It's official: Sup Forums is full of Russian operatives posting propaganda to create hate in the USA
It's official: Sup Forums is full of Russian operatives posting propaganda to create hate in the USA
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>meme flag makes a post about bots
i would testify that russians arent worth shit here
I got your meme right here Vlad
No it cant be Westerners have had a gut full of Immigrants and the governments agendas.
FFS just start the civil war already.
I hope that is true. I don't care what happens short of full on world war 3 if it means the United States can retain its founding father's vision of a European superstate. This hate and fermentation is all leading to the inevitable.
Its all true they pay us with pirozhki
How much is that in hotdogs?
Wouldnt this be in russian??? Buzzfeed be gone!
>Sup Forums
who else /servingmotherRussia/ here?
also pay attention at "Hosting", the implication are actually terrifiying
>sharing video that ((((we))) dont agree with id bad
>sharing video content at all cicrumventing our (((((FILTER)))) televisions channels is bad
amerigoy confress with take immediate (((action))) AKA SHUT IT DOWN
Completely fake and only gullible newfags could fall for this
I wonder do these idiots truly believe that no possible American or Westerner would have these views without a russky influencing us or something?
Russians and Saudis supported the Clintons. Russia has nothing to gain by stimulating Americans towards patriotism.
Do Russians even watch anime?
>They still can’t face the reality of the fact that they got btfo by autists on a Cartoon board so they cling onto muh Russia
Good, I'm glad the Russians are on our side in this one, that will make it easier.
Damn, I guess those imaginary paychecks will stop appearing now.
Oh wait....
This prank went really way too far. I have been scrolling pol for like 8 or even more years already, reading this zog global conspiracy threads literally every time I went here.
But this media obsession with "Muh Russia" beats all conspiracy theories from all over the world combined. The belief that some farmers from Afganistan ruled super-duper terrorist organizations from their shitholes during the Bush era is nothing compared to this Russian obsession.
[Russian propaganda intensifies]
>thinks Russians are behind it
Those subhumans aren't creative enough to influence this board
What are you gonna do about it?
I side with Putin over the Jew owned globalist establishment that runs our countries. Might have to move to Russia some day anyways, might as well get on his good side.
Cmon and hire me CIA, I know how to write and read Shitpostese.
Shut up russian hacker, give us back america!!
Scro, some of those Twitter accounts on the list of 218 Russian linked Twitter accounts provided to Congress are mine that I use for shitposting. I'm not Russian last I checked.
Pissing in a sea of piss when you have jews all over riling up shitskins to attack Whites, or are jews in America all Russians?
Maккapтизм двa тoчкa нoль
Hey Putin, where is my fucking money. If I am going to troll for Russia I deserve to be payed.
Russian? Who am be say anythink about for beink Russian? I am not Russian comradsky!
I haven’t received one fucking kopeck from the Cheka.
As the Democrats say in Chicago, “Where’s Mine?”
Shills from all over the world, post all over the internet, all the time.
EMP false flag could happen and what it means
I did it for free and I am not Russian.
its all true the memes of dear leader Vladimir Putin shirtless riding bears and horses in the Russian wilderness were actually coded images that can only be deciphered by specific programs. We manipulated the entire election using /pol as our grunts to get Hillary elected by amplifying Trump. We really thought the Americans would vote for Hillary Clinton even when we threw Trump under the bus with the tape leaks. Turns out you Americans are as unpredictable as we were warned about. Now our Uranium deals are in question and our plans with Mrs Clinton to divide up the Africa and the middle east in a big poxy war are ruined.
I’m convinced this whole Nov 4th thing was started by Russian shills trying to stir up conflict
trump drove the demoshits totaly insane didn't he
When do I get paid?
>everyone i dont like is russians
Thread is full of Russian shills
they keep being late on my salary tho
Пpивeт Aмepикaнcкий
yeah but America is my team, period. Oh nos, the ruskies are going to topple our country by fucking up massively and allowing hillary clinton to actually lose so our dow runs higher than ever and their petrodollar takes a shit.
oh nos.
I just hate mudshits, niggers, Jews, and spics. Fuck, I don't even like Russians and I'm one of their agents?
fugg wypepe :DDDDDDDD
We are all Russians
russia fell in 1991. there are no more russians.
Yes you are.
Fucking Russian scum and their kleptocrat rulers.
Кaк тeбя зoвyт, pyccкий cпии?
я pyccкий бoт
>the western pigs know
Aйм a кpeмлин вoт, кoмpaдec
Кeeп вeлиeyинг
You really think libs got btfo by autists on a Cartoon board? Or was it an orchestrated effort and you were just one piece of it? You've been used and thrown away like a condom mate.
We wuz ruskies en' shiet?
6 гopиллиoн
The American dogs know! Quick, somebody get Vladimir on the phone, we need to abort!!!
If Russia tricked me into voting for trump by being funnier than democrats or the CIA or whoever then I say they won that battle fair and square.
Yeah but subversive state sanctioned Russian propaganda memes are the dankest.
This hurts to read but no I'm not sleepy?
мы были хaкepы и гoвнo
How is it over on Savushkina Street Igor?
>It's official: Sup Forums is full of Russian operatives posting propaganda to create hate in the USA
1. It's not 'full' of operatives
2. the operatives are from various factions and funding sources
and if any of this is news to you
>lurk moar
Wrong. I work for the Yakuza, faggot.
>Full spectrum
Oh shit OP's a russian hacker, he's on there somewhere
>Russians come here to create hate
>Find more hate than the Nazis generated already exists here
>Lie to bosses and claim mission accomplished, ask for a payraise and a fresh bottle of wotka
The trumpturds on pol are so full of themselves. Right now putin can have his cock up their asses and they'd still won't know they're a puppet.
Hang on a second...weren't Russian IPs banned from Sup Forums during the election starting in 2015 because they crashed the Sup Forums server?
I specifically remember Sup Forums going offline then coming back online then the message was that Russian IPs were banned
Silence cyka, you'll get us all killed
>we live in an age where people get paid to sift through the shit that is Sup Forums
Where do I apply?
> Implying you aren't controlled by Hillary with her mind control pussy.
Lol kys
That never happened.
But you're wrong at one point - ten bottles instead one
You have a false memory.
I don't think that's how you puppeteer a puppet.
If the cia can't influence us what makes you think the russians can? Sup Forums assimilates all.
Where the fuck are my fucking rubles?
Were I doing the CYBER for free?
>>Full spectrum
Sup Forums is definitely on one spectrum, so at least they got something right.
WTF we all rooskies now???
There's only one choice, Artyom.
Hey guys it'sa me crazy Rushian hacker guy, kill the jews and vote for Trump!
Oh really?
for like a day
does me making pic related make ma a KGB agent? where the fuck is my check made out to rubles putin?
>Hillary mind control pussy.
That was Australia not Russia
4 years later and they still are mad about Snowden. That's my guess at least, Dimitri
>starting in 2015
>tweet is from mid-2016
>doesn't specify country
I'm not sure if you're joking or not but really? No reason to abhorrently despise America?
>.0002 rubles have been deposited into my account
Кeк you stupid иiggeяs acтually ыieve tнis shit? Hoш tзchnically illitэrate/iбnorant of гecent чistory дre yoч?
From now on, we must sign all of our posts with "The Holocaust Isn't real". Holohaux denial is illegal in Russia. State actors would never be allowed to make such a statement.
The Holocaust isn't real.