So, worse than the Great Depression, slavery, and 9/11?

So, worse than the Great Depression, slavery, and 9/11?

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Fuck Drumph and fuck ypipo.

poll: our entire liberal audience is very upset with the president

Don’t worry so much about money. Worry about if people start deciding to kill reporters. That’s a quote

Don't forget the civil war.

I'd like to see some sources and how they got their data.

Worse than the fucking civil war???

Yes because a literal FASCIST is president!

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

Yes. They are not white anymore! :(

I'd be willing to bet not a SINGLE thing changed in their lives in most cases, and for those that did it was a result of the media frenzy and not Trump himself.

1st world problems, don't forget about the Civil War, the world wars

of course, the democrats don't want you to remember who promoted slavery, trump is the historical low point for america

THE WORST!!! *cough* 9/11 *cough* Civil War *cough* 1812 *cough* Great Depression *cough* WW1 WW2


Kind of a bad question depending on how it was worded.

You can easily imagine that many (most?) of Trump's supporters also consider this era to be one of the lowest times in American history, especially since many lived during the greatest.

yes easily. you people have literally destroyed society and have put humanity on a track to our own demise.

Was that just the question? "Is this the lowest point in US history?" How does that imply it's Trump's fault? I would say quite a few Trump supporters think that, hence why they wanted him elected.

>lost one election
>worst moment in US History
How fucking self important

besides the end of ww2 this has to be the best time in 100 years

the absolute state of liberal propaganda

Dude, you are right. It's terrible how the US lost that one.

Loss of hope

You know what, I have never been contacted to participate in a poll once at all in my entire life. Who the fuck are they polling? Are they just making shit up?


I'm glad the liberals agree. We need to make America great again!


Here is how it should be phrased and presented to the normies
>Poll: Most Americans say their lives right now are worse than the lives on black slaves before the civil war

>heh make America great again? Lol srumpf is a retard America is great!
>America is now worse than during the civil war times

Which one is it libs?

>The Shill

9/11 was the greatest time in american history

unprecedented nationalism and national unity. disagreeing with the president would get you lambasted by the media. cops and firemen were considered heroes. that jew who reinsured WTC for 500 billion dollars a couple of weeks before 9/11 and didnt go to his usual top-floor breakfast that day got his shekels. and most importantly it started a perpetual war/money machine that established US hegemony in the middle east with no real final goal but endless beneficial economic bounty

how anyone could think 9/11 was a bad thing is beyond me. when america doesnt have an enemy existentially bent on destroying it (gommies, arabs) then it starts devouring itself from the inside i.e. trannies and BLM


>Trump is worse than Hitler, tweets are worse than slavery, and we love Bush now.

What do liberals mean by this?

>burger education

All because

It’s modern journalism. They don’t have to have sources or actually do any kind of research.

oh absolutely

the americans (and canadians) i know who are so upset about trump are the same ones who spent all days on facebook looking for fringe videos of racists during the obama years as though a video of some guy yelling "fucking paki" out of his pickup truck at a gas station is grounds to indict the entire white race

they don't have the self-awareness to realize that their lives haven't changed, they don't feel any better or worse than they did during obama, except by virtue that all of the mentally ill libtard feeds they signed up for on facebook are constantly pumping their lives full of negativity and instead of taking ownership over what content they see (like by blocking shitty pages) they share it because apparently that's the healthy and smart thing to do

Don't forget the tyrannical oppression we faced under the british jackboot. The redcoat barbarians burned down schools filled with trapped children, openly raped women in the streets, and looted our homes butchering any colonist that stood in their way. We shall never forget our great struggle for our freedom from the bong menace!

Are these the actions of a sane man?

It's definitely not due to Trump. This is what Jews do to a country.

This. They publish stuff like this and then wonder why they get called snowlake etc.

>throw American citizens into shitty camps in the middle of Buttfuck Desert, California and let them die
>don't let trannies into the military
>engage in an entire war against people who wanted to exercise their right to self-govern
But that was a good thing!
>try to encourage personal choice in education

Its weird how they quote that poll but then post a picture of Donald trump.

I am sure plenty Trump supporters think it is the lowest point in US history to.

Do normies know how to spot propaganda?

Oh something definitely did. Their (((media))) coverage changed quite a bit.


Fuck trump and fuck white people

the absolute state of liberals

> drumpf worse than slavery
> drumpf worse than jim crow
> drumpf worse than genociding native americans

The stock market begs to differ with these precious little snowflakes.

You're a moron.

Guess the deaths of 6 million jews dont matter after all. All you had to do was put an orange god into office and suddenly all the little deaths on 9/11 and holocaust dont matter lol

Not even sure if i wake up in the same timelines anymore

Poll was done only in Jew York I bet

This is from the actual report.

We're supposed to be better than this! Having a literal nazi who wants to separate families is something that should only happen in less enlightened times!

>When asked to think about the nation this year, nearly six in 10 adults (59 percent) report that the current social divisiveness causes them stress. A majority of adults from both political parties say the future of the nation is a source of stress, though the number is significantly higher for Democrats (73 percent) than for Republicans (56 percent) and independents (59 percent).

democucks care because it's their world domination plan

So, the newest season of AHS really is true.

The Confederacy didn't do nothing, he was a good boy!

Must be a democrat(i.e. Lost balls) sampling.

Yeah seriously.

>The group of people who think just like us and read the BS we make up think it's a bad time in history because we simply told them to think that

Are these done by the same polling people who said Trump wouldn't be president? Media polls are fucking worthless in this day and age.

Exactly dude. No one's lives were made any worse directly by this Administration. It's been in existence for a year, there hasn't even been enough time to really do any damage in the first place. Yet, people are acting like they live in a dictatorship.

It goes to show how HYPERBOLE and OVER EXAGGERATION and being OVER DRAMATIC rules people, especially liberals. This creates a problem because you can apparently convince mass amounts of morons something is wrong when it's not and to actually act on it. So when there IS a problem and we do get a dictator? The media can tell them "HE AM NOT HITLER" and they'll ignore any actual atrocities.

That's what upsets/scares me the most about the whole thing. It's how our world is so subjected to shit normies just make up and then proceed to believe simply because they made it up precisely to fill good about thinking it.

lol at the liberal kike media still thinking anyone outside their leftist bubble believes in their phony (((((polls))))).