China wants all its former territory back


The only thing china will get is a biological virus that wipes out the mongoloid race altogether

desu they seem quite ccomfy buying the whole of africca

this, china doesnt really seem to give a shit about anything besides china. they only care about america because their entire economy depends on us

But the Yuan Dynasty was Mongolian.

This, OP does not know his history. The Chinese hated the mongols under Genghis Khans decendants


I hope they try. Asia deserves to have it's own world war instead of having to get caught in the west's all the time.

>North Korea

I have no problem with this.Chinks have nukes and rare earth monopoly anyway. Better than nukes flying around. Go get 'em, Chang!

please make it hit indians and niggers too

>chyna wants territory that was gotten by Mongols


the map still doesn't show the 9 dash line.

it's true what you said though, china wants its former territories and then some.

Wasn't the Yuan dynasty founded by Kublai Khan? So it was more like Mongolia controlled China, not China controlling Mongolia.

too lazy to look it up, but China considers all land that has been historically under her rule belonging to her rightfully. whether or not they actually ever achieve that though is debatable. a lot of Koreans think Manchuria is their clay, then again, it's a difference between individuals and government, and the Chinese government is heavily nationalistic since about the 90s.

They will never capture Mongolia

Man, that would be some crazy shit. They'd certainly set the world record for deaths. They'd just throw their overpopulated countries at each other like an ant war.

doesn't matter, in China's mind any land which was a part of mainland china belongs to china.

Don't be surprised if they claim UK tomorrow because UK had Hong Kong. You might think i'm kidding but just wait a few decades.

Let them have it in exchange for them supporting you ridding yourself of the niggers and spiccs and anexing cuba + all the land down to panama canal.

Who gives a shit what these savage people do to oneanother anyway?

The company that makes toy soldiers and t-shirts?

lel. I used to do business in China a lot and every single chinese citizen knows that map and wants "their land" back.
WWIII will def be kicked off by chink expansion. I believe far into Russia, but no one seems to believe me.

That would suck, I like how the current map looks like a chicken

the us and most of western europe are the only countries that don't do whats best for them

That's mongol theritory, not chinese. China was mongol province by that time

Mongols and Chinese are both Asian. Your point?

All except for eastern Manchuria?

The han chinese were treated like 4th-tier citizen under the mongol rule.They fucking hate the yuan dynasty even to this day.

They've retconned it. The Yuan Dynasty was Chinese. Tibet has always been Chinese. Central Asia has always been Chinese. The Philippines are Chinese, as is Taiwan, Japan, the Korean peninsula, and large parts of present-day "Russia". All sovereign Chinese clay.


Try again.

there's a chapter in this book by Peter Sessler where he describes going to a museum in Inner Mongolia dedicated to Genghis Khan. says he noticed every person, including employees, came off drunk. then a tour guide unloaded on him how the Chinese retconned all the history, that even though Genghis hated the Chinese, they instead made it out to be different, that Genghis did not hate them, and they got along or whatever. and the reason every Mongolian is drunk is because the height of their civilization was the Mongol Empire, while it's now appropriated by the Chinese, so there's nothing left to care for except drinking yourself silly.


Smart strategy. I agree with them.

Sounds like fake news to me. I wouldn't listen shit to what a weeb has to say about my people lol. We Mongols and Asians think whites are whores that sell their ass to third world migrants.

>They've retconned it
I think by they you mean the government.You are right that's the official narrative.But not everyone is buying that.The han nationalists still view both yuan and qing dynasty as non-chinese.

We would like it too

Alternatively, it will be annexing their smaller neighbors, and/or starting a war with India.

China basicly has border conflicts on every side of their border. Even autisticly claiming small islands in the sea.

pretty amazing for a couple of mongols living in a nothingland with just a few horses.

It looks like trump lol