They are already doubling down on their agenda with Trump in office. You know very well they will try an spite us. Double down on immigration policies, gun control, hate speech laws, etc.
What will the left do when they get back in power?
It's past your bedtime, you blackpilled retard
A quicker installation of socialist policies and inevitably communism.
They will have to make their moves fast and hope that they can install all their globalist agenda's before they can be voted out.
They've already jumped the shark. Stop being retarded.
I need help i have learned of a new flag in nantes france. it is a HWNDU flag Spread the news
You're just a conservative ideologue whose primary motivator is fear.
The Left is eating itself over the bombshell that Hillary rigged the DNC primary. They won't be getting back in power anytime soon.
IF they get back in power.
Even if they get the Presidency at some point, the Congressional system is so stacked against them, even more so due to their unreliable base composed of the youth and minorities that they won't be able to get the numbers to actually pass anything.
The Founders ensured that it's extremely difficult on them. I honestly think Obamacare was the last major piece of legislation that will ever be passed. It's going to be a never ending slew of obstruction from here on out.
What? HWNDU Season 7 in France?
i'm sorry, what?!
how's that bad?
not really an issue. the Right has sold out Americans and after coal voters and welfare red staters see their 401k taxed and 300% increase in healthcare, they will know theyve been sold out.
at this rate the left wont have power again for a long time. they are driving people away from them more and more by the day. they will continue to spiral down this path until the entire party self destructs. maybe then whatever glimmers of sanity remain might reform into a new left leaning party with common sense, but that wont be for a long time. the next decade is going to be like watching a train wreck in slow motion as the democrats slowly devour themselves
trump buttfucked em already by putting based conservative in supreme court. he could just do nothing for the next four years and will have still won.
this, their fate is sealed at this point, the damage is done. everything that happens from here on out is just icing on the cake
>mfw when I read your bullshit and realize you actually believe every word you're saying.
They are never going to find themselves in power ever again.
More importantly what will the right do when a leftist Federal government retaliates.
I wish we could function more like a underground resistance but it doesn't really fit with how we share information. Nothing we do is secret. Its all about bragging rights.
>Undermines the intellect of an entire political population
Fucking sick of this narrative.