I hate White People AMA

Hi!22 yr old autistic Indian channer here. I really fucking hate white people. Why? Because they make me feel like pathetic dirt .......I want just to be a white guy and fuck just one cute white girl, it's my ultimate fantasy. I want white people to die out just to heal the pain of havin to be myself. Does that make me evil?


I am south Indian too, and I get seen as a weird freak a lot and it really upsets me. I spend lot of time drunk/high browsing Sup Forums to trigger myself. I look very dark almost like a primitive proto human kinda, I'm smart too but I have a very primative facial composure.

pic is how I wish I looked kinda
Brown hair and blue eyes, like the most cute girls look
>I have very black shitty hair and black scary looking eyes that make me look like a criminal no joke

Should I just an hero? thanks

>btw born in South India (Tamil background) come to USA as a kid *age 7*, basically feel like an alien here
((((PS- THese threads are the only shit keeping me sane enough to not kill myself cuz i have zero friends and hate my life, thanks for caring about my opinions, I know im a weird guy but please don't hate me)))))>

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Daily reminder that white people are disgusting degenerate creatures.

im a white male and my gf has dark brown hair blue eyes

wah wah
u wish u were me

This pasta has been on Sup Forums almost every day for days. Stahp.

Also DoTR coming for Podesta and pedos.

>tfw no vegene
Plz show bobs, tell boon size and I bring milk truck to u

> The concept of envy — the hatred of the superior — has dropped out of our moral vocabulary …
> The idea that white Christian civilization is hated more for its virtues than its sins doesn’t occur to us, because it’s not a nice idea. …
> Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible.
> It is Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself.
> Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared.
> The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation.
> The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy.
> Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities. …

~ Joseph Sobran (Sobran’s — April 1997)

Your kind of minority is what is going to make the white ethnostate difficult.


You feel like an alien because you are unwelcome here.

>your skin color is not why

We're not the ones making you feel like pathetic dirt, that's your projection of you not having a loo.


fuck u bitch

suck it bitch

honestly i hope u fuckin die sorry i know its exteme but its how im feeling

sick of hiding my feels IRL to make white ppl feel better


What can we say? Go back to India.

>I really fucking hate white people
>please don't hate me

alrighty then

Shit dude, you are who you are, own it.
You don't have to have white skin to live like a modern, civilized human bean.
Thank god you're not a nig

dude its not a pasta its my honest anger/issues/feels im venting to u

so fuck off?
kys white trash

What caste you in? Casue if you are an Untouchable then you are fucked either way friend. At least in the US you get a fighting chance.

Dude just fuck a hot Indian women, some of them are REALLY hot. Don't feel so bad about your race. Sure we say you shit on the streets but we also say Swedes enjoy getting raped by Muslims so you don't have it the worst.

Yeah kill yourself, you fucking ugly no-life loser
Worthless subhuman trash

Just move back to India and be around of ones like you. Stop polluting west.

Why do you people always smell like shit? Like it seeps into the homes y'all stay in and makes cleanup a bitch. Everywhere y'all stay smells like ass. Why pajeet?

>ama cancering Sup Forums

>we also say we enjoy Swedes getting raped
What are you implying? This is amazing. No more snowniggers lol.
Swedes no joke are the most pathetic bunch of people I have ever met. I had a group of Swedish friends invite me to their circle, and I said "I'm rightwing" and they all unfriended me. lol

Assimilated Indian people are all good.
Probably my first choice of immigrant

I empathize with you pajeets. I'm not trying to be mean but a pajeet male is the last thing I would want to be.

Maybe you shouldn't immigrate in the first place you sneaky little nigger.

I'm white, and you all can kiss my ass and die.

Mexicans work harder

So this is pasta now? sage

Go fuck a nine year old muhammed.

No they don't. Mexicans only work hard when you step on their throats and threaten to fire or deport them.

Texas boy here

I've never met a Mexican but they look like sub humans from what I've seen.
I grew up going to school with the first wave of Indian immigrants kids here in NZ. They all assimilate fast and are hard workers, intelligent and good people. They just have this self esteem problem around whites, it's funny.

This picture just about sums up this thread.


Mexicans come in two different types
1. those who want to make their lives better, they learn english, speak english at home, work hard try to assimilate
2. They are proud of being mexican, talk spanish at home, have like 8 kids, get fat, eat the worst shit, bitch and cause drama

The two groups hate each other and want the cool ones want to kill or deport or fire the bad ones. It's like a civil war. If you see one flying a mexican flag, there is probably another want getting his gun to kill that son of a bitch

This fucking thread again
Just kill yourself my man.

dude no im not untouchable fuck off with that shit

im mid-level caste, not high or low

move back to India to be amongst your own. you will feel better. what you are experiencing is alienation caused by diversity.

Okay are you an Autsimo? And or in highschool?

its not cause you're a minority it's because you're unattractive

plenty of cute minorities fuck cute white girls

My nigga OP its not hard to fuck white women. Instead of drinking alone just go to a bar and get slowly hammered all night. Eventually a white women will approach you with the intent to fuck.

It's not pasta. But it's always the same message with the same cat picture. Here's my response:
1. If you want to fuck a blue eyed white ginger trying to be a cat, your too late, pic related offed himself.
2. It's your personality that prevents you from getting laid, not your race.
3. I hate you, cause your threads always get a response. 100% of the time. You're like Sup Forums's equivalent of a tumblrina, your posts always get (you)'s on the front page, and now I'm part of the problem.

There's nothing at all wrong with being an Indian. You should never be ashamed of who you were born as. Why not take another look at Indian girls? Some of them are absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. If I weren't white, I'd probably consider Indians the most beautiful women on the planet.

In any case, your fantasy doesn't make sense. In a world without white people, you'd still be who you are.

Honestly, you sound like you are depressed. Seriously, you should find yourself a counsellor and talk about how you feel. Maybe they can help you work through it?

forgot pic


You sounds like a weirdo.

Muzzies are the least rare

Way t fucking l def dr

All I can say is you're welcome for giving you something to fight for challenge and accomplish

If you make it have the fuck at it

I guarantee you'd never accomplish anything close to what you will here fighting against the "devil" so shut the fuck up pay your taxes to Tyrone or go back to your shitting streets

nah im colonizing ur land and gonna fuck every pussy of ur girls

thats my fantasy and im never givin up on it

im the boss now

u cant control me

i control ur ass

ur gonna die white ppl
and im gonna jerk off & laff

thats all


ya cuz hating me is stupid shit

respect me for bein honest about how I feel asshole





ya it not pasta its my emotions and so far i feel the same so fuck off????

honestly ur not convinicing me to fuckin shut up at all ur just making me mad

Woah calm down bro.

ya im kinda a weirdo SO WHAT

fuck haters

You jealous Pajeet?

So you just come on to Sup Forums to bitch go back to Sup Forums you retard.

dude shut up im race realist and want to vent MY RACIAL FEELS

thats why I'm in pol

>making me mad
See that's your problem you don't learn. It really is your personality holding you back. If you were a woman, then there might be some validity to your point and I'd tell you to lower your standards. But your a man. It's your personality women, (especially white women) will care about. Looks are like designer clothes, they help, but not that much. Here read this, it will teach you:


Race Realism isn't a thing fuck nut You are probably just hideously ugly and are a social retard hit the gym, get drunk and meet people. Guarantee your life will improve



stop posting this shit every day, go shit in the streets.

why do you like white women but hate white men? you obviously have a fetish not a love of them.

Go worship toilet god, you 2020 superpooer.

Dude...it’s ok to be Indian. Assuming this post isn’t bait, I’ll bite. It’s ok to be Indian. Fuck, Indian immigrants actually make something out of themselves when they come here. They aren’t violent, and generally keep to themselves. As a white fuck, I have no problem with your kind. Stop comparing yourself with white folks. Just embrace your heritage, go to fucking temple. Find a hot fuckin’ exotic Indian girl and make some fucking caramel babies. Shit. It ain’t that bad. Just leave the white women alone and yer good.

>hating me is stupid shit
But you hating me isn't?

You never took logic, huh?

dude shut up badasses get girls w/o trying to be awesome

i am awesome all on my own

i want a girl and a girl owes me her fuckin vag

thats how i feel

it makes me mad to thin ki gotta work and not just be loved by a white cutey

i feel like white girls have no rights and i wanna control them and fuckin own them forever

fuck my life dude

u have no idea how bad it feels

dude fuck off

i hate white girls too i just wanna fuck/hurt them (BDSM domination fetish shit)

ur white asshole

ur lucky

shut the FUCK up

>weak pasta

no fuck u my fetish is white genocide

my ultimate fantasy is we round up and mass kill white ppl and i rape//impregnate the last few white girls ever

its fucked up i dont care

im sick of being nice to white ppl

im sick of hiding how much i hate them IRL

im fuckin DONE

Race is real

Dude its an Eliot Rodger. Good luck trying to reason with him.