>be 14
>freshmen in high school
>usually go to the library during lunch to fuck around
>friend calls me over at a table
>"Hey user look over there" he says as he points towards a kid sitting at one of the computers
>notice he's watching bleach on YouTube.
>episode 183 or something meaning he's watched it for a good bit
>An idea hatches in my brain
>Walk over to him ready to unleash my plan
>Get real close to the kid
>"Why are you watching hentai in the library?"
>Kid gets fucking pissed
>He says to me, "Its not hentai faggot, I mean your obviously a big enough loser to know what hentai looks like since you watch it every night you autistic fuck."
>I respond with
>"At Least I'm not autistic enough to watch hentai in the school library."
>kid has mental breakdown
>I walk away
Be 14
Fuck off. I'll post where I want
you're a MASSIVE faggot for posting this here. what response did you hope to get? "LMAO RANDOM KID BTFO XDDD" get the fuck outta here underaged faggot. you're posting on an anime imageboard and you post a story about bullying some random innocent kid. to be honest his response what better and more clever than yours
good thread. now add a political part so the mod's dont ban you.
was the kid a jew?
Off topic, faggot. You will not post where you want you will be 404'd.
I'll take "things that never happened" for 200, Alex.
Sorry son but its a true story.
Good thinkin
Well the kid had a big nose so I'm sure his foreskin was long gone
You probably would watch anime in your old school library
turning this thread into a based gen zyklon stories thread. ill go
>be me
>sophmore in hs
>couple days ago
>at lunch period
>outside playing football catch with my friend
>some stupid black chick comes up to me
>ignore her
>I throw it to my friend
>with the hard er
>i say
>im the opposite of that (i have very pale skin and blue eyes)
>she gets really mad
>i started laughing
I mean, if he was that much of a faggot to watch faggot anime in a public library.
He deserved it, good bullying.
Here is another true story.
You're a massive faggot
bumping for relevance
>op posts a story about him getting owned by some random kid he trieed to bully in the school library
>expects a pat on the back
Maybe now he won't be such a fucking weeb and watch anime in the library
saging this thread will SURELY halt white genocide
Nah I want a circle jerk.
Which is exactly what I'm getting
Why is this shit on Sup Forums? Please kill yourself
Why are you posting this garbage in here faggot ? Kill your fucking self nigger
Sage and report
I ain't a nigger. I'm a spic thank you very much. Nothings worse than a nigger
epic thread OP I bet you're quite a troll! haha, awesome work :)
PS just to let you know Sup Forums is an 18+ website! I know right! totally NOT tubular :(
youtube didn't exist when i was in high school and i didn't bully kids for no reason like an insecure faggot and then expect validation from strangers you fucking weirdo. Sup Forums is an anime website so you're just as much of a nerd as the other kid. go outside and have a social life while you're young.
The kid flipped his shit over having bleach be called hentai. I don't see anything wrong with that
this is Sup Forums... Shut your fucking mouth
he's a sperg so what? he knows he's too much of a sperg for social interaction so he makes his lonely life less miserable by sitting alone, watching his favorite show at lunch. then some shitbag comes along to bug him during the only enjoyable part of his day for no reason. kids below age 25 are literal fucking sociopaths with no empathy
lol wtf.. weak slide thread
anime is degenerate
good job op
How do you know he wasn't just doing it for a meme?
Op have you considered killing yourself?
Thank you. Finally someone understands
Once or twice but then I rewatch shark boy and lava girl 3D
>knows about bleach episodes
>spongebob pick
>pretends he isnt the autistic faggot himself
consider denying yourself user
what was your plan exactly?
You realise there's youtube videos with layouts like this that state the episode number right?
To go over there and tell ask the kid why he was watching hentai
Epic win, op, top kek and all that
>knowing what bleach even is
you realize yer a faggot right?
Yup, but does that also make you a faggot?
Thank you thank you
fantastic story, keep em coming
(This was a while ago)
>Be me
>lost a best, had to dye my hair blond
>end up getting lazy and not cutting it off for almost a year
>finally cut it off
>get to school to the next day
>the one faggot that goes to my hs is sitting with (his?) group of friends
>Just so happens to be within ear range of my group
>my friend yells out to me "hey you finally got that shit cut
>i scream back purposely
>i try to walk away without breaking down laughing
>faggot storms off in a rage
>i get yelled at by a brigade of liberal white women defending their prized faggot
I actually caught a kid looking at hentai in the library.
>I just walked up behind him and said "Dude, what the fuck?"
>He pulls his laptop to his chest and gives me the biggest look of fear.
>I feel bad for him and just walk away saying "please dont be that guy again"
I knew another kid who just did it, he didnt care. He didnt shower, he spent all day everyday reading hentai on his ipad. No teacher was going to get on to him about it because the last thing they wanted to do was interact with him.
That's that faggots fault for getting his feelings hurt
That's actually kinda sad that kid didn't take a shower. Thought he was maybe poor but then i hear he had an Ipad so fuck him
This, faggots need to stop being over sensitive
2 kool 4 me d00d
Enjoy your b&
The balls on this big shot over here
I knew I wasn't the only one who noticed that faggots hang around girls a lot.
>tfw 14 year olds are more alpha and mature than half this degenerate website
Based as fuck. Fuck weeb subhumans.
Somehow you managed to be cringer than that kid who watches anime in school.
>le cringe
Fuck off back to plebbit faggot.