Daily reminder that Israel did 9/11 to get the US to destabilize their neighbors.
Daily reminder that Israel did 9/11 to get the US to destabilize their neighbors.
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Zionists run America and that needs to change
Who doesn't know this?
Almost everyone in the US.
US did 911.
You dilusional fools.
Osama used to have dinner at WH.
US Zionists and their puppets were complicit, but it was planned in Israel and largely executed my Mossad.
About 80% of all new posters/reddit migrants who now post and visit here regularly.
You could have just cited the Wikileaks mossad files instead of youtube videos.
why the fuck would jews want to destabilize muslim countries and create power vaccums to be filled by radicals
Because it makes it much easier to expand their territory. Israel gives support to ISIS. They share a border in to Golan Heights. "Strangely," ISIS never attacks. When ISIS soldiers are wounded they are given medical treatment in Israeli hospitals. Israel frequently gives air support to ISIS soldiers.
True, but videos are more entertaining.
Reminder that the blue stripes on the Israeli flag are meant to represent the Nile and the Euphrates.
a wayne madsen article?? please explain.
The plan is territorial expansion while not even in control of Jerusalem?
really graceful is good, but she is snorting that "muh jesuits" meme too hard.
The plan is to destabilize the Middle East since secular Islamic dictators keep the peace through their brutality. Remove the dictators and you have absolute chaos. Out of chaos, you can establish order. Israel being the "only democracy in the Middle East" gives it the role to establish such an order in the name of security and peace.
Greater Israel has been the plan since the beginning. Yes.
>implying your average Sup Forums poster has the attention span to read
"Oy vey!"
fuck off. The only dictator in the middle east is Israel
I like israel they do what they want snd doesnt everyfraid of amythomg/
I don't think there's enough info yet to claim Israel did Vegas, but I wouldn't be surprised.
Is there evidence that they did Pulse or Charlottesville? Haven't looked into it.
>destabilize their neighbors.
burger education everyone.
What exactly is wrong with this?
6 day war rememberance coin
just fuck off. you are either a kike, or if you really dont see whats wrong with destabilizing legitimate governments across the continent to further jewish interest, are so deep up jewish ass that you have to lurk another 3 years before you see the light again and are suited to post here again
Israel nuked NYC