How did the Holocaust make you feel?


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Disappointed because it never happened

like im being tricked into something that is entirely not in my interest

I cry everyday for the holocaust.


Eternal reminder the holocaust happened and all material claiming to debunk it is autism taken out of context.

Stop spamming this thread faggot time.png/



>Eternal reminder the holocaust happened and all material claiming to debunk it is autism taken out of context.

No evidence the Holocaust happened on that page

wouldnt care but a hungarian film got recognition and an oscar for being about jews so i guess it worked for us



I hate when people left their job unfinished.

Like I don't care and am absolutely desynthesized to Jewish self pity porn very quickly.


This doesnt prove anything, are you sure you linked the right site?


explain pls

This thread again? What's being slid? Time to check the catalog I think.

Whats the holocaust?

really made me think

lurk more newfag


0 get!



Troll tread/10.
>implying holocaust happened
>implying we have feelings


Which holocaust are you referring to, the one that had 4 million Jews being gassed/killed at Auschwitz? Or the one that claimed around 2.5 million Juden were killed at Auschwitz? Or the number of 1.1 million dying there, a figure from the Israeli paper Haaretz?

Then there's those other claims about Auschwitz, that some kind of secret weapon/ray gun the Nazis had was used to vaporize 20,000 Jews? That's pretty amazing technology for WW II! And those steam chambers which were supposedly used to kill Jews, but that story kinda got lost.

Then there's the one holocaust story about the number that were killed at Madjanek. The original number was in the the hundreds of thousands, that dropped to around 78,000???

Then there's the one that Bergen-Belsen was used as an 'extermination' camp, but that story was dropped??

I really want to believe in the holocaust, but at some point, World Jewry has to settle on one and only one story and stick to that one, it would clear up the confusion.

And while they publish that true holocaust story, they might also add in the facts about Monowitz, the huge IG Farben industrial concern adjacent to Auschwitz that needed tens of thousands of worker each shift to make war materials, like synthetic gas and rubber.

So please, pick one holocaust story and stick with it so us devotees don't get so confused with all the other stories that have come out!

lets ROLL

>bottom left

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