The holocaust DID happen retards

Pssh its funny how you retards think everything is a conspiracy like the holocaust that's why you guys, are losers. Follow your leader Nazi scum and kill yourself. Hitler did everything wrong.

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Even that pic is fake
Guy up front was edited in

> the pic is fake
Lol ok idiot

Yes, it did happen. How can you disregard all those 400 million jews


Only cowards sage

''I HAS A PICTURE SO I GUD BRO.'' ok retard

show flag

nice b8, m8 -- 8.88/8


too bad they didnt finish the job then

oy vey the lampshades it was hawwible i was personally gassed 6 trillion times at auschwitz


im sorry where is your proof that 6 million or even 2 million jews died anywhere? At the end of the war there were more jews in europe per official census than before, how do you explain that?

yeah I really Hitler should have killed more Jews if that was the case

anyone notice the guy sticking his head out looks fake too?

Bro he has a picture of skinny Jews. Stop tynna debunk da trooth, nazi scum

You just got BTFO.

what was the point of even editing in the other one.

Its fake ya dumb

If you're not memeing read the Nuremberg Trials transcripts at the Yale Avalon Project (look it up)
and read the big historical compilations like Hillberg's "Destruction of the European Jew", Arad's "Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: The Operation Reinhard Death Camps", and Pressac's "Technique and operation of the gas chambers"
But don't just read these books, the historians who wrote them cited many alleged witnesses. Each witness has a reference, a memoir of some kind or testimony. So find each witness' testimony and read it for yourself like Wiernik's "Year in Treblinka". He's cited 5 fucking times in Hillberg's work, his testimony is used as the majority of evidence for Treblinka being a death camp. Tripled with Sobibor and Belzec they make up 1/3rd of the holocaust tally.

Once you're done, you'll be on the same page. You'll view the holocaust like you view a blurry bigfoot pic too.

And yes you can probably find PDFs or Epubs of those works online anyway. Good luck.

Also there are zero German govt documents alleging an intent to mass murder their prisoners at any point. Especially the "Operation Reinhardt" conspiracy theory.
Might as well rename it "Operation Lerminatyspacelasers" because every fucking summary of what it is comes across as Alex Jones tier shit.

i dont care whether it happened or not
it shouldnt make one lick of difference politically

You want to know the irony of your statement? Communism killed far more innocent people than hitler yet you still think communism is the greatest thing since pol pot.

there are current friends to help you break your sad programming. sage

It happened but the numbers are very inflated

No it's not. Google "new york times may 6 1945". Click on the PDF. See with your eyes. I'll wait.

It's bullshit. We all know it.

You. Look at this:
The holocaust is tinfoil territory. Every attempt made to prove it is lunatic in nature.

More Christians and Russians died than Jews either way, and you don't hear them crying. Roger Stone and Brother Nathaniel, among many other Jews, will be spared and cherished for the help in saving humanity, but you, you need to die.


i bet you think jews got turned into soap and lampshades too

Uh they did.

No, don't be like that. I'm sick of this attitude that muddies up National Socialism/Nazism. It is not true to what it really means. And you're making us look bad. Be more nice and peaceful, encourage people to take this route for the sake of love. Advocating and acting on genocidal inclinations is not what Hitler wanted, and never committed. I have to say this every time, but europe will be 100% white. But do it by promoting peace, unity, and acceptance of other people. It's basic ethics and they will respond in kind. Have faith.

It must have been hard for those poor Jews knowing they had a place to sleep, food to eat, and recreation to partake in. (Nevermind the fact that they were all convicted fellons.)

Eat shit, nigger

Oh nice evidence you gave to us to prove us wrong, you really are the ascended one huh tranny?

>pic related

Also I'll stress all these facilities were available to the prisoners

>new york times may 6 1945

article literally talks about lampshades

Faggot, look up the original paper, standing typhus kike isn't in the photo. Go to a library and check microfilm if you don't believe it.

And when brought up in court, no one could provide evidence of lampshades.

Who here comfy? Watching OP get redpilled.

Remember, white devils with hardcore evidence to back your claims, you are all just idiots who say 'muh heritage' to everything us smart people say.


Are you saying that the personal diaries of high level Nazis don't count? Are those accounts just jewish lies?

I actually believe in it, but everyone was getting killed in Eastern Europe left and right (by both Stalin and Hitler) and Jews were only singled out more bc they were the biggest threat.

Your a Jew OP...go fuck yourself in a serious fact...go get fucked by a goat like most Muzzies...

I know, what I meant is even that article is retarded

> hurr we knew war propaganda was bad
> but then we totally found evidence of it!!!
> thinking of other people as lesser races is wrong
> all germans are evil, docile, monsters

60000000000000000000000000 gorillion

None was needed. Look at the actual rules o evidence for Nuremerg. It was a total farce.

>All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair. This was Standard Operating Procedure with American investigators.
>- Judge E. L. van Roden, "American Atrocities in Germany", The Progressive. February 1949, p. 21f.

> American judge, van Roden:
"Statements admitted as evidence were obtained from men who had first been kept in solitary confinement for three, four and five months..The investigators would put a black hood over the accused's head, punch him in the face with brass knuckles, kick him and beat him with rubber hoses"

Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Vol. 1
Charter of the International Military Tribunal:

Article 19.

The Tribunal shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence. It shall adopt and apply to the greatest possible extent expeditious and nontechnical procedure, and shall admit any evidence which it deems to be of probative value.

Article 21.

The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts of common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof.

Okay. Provide one asshole.


>Lol ok idiot
Here you go retard JEW. Keep being a retard I'm getting so sick of winning.


To cover up the empty bunks behind them, of course.


follow him to Argentina, you mean?

even yad vashem admits the numbers are egregiously overstated

>follow your leader
retire in south america? maybe I will

Imagine a convenience store in Germany selling Jewish soap bars. That just makes me laugh so much.

Check em!

Look at them. They died from lack of sandwiches. Not gas. Allies bombing their trains.

jews are so desperate these days.

the goyim know.

Hitler was a globalist stooge who made the mistake of getting too big for his britches. Natsoc was supposed to be communism with bug fixes. It backfired on its creators.

Uncle Wolf wasn't overthrown for killing Jews---nobody cared about that. He was overthrown for stabbing the bankers in the back.

I'm not a nazi... socialism if fucking gay... I legit hope these anti-fags get raped thousands of marching boots. this world has never seen the type of fascism i would like, but something tells me with overpopulation.. it will...

Just because a Jewish organization that profits off of the fake corpses of their people published it doesn't mean it happened.

>Pssh its funny how you retards think everything is a conspiracy like the holocaust that's why you guys, are losers. Follow your leader Nazi scum and kill yourself. Hitler did everything wrong.
No evidence. Never happened.

Jesus how can you be this deluded/small brained

>Elie Wiesel
You ever read Night?
Either you have as a boy and accepted all the shit he wrote or you didn't.

Fascism doesn't mean whatever the fuck you want it to
Hell actually fuck it I'll start up the discussion, define fascism boy.

Nobody said the holocaust didn't happen you fucking idiot. That goes to show your just some faggot who doesn't belong here shitting up the board. The issue is the exploitation of jewish suffering in camps in WWII and the minimization of every other group that was ALSO victimized. How long, exactly, did the people who were executing this exploitation for profit think they could fool everyone? They knew not long, that's why there has been a huge effort in managing peoples perceptions and thoughts. So THEY WOULDN'T DARE QUESTION IT! THE INHUMANITY! Using a nine year old jewish girl to suck elementary school children into the bullshit long before you're ever old enough to question it. That IS NOT teaching history, it is textbook indoctrination. Fuck those who are doing it and fuck you, and your fake righteous indignation you fucked up faggot you're beneath contempt cocksucker. You don't give a fuck it's just a cudgel for you to treat people JUST LIKE THE NAZI'S TREATED JEWS you fucking hypocritical piece of shit.

Even Jacob Marcus, the Jewish writer for the 1950 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica stated only 'thousands' of Jews died in Germany. it wasn't until the 60s that Jews decided to profit off of their infamous '6 million.'

>nobody said
I did. It didn't happen.

>Kekistan flag
Who the fuck are you calling a newfag you've been here for less than a year.
STFU faggot you're almost as much of a fag as OP

hahahaha gotta admit, the kikes are cheeky bastards. the nerve... the fucking nerve to pretend Germans would bathe themselves with the remnants of literal slimey parasites.

but where are the proofs

>being this bluepilled
>in the current fucking year of 2017
>in the age of the internet and free information

The type of fascism you would like (which probably means a corporate fascism with little regard for civil rights) will not incarnate under my rule, whether you like it or not. True Nazism (not "National Socialism") is about love, curing, and raising God's children properly with a high support of civil rights. Hitler made it all about race and it's not like that.

It's baffling how people who use the Internet are still this ignorant...

Hitler was responsible for what we deem as National Socialism, and he DID stand for all those respectable things. Did you ever even read Mein Kampf?

civil rights are for niggers

Give me one reason I would murder innocent Jews who di nothing against my state, tell me how I would benefitbor Hitler in murder.

Lmao you Nazis are hilarious, trying to debunk the holocaust, what next 9/11

It is about race, as race is a natural truth and as I see it a deliberate act of God. We must respect our genetics and strive to keep them unique. What is wrong with this morally?
I bet you even believe in muh holocaust, and that Hitler hated niggers or something. The truth is in fact stranger than fiction.

>kekistan flag

>constant swearing and grammar errors ensue

Advice: try getting your English in check before posting to Sup Forums.

I haven't haha. He did some things that were not in line with proper civil rights however, like the criminalization of homosexuality. I understand he had to do it at the time, but it's still an infringement on proper human rights, among other things he did, like limit free speech in the press (which was necessary at the time admittedly).

There's plenty of evidence for 9/11 little buddy. And even evidence for why that other building collapsed (rubble impacts mostly).
Only real not-quite-right-looking thing about it is the question as to whether or not intelligence agencies had Osama and his friends on their radars at any point but I'm sure if there's anything incredibly embarrassing for our CIA/FBI it'll come out eventually.

>saw one his thread holocauster circle jerk
>get's uppity and comes to pol

Shit wouldn't happen if polacks would fight on other boards too.

Its bait, apply yourself.

I am so upset at everyone speaking ill of the Jews, the Jews did not do nothing!
They were exiled from hundreds of times because all those countries are ANTI-SEMETIC.
That's it, conspiratards. Everyone else is just picking on God's chosen people.

>I haven't
Then why do you have that NS flag?

>muh civil rights
>muh fags
>muh speech (as if we murricans even have real free speech)
Stalag or Ford translations.
Read it faggot.

Except we know 9/11 happened and, ironically enough, the Jews don't mourn the deaths of the 3,000+ Americans who died, like how they do with their 6 million.

>The Jews don't mourn the deaths of the 3,000+
You're right, they throw parties.

It's not fake! The guy on the left is my great grandad. He still remembers the day this picture was taken.

checked and saved

No, I'm making europe 100% white, and every other ethnicity will receive a home for ethnic homogeneity. But he focused too much on that, and made it all about race when it's really about love. People can race mix in the Americas, Australia and New Zealand (as long as it's not with the natives) and any other planet they deem necessary. If I'm God, I have a plan for the true home of Native Americans, and the true home of Australian Aboriginals and Maoris. So yes, every ethnicity gets there own homogeneous homeland. But the Americas were made specifically for multiculturalism and multiracialism to a certain extent as well as a little bit of race mixing. It's not so bad.

Op read this

great post and checked

Losers will be losers

I might one day. The vibe I got from reading the first few pages was that of a Germanic circlejerk which I'm not the biggest fan of. He's a good person, but focusing on race THAT MUCH is a little bit gay. Jesus he was fucking obsessed by it. He needs to chill down.