It's okay to be white

this is phase 2 lads, we need to show them that we're definitely not racists *wink* haha

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Lol fuck off JDIF

sage and hide

We're just trying to tell people it's ok to be white. Nothing more, nothing less. Fuck off.

Reminder to report and ignore shitposts like this

Also use sage if you post in this thread so it doesn't get bumped

lole u reely got thoem alt reich babies, i bet they gots small penies

Why can't liberals meme?

same comerade, I'm definitely not a racist

Don't even sage these threads. Just ignore them. They're trolls laughing at people sperging out over something this easy to do. It's the easiest knee-jerk thread to watch all the "fuck off shill" posts pile in.

We need signs like "Mr. Nazi Soros hates jews" or "The Clinton's only like cheese pizza without walnut sauce."