Why didn't he send the vegas shooter to gitmo!?!?
Muh Trump
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no one gives a fuck about this literal who's opinion, retarded thread muh twitter post delete yourself
Take note of the IQ of the average american and why their opinion/views no longer matter.
Because yes a united states citizen?....
You're still not refuting her point. Why is his corpse not in gitmo RIGHT NOW?
White supremacy. Thats why.
They should send his corpse just to be sure.
I would go on twitter if I wanted to read this low iq trash
The anti-white left is in a war against reality right now. They don't care that the Vegas guy is dead. They demand that his corpse be brought to justice anyway for the crime of being white on Native American soil.
Shut up leaf, nobody likes you.
your right wtf i hate blingald blomph now
shes right. the fact that jesus campos and the 2 or 3 other people who did the shooting arent in gitmo right now is a disgrace
Why do these nobody leftists get a verified mark?
Top kek.
Das right fuk blumpf and fuk ded peple
Sending a dead man to prison... Fucking retarded liberals.
I fucking HATE reading comments like these. Nukes cant come soon enough.
comped people don't go to gitmo user
the las vegas shooter was a US citizen and not an enemy combatant who had declared allegiance with an organization we are at (pseudo) war with.
Wow you are right. I am going to rethink my beliefs now.
Maybe because this is all that's left of him???
>Trump's rhetoric is much harsher when the criminal is a PoC
Is it?
Because America is a white country and white violence is something it has to live with. Uzbek people go to Guantanamo. Also, the Vegas shooter is dead and we'll never learn all the facts about what really happened there. It really has been all but memory-holed.
>Calling an Uzbek a POC when the FBI says he's white
What did she mean by this?
It's kind of hard to know considering there's only about one chance a year to rail against white people committing serious crimes.
Petty conflict. MOSSAD was pissed about US pullout from Syria.
>It really has been all but memory-holed.
know whats been memory-holed?
The muslim shooter that specifically targeted white males a few months ago. Killed 4 men, news stopped covering it about 15 seconds later.
I haven't met anyone who actually remembered this happened yet.
>According to police, he "expressed hatred of whites" and the government
Compare what Trump said about this guy and the Vegas Shooter and how quickly after the event.
One killed and wounded 15 tourists, the other 600 Americans.
Cause he dead
Really makes you activate those neurons
The cop did not have to shoot the guy. He was only carrying a BB gun. The cop should have known better. Just another example of excessive force against a POC.
shooter was dead, you dip
Shoulda shot the goat fucker right between the eyes
He's white, though.
>The point stands
but all the intel they can gather now. You must think two steps further.
It's because white men enforce all forced integration commands. If the Jewish Masters and their Good Goy front men make the anti white rhetoric too obvious, their enforcers might stop protecting them and stop enforcing integration.
White self haters are too stupid to know this and sand niggers dare not think such unthinkable thoughts.
>Fucking retarded liberals.
it amazes me these fucktards can get dressed and tie their shoes all by themselves