God doesnt exis

>God doesnt exis....


Other urls found in this thread:


>I've seen birds n shit
How is this impressive?





God existed as an answer for things that could not be explained.

Then science came and we got our answers.

Your video is ironically excellent evidence of evolution and especiation in an isolated system.

>nogs caring for their doge being sick and took him to the doge doctor
This is why I'm not full on retard racist yet

it's a bird it could fly anywhere

These birds are total chads

Origin of Matter?


There's more truth in nature than we realize.

>one nigger doing what is expected of civilized humans

Hurr this is why I'm not retard racist
That's the exception, not the rule newfag



What was there before the Universe?

I was thinking its the opposite, the amount of variation.

The need for such variablity in the genes that code for specific variances.

Along for the behaviour needed to even make it desireable.

Doesnt really go along with clines and sht.. at the very least.

We just get robins n sht.

22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

my dude ive literally seen lasers


Nothing cant exist.
Nothing cant evolve.
Nothing cant create.

you have no idea




all species is like that, lions, ducks, even roosters and hens.
The cool looking ones are always male

Isaiah 6:3

And one called out to another and said,

"Holy, Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts, The whole earth is full of His glory."


This is what you get when female sexual selection pressure is too high. Compare to Lions where the selection is done via competition between males.

The Birds of Paradise are so beautiful. Thanks OP.