I'm sure i am not the only one that has noticed the way far left individuals and media speak and write.
"Wow.....just... Wow!"
"Literally something or other"
"Here's why it's amazing, beautiful, powerful" etc.
They almost all do this. Why?
Can an ideaology change they way you express yourself? Or is it just the "cool" thing to do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Different language means different clan. clans are reproductive competition.
See: Ebonics.
That's an interesting point
Wow... just wow. Literally a fucking leaf.
I cant even
I'll do a writeup on this once I'm done with my fish
I'm literally shaking rn.
a powerful beautiful leaf
This is racist! My fellow Goyim... I mean white men we need to address our evil ways.
>i'm sure i am not the only one
I bring this up because i usually only see this online, but today i heard it come out of a mouth of a 50 year old woman i'm taking a course with.
It's weird when you hear it in everyday conversation
Ok, done with fish.
The left mind is both simple and complex, but to understand why they speak like this you need to understand, they don't have any opinions or original thoughts of their own. When something happens, they will latch on to the opinion fed to them by their chosen authority figure, be it CNN, Maddow or Colbert.
And once they have this narrative told to them, when confronted they will recite it word for word. That's why they're filled with media buzzwords like "power".
However, these narratives are not foolproof, and are easily destroyed. When this happens, they both are trying to force themselves to hold this narritive, and also are realizing it on their own that it's false, they have cognitive dissonance and their higher mental functions drop through the basement. At this point, they will react to you in a few different ways, they will insult you/accuse you of being part of a conspiracy, which is more common
these days.
They may also be unable to formulate a thought, so they jumble words in their frustration and anger.
>the right somehow isn't equally guilty of this as well
Perhaps they are.
Can you give some examples?
They just desperately want to shove negativity out of their minds. They want everything to be friendly, perfect, and sunny so they force themselves to have a persona that's cheerier than humanly possible.
It's why there's raging hateful communist trannies who sincerely desire white genocide and the only music they listen to is sweet innocent twee pop. There are a lot of leftists who are fucked up in a lot of bizarre psychologically ravaged ways.
the women speak like sheltered women and the men speak like sheltered woman. it all just comes off as gay in text.
I wonder if the current left ideology attracts these types or creates them?
>mfw I do the first and the second thing, and I'm hardcore right-winger
WLP does a good job of explaining the phenomena you’re thinking of. If nothing else, you get to see the same perspective from twenty years ago. m.youtube.com
Good post m80
I think it's similar to the bugmen "mouth open smile". They're so narcissistic and insecure that they're compelled to write (or smile) in a way which they feel helps them stand out.
Sometimes they do it with short, direct sentences, which they mistakenly think makes them sound brave. "You. You are amazing. Never forget that. Ever."
Sometimes they'll try to emphasize every word they utter as if anybody gives a shit: "This. Is. Not. Ok."
Sometimes they'll try to grab attention before speaking because nobody would listen other wise, like "Ooh ooh...idea forming....maybe we could jerk each other off during Hillary's speech"
Sometimes they'll try to impart gravitas for situations that don't require it, because they're too sheltered to know what good and evil is yet. News: Trump Goes on Another Golf Trip, Lefty: "This. This is what's wrong with the world."
All combined, it's hard to read.
>They're so narcissistic and insecure that they're compelled to write (or smile) in a way which they feel helps them stand out.
>he said in a post with reddit spacing
Libs are farther toward the emotional end of Emotional thinking/Rational thinking scale. And yeah, probably.
>and this is (a) good/great (thing)
I am more interested in their tones of voice. Listen to barbara spectre speak, that voice tone of false concern and urgency as she talks about multiculturalism is sickening
You realize that there's other reasons to write with line spacing, like it being easier to read, right?
I hope niggers rape your entire family. You deserve it. If it happens, post a video of it so I can laugh.
Fuck OP hit that shit on the head.
Nice observations.
>reddit spacing
I fucking hate this forced meme that undermines the legibility of posts.
Questions are being asked. Here's why that's a good thing.
Have you ever wondered how these articles are written?
Just. Think. About, It.
t. Karl Bergstein, life-lover, hedonist, feminist & a passion for latté. Find me at starbucks.
>everyone else on Sup Forums writes difficult to read walls of text
>you and other lebbitor faggots use inappropriate (reddit) spacing
Yes, I'm sure you must be right and everyone else must be wrong.
This post is so accurate it raised my heart rate
Stop trying so hard. Also, you need to go back
That's your example? It must really rustle your jimmies to be called out for the fruity lefty faggot you are.
They are basically trying to function like a cult would. Promising utopian life with bright and flashy and happy language that appeals heavily to emotion and providing meaning to their self indulgent lives.
>assuming malevolence in lieu of stupidity
Literally tier
The overuse of punctuation, the emotional outbursts, poor vocabulary and the general airheaded style of writing could be more easily attributed to low verbal IQ and lack of education.
the embed sense of humor acts as a fake world. I need to explain that better, but think about as an intermediary between being a intelligent person and savage
Creates. Cultural Marxism is a hell of a drug.
Read George Orwell's Politics and the English Language. Learn what Sapir-Whorf is. Compare the terminology practices of religious cults to those of leftists. Short answer, yes.
Liberals have recognized that language shapes reality in a very deep and fundamental way. Your perception of the world, the thoughts that go through your brain, the habits of mind that you cycle through during your day - they're composed of individual thought-idea units, which are accessed via language. Words are kind of like an index for accessing thoughts in your brain - if you think about what a "Jew" is in your head, it's this whole big complex idea, it's megabytes of information, and that whole file is anchored in your brain by the word "Jew", that's how you access and store that file in your head.
If you are conscious of this phenomenon, however, you can easily manipulate it, and gain really deep control over people's mind and realities, simply by ENFORCING LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS. You might hate the word "privilege", and disagree with the ideas behind it, but you almost certainly HAVE those ideas in your head. It's taking up real estate in your head, and all it takes is the mention of the word "privilegel" to load that into your neural RAM and reinforce the idea that much more. A big component of how propaganda works is just repeating something over and over until, even if it's something you initially disagreed with, you come to see as "true" - because your reality is just the sum total of the shit going through your head, and if your head is constantly being [involuntarily] filled with THEIR ideas, via THEIR controlling the language, then that gives them a great degree of control over your thoughts.
As a corollary, think about how much of what we believe can be reduced down into a few words or phrases: cuckservatives, white genocide, ZOG, meme magic; those are the building blocks of a comprehensive worldview which, summed together, enables us to view the world in a COMPLETELY different way from what THEY want to shove down our throats, and those building blocks are anchored and articulated by *language*, the literal words we use to refer to them.
>So brave
>Love this
I'd also suggest that it's perpetuated by attempt to emulate the socialization style of the group that they're in. They see/hear someone behaving and communicating in a certain way in their group and either because they receive it as a positive method of socialization or because they treat it as an authoritative way of communication, they pick it up and try to replicate it to stay in the social cloud that they want to be part of.
So it's constantly self perpetuating by leftists that already socialize in theses hyperbolic, attention-getting methods, and it's picked up by leftists that like the way it's conveyed or think that they can get attention for themselves by behaving in the same way.