>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump will fix it! 10/31/17
>Pres Trump @Tax Reform Industry meet 10/31/17
>SoS T-Rex opening statement from Senate FRC hearing 10/31/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC meet on Sahel 10/31/17
>CommerceDep - NTIA on Cybersecurity 10/31/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 10/31/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 10/31/17
>CoS Gen Kelly on Ingraham 10/30/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania in Halloween @WH 10/30/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis/SoS T-Rex testify @Senate FRC 10/30/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 10/30/17
>VA Video: Flip vets get Congressional Medal of Honor 10/30/17
>WH Video: How Tax Reform benefits small biz 10/30/17
>SBA Video: Small Biz Saturday (Linda McMahon) 10/30/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis presser in SoKo 10/28/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address (special announcement) #39 10/27/17
>Pres Trump Trick or Treat w/kids 10/27/17
>Trump Triumphant
OP pastebin:
so if anyone inside the US has constitutional rights
and the US is invaded by a china
does that mean we'd have to arrest and legally deport the chinese soldiers instead of using the military to defend the nation?
Why did Trump tweet that about the death penalty? Because there are numerous important elections about to happen and he needs to polarize the Democrats and globalists as being unreservedly on the side of terrorists to the greatest degree possible. We know they are; but Jane Average doesn't. We need to polarize more to make it clear.
If you believe the fuckup retard judges of the 9th circuit.
>and they bring their whole family with them, who can be truly evil
>mfw I wake up to tweets like these
it means we'd team up with the chinese to end niggers once and for all
Judaism will win.
maybe they should make better pizza and have fewer annoying commercials
What did they mean by this?
States that end in A, sign in!
I'm not super politically literate, but I'm a big Trump fan. I'm somewhat worried about this new movement for impeachment because I know a lot of people don't like Trump (which is sad because most of them probably don't even know why they don't like him). I'm worried that it will gain traction because of the Trump-hate bandwagon. How realistic is this?
Aren’t they overturned like 90% of the time when the case ascends?
>mfw can't afford to leave
Legal analyst calls sending terrorist to Guantanamo illegal and unconstitutional.
>mfw I thought joe retweeted because of your flag
getting my hopes up
If Trump wasn't a faggot liberal he would just come out and say people like Mayor Warren Wilhelm are traitors and criminals who are enemies of the people; he will not do this because it's bad for his daughter, and so millions suffer for Ivanka's social life and the profits of her clothing company.
Thanks, Don.
I wonder how much all that gold cost.
>Trump shot a man on Fifth Avenue last year just to see if he could get away with it and he did. His base said, "Well, some people just need to be shot, that's all. As a warning to the others." Why is he so hung up on virility? Because the Army rejected him on account of bone spurs that you get from wearing high heels. Everybody knows that.
>Just look at how he salutes the Marine honor guard — TOTAL DISASTER — it's not a salute, it's a little yoo-hoo. Uniforms are a huge turn-on for him. And when he salutes the flag, he doesn't even look at it. Total disrespect for the flag. And the salute is very weak in the wrists. Know why there's ABSOLUTELY NO video of him hitting a golf ball? Because (pardon me for being politically incorrect) he swings like a girl. And when he slices it into the parking lot, he tees up another ball. Mr. Mulligan. Mr. Multi-Mulligan.
>He sits at that ridiculous little desk in the Oval Office and signs a presidential proclamation as if he's Kim Jong Un or something and he holds it up like a kid holding up his school project that his mama wrote for him. The man can barely read, that's why he hates TelePrompter. Total lightweight.
>He quit holding rallies in stadiums because nobody wants to go hear a loser brag about his manliness for an hour, you can hear that in any barroom. Only places he can draw a crowd are rural areas where billboards are riddled with bullet holes, shot by men angry because they can't read. He is so over. Totally irrelevant, exhausted, flamed out. The sleepytime eyes and la-di-da hair and the tweet-tweet-tweet say it all. Real men don't tweet. Ask anybody. We bark, we protest, we thunder, condemn, denounce, we give 'em hell, sometimes we post. Wimps tweet. And now the perps are going to start walking and talking. And the fat lady is waiting in the wings.
Drumpf BTFO. This it it. He will never recover from this. This is the killing blow. The Drumpf has been Stumpfed.
If you weren't such a faggot you wouldn't post snarky comments for (you)s on Sup Forums in the middle of the night with pictures women who would be disgusted as seeing your bloated corpse, fag.
>How realistic is this?
Not at all. Thanks for playing
can we make it a thing to, when the images and coverage are about trump in a negative manner as is democrat propaganda and trash reporting, switch the picture of trump with a picture of hillary? t.
>More replies than retweets
That will always piss me off. No idea why.
>I haven't taken a DNA test. I don't know of any non-whites in my ancestry but I don't know much at all about my family history.
Then all your actions are right. No questions necessary.
>so if anyone inside the US has constitutional rights
only citizens have rights you idiot
What the fuck am I reading? A reddit fanfiction?
Mfw a Nanners fan says they’ll be losing on Sunday.
Who is Mayor Warren wilhelm
Rachel Maddow gives 10 SECONDS of Manhattan terror coverage before pivoting to Muh Russia
Biden calls Trump self-aggrandizing charlatan.
Hizzoner, The Mayor of New York.
South Carolinawoo reporting in.
nazi talk like that is illegal btw
a broken little man
This guy who writes for the Washington Post.
It’s all click bait they don’t even care.
>I stuck a kitchen appliance in my vagina and why you should too
>Says the molester
Wow blimpf BTFO hard
Ummm yeah okay like how can any of you defend Trump being outraged over the minor truck accident?
Where was his utter disgust when the white guy known as Paddock murdered and maimed hundreds in Vegas?
Gee... Wonder what the difference is....
Trump's racism and islamaphobia is transparent.
Yet you defend him why?
He will come for you next.
He doesn't care about you people. He only cares about Jews.
>editor at think progress
How’s Gowdy?
>when you tweet your support for killing a terrorist and your enemies have to justify not killing him
He's right but being a charletan made him hundred of millions of dollars (i.e., Merv Griffin) and aggrandizing himself made him the president.
Biden now how to deal with angry libs who now wonder why he didn't run
that establishment needs to be dismantled one fucking regressive limb at a time
the pale horse strikes
> sending your bloody to the jews
user, plz. Here is the redpill for the day
> The CEO of 23andMe is sister of the CEO of YouTube
How ass-blasted are the Dems that a muzzie terrorist attack took attention away from their big "muh Russia" indictment story?
They know anime posters are their reader base.
I only wish she could've been on the West Side that day.
He is (or was) the primary writer and narrator for NPR's "Prairie Home Companion" show for decades.
>Says the molester
Who'd Biden grab by the pussy?
Just add this one to the file of leftist possible atheists.
Pretty buttcrushed.
hillary looks rough
>tfw no Ed Hochuli awoo
well he was with obama for 8 years he should know
Why are Muslims so awesome in certain aspects but just fucking awful in other aspects?
Aside from all the stupid like like no pork, no dancing,etc don't they also fall victim to the "one race human race" meme like Christcucks?
>doesn't know that a mass murder blow his own brains out only a few weeks ago
I wish I could be that lazy with my work and still be paid
>Wanting the murder of another human bean
is Blumpf a psychopath?
> The CEO of 23andMe is sister of the CEO of YouTube
ALong with that:
> The CEO of 23andMe is ex wife of Sergey Brin, Google Founder, and mother of two of his sons
There it is.
i always thought that people who were against guantanamo were literally siding with the terrorists
Because nothing is a monolith you underage banned
The truck of peace exists solely to BTFO libs.
They don't know who they are messing with
It's perfectly normal, now go hug your sister and post results.
>possible atheist
I’d say probable
The constitution protects US citizens
That's an interesting theory. If I lived in New York id get a campaign to get Trump to put some pubic pressure on him going
>my literal face when Teen Vogue is dead
Isn't that where that stupid Duca cunt works?
He thinks he can cause a mass murder of a people like he experienced in the 90's
Yep. Bitch is out on the street now suckin' dicks for quarters.
Attention Virginian rural and suburban retards, don't bother voting next week since you've already lost. With Ralph Northam projecting the cool confidence of a man who knows he's on the right side of history against your racist orange this late in the race, it's time to just accept the inevitable. :^)
President Trump General's bakers (6 and counting) are crammed into a newsroom-style bullpen in the back corner of the offices of Trump Tower, 725 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022. “They’re always there; they’re always working around the clock,” former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos says of the crew. “I always tease Trump that he finds all of these nerd virgins and locks them away in a vault where they never see sunlight or have a drink or get laid. But God Bless them!”
I was not kidding about "sending our DNA to the Jews". Every single one of these companies is founded by them except for Ancestry, founded by the Mormons
>Teen vogue is dead
How? Were they another leftist rag subverting the youth?
Sadly, there is no death penalty in jew york. He should be treated as an enemy combatant which would remedy that.
No one is stopping you from starting a company whingy goy.
kek, nice throwback
3d chess