Have you ever called a black gentleman the N-word to his face?

Have you ever called a black gentleman the N-word to his face?

A few times. I got my face bashed in by a group of them, we were all drunk, no regrets. I’m not even actually racist.

Have you ever called a black "gentleman"?

Fuck off and die.

Nah, but I shouted it out loud in class. It was geography. The teacher pointed to Niger and said something like "and don't say the other word". Then I knew I had to say it next time he pointed to Niger.

Also the teacher said he was gonna write me up, but he never did.

It's pronounced Neej-air.

why is nigger such a taboo word? I mean niggers call each other just that in their tribal songs aka hip hop. What's the big deal?

I have, I ended up getting beat up. As he was walking away I said something to the effect of "That's cute, words hurt you mentally so you act out physically." He came back over and hit me more.
>Being a manlet made me sharp tongued.
>Favorite thing to do is get someone riled up.
>Right before it comes to blows
>Oh yeah, tough guy, you're so big and tough you can kick the shit out of a kid that you've got 4+ inches and 30lbs on. You're a real man."
>Get the shit kicked out of me but still feel good about myself that I hurt someone enough with my words that they lose control and have to lash out physically.
why am I this way, Sup Forums ?

never change bait never change

Never with a hard r

Wasn't intended to be bait, desu.

Joking with my best friend, yeah, but no, never in anger or to a stranger. I've said nigga around black acquaintances/ coworkers a million times, nobody really bats an eye.

i did. they was playing cards in the bus stop shelter and i said whats up nigger. whats going on nigger? and then one of them started pushing my face and i laughed at him like hahahah is that all you got nigger and he punched me a few more times and there was a huge crowd and all i could do was fucking laugh and laugh and laugh. the nigger ran off and i walked away laughing to myself the whole time. this was in Rochester ny where there are tons of niggers. niggers everywhere. the corner of east ave and main st i think. near MCC downtown campus. i was in a bad spot and would not have pulled that shit if i had been in my right mind. but at the time i just did not give a fuck.

Yes. He looked shocked and then got angry and said "I got your nigger right here boy". I said yes, yes you do.

anime website

Did he respect you for saying it and then make you his King?

Yeah I felt bad because he was a nice guy but had a nigger moment so I called him out and it got all weird. He was a nigger being a nigger though.

Not in anger. A couple of my army buddies told me to tell them rayciss jokes while we were drunk, and they called me a bitch until I finally said nigger instead of black guy. Only times I think

I was only 17 and I went up to a black guy who I thought I was cool with and I was like "what's up my nigga" and he was like"what the fuck did you say" I just walked away and than later he apologized. It was pretty funny but I meant no harm

I think he meant u bait peepol IRL

Native land. Why don't you fuck off and give it back to the Indians

>Have you ever called a black gentleman the N-word to his face?

I did. He put me in a coma. I'm still in it.

Yeah, right before I shot him in the face...not joking, I can't be traced here can I?

yupp. most of the class agreed with me

Makes more sense when you put it that way. I can't exactly square up with most of these lanklets.

>Outside a club in Orlando
>flirting with a pretty white girl
>darkie walks by and pulls a "muh dick" line
>"fuck you nigger"
>he says he'll "smash this white boi" and steps up
>I shove him
>he leaves
>roastie let me slam it raw
Pretty good night

You have to go back.

the word is nigger just say it faggot

Called one a monkey way back when at school when the nigs and spics were having a chimpout.

Yeah, im in south bronx and i get along with the niggz. I call them nigga and nigger if we cool

Yeah, but he was my friend and I was quoting Chapelle. He said it made him uncomfortable and asked me to stop.
>Fuck yo couch nigga

Many such cases

>gas station
>got off work, gassing up truck
>a wild nog appears
>"hey man can I have some change?"
>sorry don't have any
>"fuck you cracka ass bitch!"
>he gets in my face
>push nog away and draw my G29 10mm
>you better get gone nigger
>wild nog runs away

I have a few times, it was surprisingly fun. It's always been in response to being called "white boy" or "cracker" first. The look on their faces in my experience is like, 'this honky cracker mayonnaise monkey mother fucker is legit crazy, he must have a gun or know some MMA shit' lol. And I do, both, for years. I don't recommend doing this if you are a manlet or a pussy though, but if you can carry yourself well, by all means, tell a nigger he's a nigger, when he's behaving like a nigger. It's good fun.

Also, I'm not a Frenchie, I grew up a burger in burgerland, and we have mucho denegros. So take it from me, go outside and call someone a nigger, even if you are not sure their ethnicity, it is empowering and will really activate your almonds.

I've never even seen an African in real life

Not directly, I was in KFC getting some post workout protein and a group of young whites were blowing spitballs out of the straws.

As I was eating I saw a group of niggers with their token white girl making my eating experience less than delightful so when the white kids spitballed a random person walking past I said ''Stop acting like a bunch of fucking niggers will you'' loud enough so they and the nogs could hear and resumed eating my delicious burrito, it had the zinger sauce if I recall correctly.

Nogs turned around and started looking to each other not really knowing what to do but then started behaving less obnoxiously.

if you live in america where your ancestors owned slaves and called them niggers its a bad thing. if you live literally anywhere else nigger should just be another word. in aus we never even had slaves. we just massacred our shitskins. pro gameplay right there. now we can all say nigger without fear of persecution

Yup. Drunk nigger was hitting on my girlfriend, and I called him a nigger before throwing him into a table. He laid there like a nigger on Monday morning.

Yes. Usually before or during the fight. One things for sure if you say it you are gonna be fighting so get ready. Never lost a one on one fight with them but I did get jumped by 5 once and there was no winning that.

Have you ever jumped into a gorilla enclosure and pelted its inhabitant with rocks?


When I was working at Taco Bell, we had a pack of melanin enriched youths enter about twenty minutes before we closed, and they proceeded to throw chairs around and try to hop over the counter. Me, the manager, and the line cook got mops and hoses (with the brass fittings on the end) and started laying into the pack of garboons. We were mad as hell, so we were shouting at them, calling them niggers and every other miserable insult we could think of. I got a female on the chin with the end of a hose and busted her lip up pretty good, and I saw the manager crack one across the face with a mop.

The niggers were completely outclassed and fled, despite a heavy numbers advantage.

I don't quite know why, but I really liked working at Taco Bell and all my other shitty minimum wage jobs. Even though I get paid a lot more now as a school psychologist, I miss the day-to-day routine of it.

Atleast 15 or 20 times nothing bad has ever happened a few arguments and threats thats all...

Niggers are all talk if you call them out they back the fuck down.