Eventually, you can then distill it down to just "white" and then blank, white pieces of paper.
Try this next..."White Space"
Stop mate
No thanks
Can't do "white space", as that has clear racist meaning. Like "this space is for whites only". It needs to be something completely innocuous that they have to distort into racism themselves for it to be effective.
No, it doesn’t work that well.
What works about “it’s okay to be white” is that it’s not an overbearing, dominating not even demeaning sentence.
It’s just “okay”.
The media flipping over just “okay” shows how ridiculous have become.
White space seems to be “claiming” something, making it too dominant and opening it up to be shredded and criticized for that reason.
Think about shit before you post.
Gay and stupid.
What about "Hello White America" or "Hello White People"?
"guilty until proven non-white"
"White colour" sign would make more sense
Might as well just write "Nigger Kike Cunt Faggot" on there if you're going to put that.
No white space can be considered a declaration of ownership by the retards.
The whole point is that the message is utterly innocent. Tere is no way to argue that it into okay to be white without looking crazy.
This is a counter psyop thread made by commie scum
Nice try rabbi
"white people are cool 2"
Blank white piece of paper sounds like a genious idea. Imagine them going hysterical over something as simple and innocent as standard A4.
How about this instead
it's a trending hashtag already, just need people to make the association and it propels itself
>next try
stop trying to subvert. just stick to the program.
it's working . just stick to it.
varying it will weaken the message and give the media room to spin it more effectively than they can at the moment. at the moment they're trying their best to spin it but they can't. the facts are purely on our side and so all they'r doing is either exposing themselves or speaking so vaguely they can't even mention the phrase
'It's OK to be white' is going to be subverted and turned into propaganda against white people.
"It's OK to be white and refuse to have white children"
"It's OK to be white and but need a black dick inside me"
I can already see the t-shirts. We need to avoid this.
Why are so many trying to co-opt and subvert the "It's okay to be white" message?
Are people really afraid of what happens when white people stop feeling white guilt?
Dont get shilled
Are you guys really this mentally lacking? Were you abused at all growing up? I'm starting to actually become worried. You know that you're probably going to get in trouble if you did actually put any of these up. It doesn't even accomplish anything for whites, just creates more divisiveness. How are white males stopping you from filling up on black dick like you want to?
fuck off cia nigger
>'It's OK to be white' is going to be subverted and turned into propaganda against white people.
>"It's OK to be white and refuse to have white children"
>"It's OK to be white and but need a black dick inside me"
>I can already see the t-shirts. We need to avoid this.
How is this a problem? It is just more hypocrisy, more salt. That is precisely the intended reaction from this. The root message will not be lost when the endless variations come out.
Stop. Why would you need notation that it is a white space? That isnt a message we are pushing. Regardless, if you wanted to distill the message, simply posting a solid white paper with no letters would do the same thing.
Report and sage shill / subversion attempt
Do you not realize how far the left has gone? They can't have slogans that start with "It's ok to be white...." at all. According to the dems, being white is the ultimate evil. It's like a Christian saying "It's okay to be the devil and still love Christ" it's literally mutually exclusive in the liberal's mind
Wew lads just being white will be triggering eventually.
Sup Forums is bound to result in its own failure here because this board is and will forever be comped
Or you mean liberals are bound to result in their own failure because despite the fact you'd imagine they'd have peaceful goals, they only prove to do nothing but lie and create hostility, which no one likes.
Just go straight to a blank sheet of paper. If Sup Forumsacks pin/stick white A4 sheets of paper all over the place, it won't take leftits long to realize what's going on - like with the "racist milk" etc.
In their delusion they will focus on white paper wherever they see it, on white spaces in designs etc. and these are so ubiquitous in the lives of everyday people, that many cucked office drones and boomers will wake up to the left's insanity.
#5Words #588
everyone is trying to make the next big thing
but everyone fucks it up spectacularly
stick with the original
plausible deniability and rejection outs you as a racist to normal people
agrred this wont work but i do like the idea of plan white paper.
Fuck off with this bullshit. No one likes your stupid "white paper" bs. Quit trying to undermine the message shill.
In my opinion a good idea for the next step would be
"It's okay to be black"
in exactly the same style as the original.
Your proposal implies that you don't have a shred of understanding why the first project works.
That's the spirit
Saw some print outs at work that just said "it's okay" printed right in the middle of a white page. I THOUGHT IT WAS BRILLIANT
Fucking retarded; Stop doing it for yourself and do it for the movement faggot
People are throwing out the baby with the bathwater here. "White space" is obviously terrible, but the idea of a blank sheet of paper triggering people is fucking brilliant. It's not a replacement for "It's okay to be white"... you can throw up blank sheets of paper in parallel.
Detracts from the original message; it’s like a reversal of BLM and all lives matter, except society is on their side
lets get the ADL to list 8.5" by 11" as a hate symbol
It's not okay to be white. You whites have had it good for 2000 years and now its others turn. You are simply acting like spoiled children unwilling to become minorities now. Why would that be? Because you treat minorities like garbage. I believe the saying goes "treat others how you yourself wish tobe treated". Here's you're comeuppance.
I hardly need to point it out but whites are already aminority compared to those theyconsider minorities. Minorities are the ones working and where are white people? White women are doing what they've always done and hopping on the biggest or most successful cocks. White men have devolved into children,watching anime, playing video games and masturbating to little girls.
It's honestly hilarious that you think you'll ever be dominant again. Don't think it'll be your turn again in 2000 years, we'll keep you oppressed like the democratic party does to blacks. Hope you enjoy being silenced when: black police officers kill white kids, asians mock your penis size, indians force you to shit in the street and natives force you onto reserves
nice try racist
>And but need
"Its okay to be white" is perfect because it expresses a complete and unambiguous idea, while absolutely avoiding any white supremacy messaging.
It literally just says it's okay to be white.
It's not okay to be white. Fuck off racists
It is actually so insidious it is fucking brilliant. I grate to “white space” and then to blank white. In a month every libtard will be triggered by the end of a chapter. Brilliant.
How's this then?
There's a trending hashtag on twitter
The posters just need to be associated with this hashtag
> 1 post by this ID
> shit tier bait
nice try, /leftypol
you've lost the battle... again
Go back to leftypol you faggot.
horrible idea
fuck off back to lebbit, nazi scum
>unwilling to become minorities now
m8... we've always been the minority
This is exactly my point. Once you get down to ANYTHING white is racist, we've won.
Nobody cares what you think commie.
fuck off. the plans have already been made and you won't slide it.
Shill Thread.
shill SAGE
Op is a kike
I understand it perfectly and once you get it down to them claiming ANYTHING white or white-related is racist, you've won.
THIS is the point.
>if you're enemies call you racist, you win
>pol has become trudeau
they were already claiming that you faggot
this is not to beat the anti white racists
is to redpill the normies who refuse to acknowledge it exists
Monkey-dick sucking faggot.
You cant be racist to white people. Racism is power + privilege
>this triggers pol
Who are these "normies", what the fuck are you talking about? Even if this did make a large number of whites want to become closer to other whites, which it won't, it still doesn't do anything for us to achieve our own society. This doesn't accomplish anything, you're a complete retard and need to be thrown in jail before you hurt yourself or others.
Taking the time to make utter trash memes....
it's okay to be Republican. do it
>triggered nazi
Dont mess with leafs
Stick to the plan. You're obviously a kike shill trying to derail the operation.
You're a retard who needs to be shot.
> it's okay to be white
> no white supremacy tones, simple message
> no strong position
> anti white racists triggered at maximum levels
> forced to either shut up, or go full "IT'S NOT OKAY TO BE WHITE"
> white normies, which didn't pick the signal before, now hear their diversity acquaintances saying it's not okay to be white
> normie realizes non-whites hate them just for being white, redpilling ensues
this is why you /leftypol faggots are losing
> left can't meme
meme is very real
Yeah, I think the blank sheets are a good idea. But we should wait until the "It's okay to be white" thing is established/played out and then launch this as a next step or alongside the IOTBW stuff.
And, like most people here agree, we shouldn't use any slogans like "White Space" or anything that is aggressive and leaves us open to backlash.
Kys yourself to death
Smells of shill.
The "white space" message goes right in the garbage. We're not going in that direction.
If not a shill. Think before you post
But instead of doing that which is, putting it bluntly, both gay and retarded, why not start talking to the whites here first?
You’re one of the few faggots that want to alter it so it can be something you can take credit for, you poorly ambitious faggot
Sounds about right
>"youre a retard who needs to be shot"
Found us another /leftypol/ faggot
You are so unfathomably dumb. This is a cry for help.
because many of them will refuse direct deprogramming, and need to be converted by those least expected to do so
you'd understand if you ever left your basement and actually tried talking to them
waterloo anons are you here
Stick to the plan.
Are you a shill or just retarded?
>It's non-whites turn
It's called working hard in life. It's a concept that is used to self motivate people. Capitalism fails those that willingly choose not to participate in it.
I hope the cops best you into a bloody pulp on Saturday, you fucking faggot.
How about a blank paper with "space" on it?
I could feel the triggering like a fat belt around planet earth