What if me, a white male, is not attracted to women of my race?

What if me, a white male, is not attracted to women of my race?

who are you attracted to?

You mean you're not attracted to narcissistic hoes that can't go a week without some drama or mental breakdown?

Asians mostly.

Yeah but I understand all races are capable of being that.

asians are a meme. i'm blonde-blue eyes white guy and i've dated 3 asian girls, they look ok but their cognitive phenotype does not match with a white person at all. asians are bugmen, if you are on the right side of the bellcurve of white people you will feel empty being attached to an asian girl

I would kick you in the shin and make you feel awkwardly deposed but still fluffy on the inside, then I would get to know you over a period of days, and hug you from behind everytime I saw you. Play peekaboo and generally baby you with attention and love and text you how im "kind of falling for you". And then earn youe trust, and get you to like me, then when you finally cant contain yourself and touch me, i will call you a race traitor and ruin your life and cast you out of it so that your soul is crushed.

t. White female

That means that you are evolutionary defective and experience mental illness by name xenophilia. Don't pollute our genes and get yourself a gook

And what makes you think we want you back LOL? Youre ruined. Tainted. Unredeemable. Youre not even fucking white you scum.
Steam the rice pay the price. Neck thyself

If we're being anecdotal, I dated a white woman for almost two years. It was misery. I'm much more happy with my current relationship.

Thanks for the diagnosis doc. You seem fun at parties. I don't plan on having children either. :)

That is a very good cover story to keep people from knowing you're a no good punk skinhead from way back tbqh

Ok but sewriously what? Like wtf lol? Are you really this dumb?

I agree
>wow white women are narcissitic
Wtf lol? Im all for being humble, but you are a narcissist too you brainlet cuck.
Mental breakdown? As if. I talk to WHITE GUYS ONLY, and guys i am not dating freak out if i dont answer their texts in 20 minutes. They are the most fragile and obsessed and psychotic spazzoids in relationships, ive been blackmailed, stalked, i had a guy try to sneak in my window when i was home alone. Jason, this creep from my school he wrote poetry to me.

Dont act like you have no problems, because you have ALOT!
Rpegardless im loyal to my people, so you can fuck right off beta

kek, I didn't breed with them. Cocks don't turn to roast beef with use, and men can comprehend transcendent beauty of women (vice versa is not true) and are thus allowed personal agency in quantity of partners. Whereas women are essentially entirely dependent on oxytocin response (dampened by partner count) to be trusted to maintain monogamy. I've had under 10 partners and my current longterm GF is white, considering locking her down for good

>im much more happy with my current relationship
LARP and a lie.
Look at her ugly black souless fish eyes and tell me youre happy. I could probably beat you up irl you homo virgin

bro r u me?
lol maybe you are just autistic?

I am happy. :)

I dont care, youre a gook loving scum. Dont even talk to me

kill yourself

If you're not a race realist you can't be expected to understand. Asian women are submissive and predictable as hell but they don't bring a soul to the table and you're soiling your line if you breed with one. Keep it in mind

Keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile you wake up every morning and smell FISH straight from iwo jima. Rotting for a month, smelly oriental cheese!

>they don't bring a soul to the table and you're soiling your line

That's just total bs.

Chink hapa psycho.
Get out.

kek, you go girl

I am much as a race realist in that I realize there are differences between races.

Some people like fish.

Stfu weeaboo it isnt BS....youre literally killing your race for an empty holllw ugly liberal flat faced fish smelling eggroll from hell.
Literally why? Its because you hate white women thats why, because youre a bitter atheist manchild mgtow virgin. Simple.

Actually asian girls have less pussy stink than white/latinas. But most God-fearing sensible men love the piquant aroma of snatch anyway so it's hardly a consideration