American Reich

You wake up tomorrow and America is now home to the great American Fourth Reich, which will reign for a thousand years. You walk into the street and see a parade passing by, hundreds SS soldiers marching to Erika. You find your way to your city center, where communists are being executed with extreme prejudice. Would you accept this new reality?
Goebbles knows I would

Do we still have the Constitution?

Of course. That is the basis of the Reich.

Why did you post this stupid shit?

Stop larping.

Definitely, modified of course to fit the new policies and such

I'd be sad though that I somehow slept through the rise of everything and never got to fight commies in the streets

Please explain how I am larping? I'm not pretending to be anything. Stop throwing around buzzwords.

They're Jews user. All they know is buzzwords.

Imbecile and gay