What is essential Sup Forums literature?

What is essential Sup Forums literature?

Other urls found in this thread:

candu.md/files/doc/Kroll_Project Tenor_Candu_02.04.15.pdf


Your wife's bull will thank you

Lauren southern? literature?


it's all nu-right lit



Jesus fucking Christ.
Back to plebbit with you.

Lauren Sothern is just a rip-off of Pat Buchanan with tits, and deep down I’m sure she knows it.

That out of the way, pic related is arguably one of the best first redpills you can feed someone. Also, anything by Knut Hamsun is god tier.

>It's an absolute kind of shit taste

Merchant of Venice would be essential Sup Forums viewing if anyone ever put that on anymore so it's essential literature unless you're lucky enough to see a good production.

What is this imaeg?

>the Road

>Is this a fucking joke?
>kekistani flag

That is the saddest bookshelf ever.
Mostly video games and a few baby-level books.

>neet buys books he sees on Sup Forums
>displays books with vidya as if achievement
>treats book as toy collection, thinking pristine is better
at least put some creases in the bridge to make it look like you even opened them.

>Modern """literature"""""
>From American """"intellects"""
>A woman no less

Yeah, I'll pass on this shit.


More vidyas than books

>What is essential Sup Forums literature?
Well, since pol respects tradition. etc. you should read a lot of books that revolve around your own nationa--
>sees pic rel
what the fuck?
Lauren Southern?
You call that "Literature"?!
>sees flag


Maps Of Meaning by Jordan B Peterson

Halo sucks

>that pic
good bait

Oswald Spengler: The Decline of West
Martin Heidegger: Being and Time
Friedrich Nietzsche: Thus spoke Zaratustra
Carl Schmitt: Concept of political
Ernst Nolte: Three faces of fascism
Peter Heather: Fall of the Roman Empire
Lezsek Kolakowsky: Main currents of Marxism
Paul Gottfried: Strange death of marxism & multiculturalism and the politics of guilt
Richard: Weaver: Ideas have consequences
Eric Voegelin: New Science of politics


>that game collection

Holly normie batman

coalburners deserve to be gassed

>gas station tier "books"
>xbox, halo

jesus christ

Bitch city of god is 22 books long what do you even pretend whit that pic

Read "Ride the tiger" by Julius Evola.

>right wing """"""literature"""""

No wonder you're losing

Why would you have every WWE game.

You literally rent that somewhere and return it in 3 days.

Why are you posting disinfo pics, jew?

a taxidermy asshole

Sup Forums here.

Kill yourself


Why do you keep on posting this?

Bitch, its a list of books to read. Now fuck off.

Yankel's Tavern: Jews, Liquor, and Life in the Kingdom of Poland

The Jewish Century Paperback – August 27, 2006

How Israeli businessman stole 10+% of Moldovan GDP

candu.md/files/doc/Kroll_Project Tenor_Candu_02.04.15.pdf

Unironically Mein Kampf

The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion, and Mein Kampf.

Cuck faggot. Look at all those cuck games you have. An hero redditfag.

This is it.

Decline of the West
Mein Kampf
Being and time
Fourth political theory


Gods I hate the alt-light...

alt-right 101:
>Hegel - Get Houlgate's "Hegel Reader" (Hegel is quite tough going)
>Guenon & Evola - Pt 1. Crisis of the Modern World, and Pt 2. (a direct riposte to Guenon) Revolt Against the Modern World
>Heidegger- Black Notebooks; Being and Time (Heidegger is quite tough going)
>Nietzsche - Will to Power; Beyond Good and Evil

>Carl Schmitt - The Concept of the Political; Political Theology; Theory of the Partisan
>Spengler - Decline of the West (Abridged); Prussianism & Socialism
>Carlyle - Latter Day Pamphlets; On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History
>Junger - Storm of Steel; The Glass Bees

>Guillaume Faye - Archeofuturism
>Alain de Benoist - The Problem of Democracy
>Sam Francis - Leviathan and Its Enemies
>Jonathan Bowden - Western Civilisation Bites Back

If you haven't read and understood at least half of these of these authors yet, you cannot call yourself "alt-right" in any way. The reason the alt-light even exists is because people arrogantly claimed an ideological title without the proper initiation and education. Is it any wonder these people are political quacks?