

hes also a fat dirty jew

>Movie is set in African Savannah
>Sup Forums shits itself at said movie having a mostly black cast

>Movie involves Nordic Gods
>Sup Forums shits itself when it has one black actor

Why is Sup Forums so hypocritical?

Makes sense!

What a diverse cast!

Best characters are played by non blacks


But that's wrong you retard. Disney was run by Jews when the Lion King was written, and the plot was stolen from a Japanese movie anyway.

Lions are majestic and above black people.

since it's a movie based in Africa in this case a majority black cast seems perfectly finde to me

I don't get why they cast humans It's a movie about animals after all. Or are they just synchrone speaker?

>story takes place in afrika
>mad half Afrikaans are in it.

Movie is about lions, niggers are not lions.

You mean fucking Hamlet you illiterate REEEE.

Movie about animals stars niggers and jews.


sadly not a jew, just an extremely good goy

Then how come the Jungle Book remake had non poos voicing the animals? Last I checked Christopher Walken wasn't Indian

>Eric Andre

This shit can't be real

Yeah he is just a typical beady eyed anglo. The blonde and Red haired British are aryan Germans, or Celtic Irish. Don't forget that.

The movie is set in the African Savannah, why the fuck would lions be particularly likely to sound like white people?

Seriously what do you want from movies?

Lion Kang

>John Olivier
>as a hyena
Dear Lord, my sides.




>Black people playing part in a movie set in Africa.

Na, seems right to me.

Original will not be topped, but diversity will try to conquer it. Slimey Limey is in it, of course; it's the current year!

So? The movie is set in Africa why shouldn't it be a mostly black cast? If this was a movie about wolves in Europe Sup Forums would shit itself if it had one black actor.

No Zazu is that annoying as fuck bird that no one liked, so it fits him perfectly.

I feel ashamed

And of course they put a black guy in the role of the evil antagonist. Racist much?

The general story, sure I mean the idea of doing the same story with lions was actually stolen from a Japanese animated film.

>Eric Andre
top kek

>pol one person

My point is that kikes have weird humor and are racist

It enrages me that he's gone full burger but has the worst case of Anglo mouth I have ever seen. Like nobody on British television has anywhere near this level of fucked up teeth.

>Sup Forums doesn't hold general beliefs
The number of people shitting themselves over this and the number who were shitting themselves over Thor illustrates that even if individuals aren't all hypocritical, Sup Forums as a whole totally is.

Blackxplotation isnt as funny this time round. Give me some comedys

Anglos should get some sort of sign also, since the are always the puppet of the jew doing the bidding of their dark masters.

>black people voicing black African characters

>no Jaden Smith
it's gonna be shit

what? the only black african in the movie is rafiki