This is insane, what is this suppose to accomplish? Is this going to work?
OK who's the funny man here
Other urls found in this thread:
How do you steal bitcoin?
This is big goys. People will be forced to confront this and they'll see the outrage from the left and realize the lunacy going on around them. Normies and moderates even on Plebbit see the hypocrisy. Keep pushing on.
>what is this suppose to accomplish?
show normies that yes, they do in fact hate us because we are white
>Is this going to work?
So far its gotten exactly the reaction we knew it would.
AHAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Who is this famous Sup Forums hacker?
My almonds are toasty!
looool is that fucking real
Is this real? KEK My spidey senses say no.