Stories about times you accidentally revealed your power level.
>parents talk about Richard Spencer
>my ears go up
>they say that he should be allowed to speak without being shut down
>I ask them if they've heard what he has to say
>they say no because he just wants to kill people who aren't blue eyed and blonde
>I ask them if they'd be willing to listen to what many states are trying to prevent him from saying
>they agree
>the next day we watch his videos on the big screen in the living room together
>they say it is all pretty reasonable and they are surprised the media is calling him a Nazi
>we talk about listening to some other speakers like Jared Taylor because some things Spencer said made sense
Not me, but good ol' mum.
>be 8
>walking through the mall with mum
>we gonna get new shoes n shit fuck yeah
>see a midget in the distance
>he's funny.
>mum doesn't notice
>walking full speed until suddenly she notices
>jumps about a foot into the air
>pukes fucking everywhere
>at least a litre of chunky liquid is pouring across the smooth mall tiles
>the sound attracts mall beasts
>they don't want to help us they just want to stare and be angry
>I am scared
>mum picks me up out of her vomit while she stares back at the monsters in the crowd
>I have never seen her make this face, like a weird sneer. I know deep down that she knows how to protect me from the yelling crowd.
>holding her hand we walk right past the angry people and go buy ice-cream
>ask her why nobody made her clean up her "accident"
>"little ditty men are scary"
>I say people in wheelchairs are scary
>she agrees. I like my mum she is my friend.
>two scoops each.
You seem to be confused about the meaning of the words "accidentally" and "intentionally".
>8th grade
>inner city school
>get attacked by pack of niggers for literally no reason
>sent home with bloody face
>it was niggers wasn't it
I don't have to hide my power level.
Shit. Your parents already sound redpilled to me. I wouldn't be surprised if they end up posting in this thread about how they told their son that Richard Spencer should be allowed to speak and then made their son watch his speeches on the big screen.
>in entry level college history class cause it fills my elective requirement and I like history
>professor talks about Hitler's Germany and the rise of the brown shirts, how terrible it was yada yada
>I raise my hand and ask him about the attempted communist revolution that took place right after WW1
>gives me a dirty glance and asks me where I read that
It was only later that I came home that I looked closer at the leaders of that attempted revolution
>At a gathering.
>Everyone is drunk.
>Get talking to some guys.
>Talking about where everyone is from.
>Guy pipes up.
>Me and my girlfriend are from Rotherham.
>It immediately slips out.
>'God what an awful place, nothing to do but get bummed by a paki by being there.
>The guy laughs and then says I shouldn't say that word.
>'Sorry, nothing to do but get sexually assaulted by a paki there'
>He seems to agree as do all the other people in the room.
>Someone brings up Sup Forums
>We find out that 3/7 people in the room are regular users.
(We'd never met before)
Not even lying right now. I hardly have to hide my power level.
People are getting sick and tired off refugees and muslims over here. (talking about young men and women with bachelor degrees)
I've never really had to hide my power level, i'm from poland. But i think i get what you mean. I worked with muslims in a 'paki shop' long time ago and i left the job when there was a shitstorm in media about Lee Rigby. I'll spare the details, they're boring.
What the fuck
i could unironically talk about genociding all niggers and jews and normies wouldnt even flinch or get offended because they literally dont give a flying shit about politics or anything.
>bitched about antifa in breakroom
>people nod and agree
>black chick engages with me about them too
>mfw she says she was wrong about this white dude
>we months later
That time in the hospital when I couldn't even wipe my own ass... Someone else had to do it.
Sorry I live in Florida, If I did I would be Isolated from everyone in my social circle
I don't know whether to clap or cry.
Not me but this happened with a co-worker who browsed Sup Forums as well
>black co-worker and Sup Forums coworker start talking about the Trayvon incident
>Sup Forums co-worker starts talking about how the shooting was justified
>black co-worker gets enraged and starts arguing why the shooting was unnecessary
>both start going off at each other resulting in the black coworker crying
>both don't talk to each other for a long while
I think I would literally kill myself if I ever found myself in a situation like that.
>Work in big software company
>Say that guy shouldn't be sacked due to freedom of speech
>Also say how Clinton was an improper candidate
>How Trumps victory proves democracy works. As all the big shots backed Clinton and the power of the people trumped that.
>Got into a heated debate with another dev, he kept saying "But you do agree Trump is a disgusting fascist and rapist?"
>The usual crew I go to lunch with look at me weirdly.
>The other dev's talk to me in overly chirpy friendly professional tones and avoid one on one chats.
>Other dev has turned them against me.
>Tfw when you are "that guy"
>This place has legit fucked up my beliefs. They are very out of whack compared to people I socialise with
>watching soccer wm or em with parents
>(me still midget size)
>dad: I think the brits should wear white, red AND blue
>me: I think germany should wear black, white and red
>mom freaks
>dad gives me beating
That guy from google who was against the diversity for the sake of diversity.
About 2 weeks ago I was drinking with people from work at my house. This qt thot I work with was there and she happens to be a side chick for some nigger.
The other people left and it was just me and her. I already had said it was gross but I went on a 20 minute rant saying shit like "if you're going to fuck an animal you might as well fuck a dog because at least it'd be loyal" and comparing miscegination to ISIS destroying ancient artifacts. She's been distant as hell at work after that (we used to flirt and shit all the time). But a week later she broke it off with the nigger, I'd like to think I had something to do with that.
You did good user. Truespeak is a powerful weapon.
Yeah guess let's all circle jerk each other
why not?
>goes to school with niggers
sucks being poor, doesn’t it?
>that happened
One thing I've noticed, why the women who are with black guys always platinum blonde? They are usually beat the shit out of as well
All the time. I am just not completely autistic and people often even agree with me.
No, I actually have an IQ of above room-temp and know how to control it.
>friend1 is talking about a wedding he just went to
>ask him if it was good
>he says it was fine, but that it was the first jewish wedding he's ever been to
>friend2 asks how he knew it was a jewish wedding
>i said the ovens in the back were a dead giveaway
i was the only one who laughed. afterwards i felt bad that such a good joke was wasted on such squares.
depends, students can get triggered pretty easily
>be 5
>uncle works for big company
>"""french""" coworker comes to his birthday
>me: REEEdontwanttoshakehishand.mp4
>met him again a few years later
>laughed about it
>still didn't shake his hand
>can't wipe own ass
>can some how magically kill self
>watching news
>two planes had flown into the Twin Towers
>all my colleagues were distraught
>the moment one of them collapsed, I said "this is so cool"
>realise I fucked up
>spend the next day in HR trying to pretend I said "cruel" instead
It's not much, but I had two classes with this feminist "the world is my children" old bitch
One was an Ohio History class, while another was an American History up till Reconstruction (1877). She skipped the Civil War in the US History class, and listening to her made it sound like blacks and women built Ohio. We spent a fuckton of time on Indians in the US class, cause we needed to spend two weeks talking about cross-dressers in Indians cultures.
I laid low for a majority of those classes, but I had times where I had to say something. There was a Marine in the US class who had a deadbeat sister who got real riled up when this bitch would go on about welfare, and he generally had my back in that class. The worst was when she said the US didn't talk Polk's plan for Mexico because "THEY WERE BROWN" and in the Ohio class she got me to say whites are more likely to be in education fields than blacks when she said earlier that there were not the right proportion of blacks in the teaching department.
I really hated that bitch
>At a club in Vegas
>Meet a good looking GILF who works in the same industry I do
>Chatting it up while she drinks
>She's slowly inching closer to me as time goes on, has bedroom eyes
>Somehow we get to talking about politics
>Inevitably turns to Trump and his stance on immigration and illegal aliens
>I point out that he never said ALL Mexicans are rapists and criminals
>She puts a finger on my mouth, tells me she has to go
Thank fucking God. It was getting really late and I had to be up early the next day for work.
Oh shit, I just remembered one I cringed the most about.
>sitting in garden at a family gathering
>cousin likes to be controversial for a laugh
>really looked up to him
>my baby niece is crying for no fucking reason
>won't stop
>get so annoyed I say to him "do you reckon it would still count as abortion?"
>he's laughing but I can see it was way too far
>turn around
>other cousin's girlfriend heard what I said
>still treats me like an axe-murderer
Lucky bastard
The way to reach normies is with subtle redpills. You don't have to spoonfed them the full truth until they're ready for it.
Mom is bitching about Trump the other day, how inarticulate he is. I explain why his style is specifically meant to manipulate the clickbait-tier media, as well as how both his pervy brand and lack of Hillary in office is leading to more scrutiny for actual pervs, so it's a net win even if you hate Trump. She then praised me for how thorough my worldview is.
You don't have to go full tinfoil on normies to make a point, senpai - especially when you're talking to people who are already conservatives. Play to their emotions, undercut MSM.
>Trump plays 4D chess is a redpill
>that time when I calmy said "STFU Lester Holt" absently while reading Sup Forums with the free wi-fi at the VFW and everyone laughed and then the channel is turned to hockey.
>on kikebook
>brother posts something about Richard Spencer
>says he is going to protest against him, calling him a Nazi, racist, and bigot
>comment "sounds pretty bigoted of you to not tolerate his views
>100 replies came out of my comment
Liberals hate being called out for their own shit.
Better than Commiefornia
That he's smarter than people give him crdit for is, however.
ah classic mom vomiting
we all been there
>be me with friend and his niece
>Walking to deli to get beer for a party
>Friends niece is around 16, total blue pill
>Enter deli
>Look at counter
>Say fuck it, buy beer
>Checking out and the stench is horribly but decide I wont have to deal with it much longer
>Exiting deli and look back
>mfw the Indian guy shit his pants
>go off on angry tirade about how at least in his country he would have the decency to shit in the street and that people like him, niggers, jews or otherwise are whats ruining America
>Friends niece in utter shock that Im not a blue pilled soyboy
>mfw her best friend (white) had sex with a nigger and he left when she said she wanted to keep it
>little ditty men
Top mum
And your were right about the cyborgs
>That one time when I enthralled an entire waiting room in a doctor's office by telling them what the tv was going to say next while using Alex Jones articles to refute it.
screenshot? sounds lulzy
Nah, Trump's senile now. The only reason he's successful in business is because he was born into wealth to start with. He's a shitty strategist and just makes republicans look bad.
>a few years ago
>have a nig friend, let's call him Jamal
>talking to my buds, Jamal's no there
>"I saw dawn of the planet of the apes, it was pretty solid. Jamal was pretty good in it."
>buds starts laughing
>Jamal was nearby and heard it
>He's laughing as well
He was a cool dude.
>be me
>tell my mom the Jewish kid in my class wasn't there but I know he wasn't sick
>she just tells me Jews get bonus days off
>I say "Jewish people are stupid I hate them" because I'm jealous
>she yells at me and makes me promise never to say it again
I've known ever since
Why can't American niggers be this based
>asks me where I read that
Shame on this "history" professor.
> Get drunk
> Go to the dairy to get some drinks
> Shout that the only thing Germany deserves is a nuclear holocaust
> Get drunk
> Talking to coworkers about McGregor vs Mayweather
> Say it's a nigger vs a potato nigger
> Get drunk
> Talking to coworkers about something I don't remember
> Start bringing up coal burners
> Get drunk
> Talking to coworker about races
> Tell them Jews aren't a race unless you admit they're different to white people through centuries of inbreeding. Equate them to Muslims that rape goats and marry their cousins
>mom calls trump inarticulate
>but I explained to her how he's really a genius
>he just pretends to be a halfwit to troll the media
The man is barely literate, dude, as bad as Mayweather. Donald "Tremendous Diversery" Trump.
im gonna use this
Ya blew it.
I have like 12ish screenshots of the whole conversation. It sounds kind of worthless to post all 12, plus I have to do a lot of editing.
This made me hard
>starting uni two years ago
>start talking about where we are all from over a pint
>Autistic guy talks about hating being from Hull because it's too white
>muh no good food
>start talking about being from Birmingham and that it's not all sunshine etc.
>asks me if I'm voting for brexit
>some girl overhears and says she is too
>Aut can't believe he's surrounded by "racist idiots"
>we're not racist mate!
>we both know we are
>grill and I have frank discussions about politics often
>grill is a good friend to this day
Worked out desu
i know this is autistic, but i keep a card in my wallet for this reason. it has happened to me before.
James Damore. My ex and I disagreed on this too. I thought as a programmer she might have known better. Good riddance
Drunk Aussies can be a lot of fun at parties
The refugee crisis had started. Images and video of them pouring into Europe. Come in to the kitchen a stream my parents are watching.
"So many savages" I say without thinking.
"They need to be all fucking shot at the border" my dad says, my mum agrees.
Soon find out my entire family is the same, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, you name it.
>be in history lecture
>the professor says something about Bulgaria being culturally significant
>self-hating nu-male which I have formed an uneasy friendship with makes comment along the lines of "it don't matter we iz near the bottom in Europe regarding literacy rates"
>I get fucking tired from him trying defame my country every chance he gets and I tell him to look up the literacy percent and the demographics and see who's dragging down those rates
>he just gives me the fluoride stare and uneasily nods his head, after this awkward silence between us ensues
kek good one kid.
anyway your dad was wrong because it's the England team, not all of Britain.
>the week before university in germany starts
>gonna study law and political science
>students arranged a bar tour to get to know each other before the semester starts
>after 5 beers politics come up, refugee stuff
>i find myself arguing literally against 5 people
>2 of them guys, one i can't take srsly (nobody does) because he cant really talk anymore, other one is the biggest cuck ever, wears hamp stuff and bracelets
>3 of them leave, i talk to 2
>realize i am in a lefty bar
>older guy comes up to me, grabs my shirt, tells me this is the wrong place for me
>i am like "chill"
>we talk more there, i am nervous but for some dumb reason i bring up hitler and how he was human and how dehumanizing people like him is evil
>2 older guys start yelling at me and the bartender tells me to fuck off
>i leave for my safety
>i have no friends out of the group of 55 left
Daddy issues. Internalised rebellion
>at a party
>they are playing normie music
>im getting drunk and high
>the song they are jammin to has a nice beat
>some spic starts freestylin
>pretty good idk remember i was fucked up
>i say damn nigga that's fire
>it's like that gif of that party where even turns towards you at once and frowns
>they all say you can't say stuff like that
do something user
>big group of british people bitching about brexit, im the only non-brit there
>tell them they need to take back their country, are cucked by the eu and that brexit is a good thing
>outrage ensues
>ask if any of them bothered to vote
>dead silence
>"fuck you all"
>victory ciggie
>we watch it on the bigscreen together
I guess autism runs in the family
Fuck lester holt
>hurduurr born into wealth
He was born into 1 million dollars.
Every thing else he's worked for. Why doesn't ever other person born into 1 million dollars have billions upon billions?
Trump is clearly good at turning 1 million dollars in many billions of dollars. I have proof, and that is his taxes from 2016 that he publicly released.
I screamed nigger once but a car horn honked so the sound was masked.
>called actual jew girl hooknosed bitch
>nervous for a second
>her friend starts laughing
>don't really understand what im saying
>next day she comes up to me and says "hooknosed bitch, that was hilarious"
>still doesn't pick up that its a deragatory term for jews
>be me
>history teacher is an annoying jew always playing the victim card
>holocaust is now the subject of the week
>he starts blabbering on and on about "muh 6 gorillion"
>doesn't even teach us anything he just keeps crying about how his people were such victims
>finally had enough
>"but you weren't there? So why are you acting like a victim and everyone owes you something?"
>The fury of a thousand yamakahs unleashed upon me
>mfw I get expelled and have to go to a new school in another county
>mfw I've had it with jews and their fucking bullshit
then leave the sugar fields. I know at seven people more red pilled than I am and I live in south west Florida.
I do it on purpose to my family.
I don't give a fuck.
were you in a country where it is illegal to criticize or denounce the holocaust?
the message your teaching them is good but expose them to a better class of right wing personalities instead of Agent Dicky, Cointelpro Movement Discreditor First Class
>At college
>"Holocost" surviver comes
>He speaks about muh everyone is fascist
>He starts speaking about the danger Of the Le Pen family
>i ask what proof he has that the Le Pen are nazis
it was just after the guy shotting in a mosque in Quebec
>He says "Well one of their supporters shot up a mosque"
> I say If one Le Pen supporter shoots a mosque it makes all le pen supporters nazis so if a muslim run over people all muslims are terrorists yes?
>The 200 guys listening to him turn over and look at me
>The teachers give me the killing look
>my reaction when everyone hates me now
I live in the US so no it wasn't illegal. But it doesn't help that I went to a school in SoCal. It was a literal cesspool of multicultural and lgbt bullshit from both staff and students. I just finally had enough.
Absolutely devilish
>> I say If one Le Pen supporter shoots a mosque it makes all le pen supporters nazis so if a muslim run over people all muslims are terrorists yes?
The question that stumped all the professors. Jews HATE him. Learn the answer to this question, and more, in my most recent clickbait Buzzfeed article.
We have the most radicalized muslims of the west per capita. Most % of foreign turks voted Erdogan. It's pretty clear that we don't want them and they hate it here because we don't cuck over as hard as France and Sweden. Not a high bar but still...
even wikipedia says 8 out of the 10 leaders of the commie side were jewish
im half morrocan, called my mom disgusting arab bitch
>bonfire with friends
>one of them a typical redneck trump supporter
>the other one never trump catholic lawyer
>find out the never trumper is a self-loathing jew (by blood)
>he starts complaining about the other whiny jewish lawyers
>thought this was an invitation to reveal my power level
>start talking about how jews overexaggerated the holocaust and how hitler wasn't as bad as our history books make it out to be, etc.
>never trumper can't even look me in the eye "umm does anyone want another beer...?" *walks back inside*
>trump supporter starts talking about how his grandfather killed nazis like me in ww2
>oh shit
>he grabs my shirt and starts getting aggressive and yelling
>self-loathing jew comes back outside to break us up only because he didnt want noise complaints
>"Maybe you should just leave, user."
>they slowly stop talking to me
>mfw i don't have friends now
what kind of card?
Every fucking time I have people over I try to force a red pill on people.
I'm so fucking retarded.
When I talked about niggers with Vladimir putin
A week before class even started
All my classes are currently online, but as a history major I'm bound to butt heads with someone in the future.
lol yuo gotta be an oldfag to know. even then, probably only like 500 people know.
Yea I don't think anyone is ready for the 1488 pill in a group at least. The 1488 pill must be slowly and discreetly administered over time.