I live in Los Angeles and saw military parachutes doing some drills in the middle of a populated city.
I live in Los Angeles and saw military parachutes doing some drills in the middle of a populated city
Assuming your picture is what you say it is, so?
Must be a training base nearby, too dangerous to land in an urban area
It's Red Dawn! It's starting!
go find where they landed OP
they're training to rain down on YOU
should you dissent.
That's no training exercise
It couldnt be an airforce exercise or some aerospace research could it. No we dont have a fuckload of that in so cal do we. Umm wheres jpl again? Montana?
Seal Beach perhaps?
Shit, the Mexicans are adapting
Oh shit just got the call. Tanks in 30;
Whelp, here comes the army for you user for spoiling American military training secrets.
Need to keep these things confidential you know unless you wanna get taken away.
The day the Chinks invade the U.S., numales will be posting on social media before getting raped & murdered.
Please, Little Kim, kill California.
Underrated af.
I just had a mental image of a bunch of amigos launching each other over the wall with a gigantic catapult and using parachutes to land safely.
>only four
nobody gives a shit
>tfw all of the nu-males you know own shotguns
>tfw all the males* you know own shotguns.
is this meme an east cost thing?
paratroopers blew into trees in my neighborhood as a kid we all stood around and laughed as this one guy cut himself out of the mess and climb down the tree. top kek
Training to kill niggers and gooks no doubt.
Vandenberg bruh, nothing to worry about
That could have been really dangerous if you had above ground power lines