Think about it. The CIA and FBI agents assigned to scroll Sup Forums and shill, spy, and subvert, are obviously exposed to a hell of a lot redpills on a daily basis. Any chance these guys getting paid to browse Sup Forums all day long might actually become redpilled? I can't imagine they can just ignore all those juicy glittering pill posts. What if the Feds are accidentally breeding their own little Sup Forumsacks? Are they unintentionally giving us friends on the inside? Any CIAnons wanna chime in on this?
Are CIAnons /ourguys/?
Other urls found in this thread:
>being this dumb
You can't redpill the CIA niggers. They already know what's going on, and choose the path of corruption and evil, for personal gain or self-preservation. Redpills work on lefty dimwits because leftist worldviews only hold up in a vacuum. You can cure ignorance, but not evil.
Yeh bruz I work for the agency in psychological warfare and I've got to say, certain colleagues are definitely coming round to a more conservative way of thinking after being exposed to you cats
It's all so simple. First we fix the CIA by opening their eyes to the reality of the world, then we do the same for the ruthless anti-white Jews trying to destroy the West, and then we will finally have peace.
>jews are ok
not sure if ironic or D E S I G N 8 E D
I'm not talking about the evil suits at the top who make the big decisions, I'm saying like the average desk jockey at the bottom of the food chain following orders for a paycheck. I can see those types being open to wrongthink
I imagine there are still a lot of good guys working for the CIA who are already redpilled
They are not retards, they're not going to swallow simplistic nazi propaganda whole.
They actually are /ourguys/ because they actually do go after enemies of the west and criminals.
But most of you are still in your rebellious phase and can't understand that yet.