Capitalism failed to solve Poverty. Let's Overthrow Capitalism

We've seen several times how capitalism abuses the poor and sufferers.
The poor who are lucky to be employed work their ass off 24/7 on a $10/hr salary which is not enough to support a family of 3-4.

Those who are unlucky have no choice hut to rot and die. Unable to get help from the government because tax breaks on the rich limits their budget.

What we need to do is overthrow Capitalism so that no one can suffer poverty. Free food, water, shelter, education, healthcare. It's like heaven.

Who's gonna pay? The workers of course through taxes. As part of service, everybody works and they'll be reimbursed with different salaries. However, the super rich will be taxed heavily to feed the needy and the poor. who couldn't work. Perfect Solution.

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Some people are just addicted to poverty

Capitalism has done more for the poor than any other system.

>work their ass off 24/7 on a $10/hr salary
>Not applying for better work, or at least asking for a raise
In a healthy capitalistic nation being poor is a choice and not an affliction.

The poor are still alive. How are their needs not being met?

What about the disabled who couldn't work? What are you gonna do about them?

The only way to solve poverty is to genocide people with low IQ.

I don't know. Maybe they haven't been feed well. Or maybe they're suffering from the cold harsh nature.
You see the poor asking for change, shivering in the cold in plastic bags, sleeping in cardboards with hungry stomach in New York.
Why don't you become a samaritan and feed them, clothe them, shelter them, and bring them back to their feet, Teach them shit, change them into a healthy working class citizen. They will pay you back later. Don't be a capitalistic asshole

They have charity.

Capitalism is a genius system and the only way to go. I will fight for it until my dying day. On a side note, our poor are some of the worlds richest. But if you are currently poor and don't want to be, beautiful capitalism allows you to start a business of your own at any time. Even if you are in a wheelchair you can start a business. Learn something, and use it to earn a living. Share whatever knowledge skills or talents you are gifted with, and turn it into a business. And when you improve your lot, you can help someone else do the same! God bless capitalism!

>Maybe they haven't been feed well. Or maybe they're suffering from the cold harsh nature.
We have homeless shelters willing to take them in. If they are suffering out in the cold it is because they choose to be there.

If they are retarded and literally completely unable to function, than yes they deserve to be given welfare (and more importantly sterilized)... However, there is a job for everyone in a healthy robust economy. DO you think Harvey Weinstein got to diddle all those Hollywood actresses because of his physical fitness? Shit, for all you know he has two peg legs and a fucked up back, but that hasn't stopped him fro making enough money to get away with cuming in potted plants while in public.

Lets just replace the federal reserve with bitcoin

You see Hitler did that, With the Axis, they killed more than 20 million, Jews, Gypsies, Chinese dead. All you have is fewer workers to work their ass off to fill the void.


And every time a communist state tried to overcome poverty it just made it worse exponentially.

Except communism wasn't truly implemented since those countries that you think are communists were ruled by the elites.

Remember, True Communism is ruled by all. THe people. Democracy is what defines Communism.

>Capitalism has done more for the poor than any other system.

Yes Goy it was all capitalism and nothing else.

That's why USSR had such a rapid increase in life expectancy after WW2 ended.

Vietnam had similar increases in life expectancy after the Vietnam war ended. Another miracle of capitalism surely.

>life expectancy increases after 50 million people are slaughtered in a war
Well, duh.

And yet all the former USSR nations and Vietnam are now capitalist. What good is a system that can't last for more than a few decades?


>same jap flag fag who cries for more Japanese immigration no borders

You're not part of the mainstream meteor I keep hearing about, are you?

Yes, OP, because history shows us how good collectivist, planned economies are at "solving" poverty.

On the other hand, Americans have lower life expectancy due to overwork, work accident, stress, alcoholism, diabetes and heart attack due to (Mcdonalds), Cancer, lead poisoning, getting shot by racist police, dying from cold and hunger, std's, no healthcare insurance, etc.

The purpose of capitalism (and of society in general) is not to "solve" poverty. The fate of the poor is not ethically significant.

>maaan no one wants our shitty economic system that because millions die every time
>i know, poverty being relative, we can shill for communism because under it, everyone is equally poor
>we're such geniuses

>we fool you
Last I checked, the Church isn’t capitalist and has just as many damning critiques of capitalism as it does socialism/ communism.

This. Compassion dictates that we defend capitalism and expand it where we can. Bureaucracies crush the poor; opportunities uplift them.

>Communism wasn't truly implemented because those 2nd world countries were ruled by Oligarchs
> Poverty doesn't exist in communism because
Everybody gets paid.

>people not dropping like flies is a success

Man, you commies really set your bar high.

What are you shilling? We had a high life expectancy than the USSR during it's entire life span.

Last time I checked. the Church receives 10% of everyone's wealth every time they visit the church.
Remember Joel Osteen? The rich guy who opened the mega church in Texas during Hurrican Harvey? He got super rich.

Checked. And apparently commies hate the poor, since they always end up dying in droves when communism takes hold and usually in the first few decades after.

good post

So you can just go ahead and admit your entire philosophy is based on envy.

You're an idiot. I bet you're religious too, that's why you capitalize "god"

>And every time a communist state tried to overcome poverty it just made it worse exponentially.

Look capitalism is (slightly) better than communism but this is incorrect historically speaking.

Russia adopts communism, it rapidly industrializes, increases in life expectancy, beats Germany in WW2 while capitalist nations like France and the UK either surrendered or retreated back to their island for half a decade. Then after half its major cities have been decimated it comes back and challenges the US in a 40 cold war

inb4 lend lease deal

Do you notice how the life expectancy actually went down after 1990(ie when Russia adopted perestroika/economic liberalization). So why haven't there been any appreciable gains in the quality of life after Russia adopted capitalism? Didn't we send our top economists there to help them transition to a free market system?

>life expectancy increases after 50 million people are slaughtered in a war

Yet despite losing so many in WW2 it was still considered a superpower.

All systems have a tendency to collapse after a few decades. The failure of capitalism in the 1930s was lead to world war 2. I'm not exalting communism so much as getting people to question the idea that capitalism is the end of history.

Envy? Nope, I admit my entire philosophy is based on NOT BEING AN ASSHOLE.
Every time some RICH PRICK DOES something that is considered a DICK MOVE, like the FLINT WATER CRISIS. I just want to OVERTHROW CAPITALISM and Replace it with a TRUE COMMUNISM

Dumb commies like you deserve death for the sake of humanity. That capitalism is the most effective system to combat poverty compared to any other by far - especially communism/socialism - is as factual as grass being green. It's literally one of the most simple and demonstrable facts but braindead fucktards like you insist that it's the complete opposite, while you advocate for an actual tyrannical, oppressive system. Go fuck yourself, moron. Every single commie deserves to be executed. Every single one of you disgusting, despicable subhumans.

>demand immigration for "diversity"

>doesn't realize that the flood of immigrants drives down the value of labor while increasing supply in the labor market

>throw in racist democrat anti-white economic agendas of giving companies tax credits and Obamacare exemptions to hire foreigners over Americans to further economically marginalize Americans

>complain about making $10/hour

>blame capitalism

Capitalism isn't to blame. Your own retarded ignorance of capitalism is to blame because your broke ass is a leftist-created problem.

Worth it

>Russia adopts communism, it rapidly industrializes, increases in life expectancy, beats Germany in WW2 while capitalist nations like France and the UK either surrendered or retreated back to their island for half a decade. Then after half its major cities have been decimated it comes back and challenges the US in a 40 cold war
And loses. You forgot that part. The part where it lost to capitalism. Interesting oversight. Really energized my batteries.

>What we need to do is overthrow Capitalism so that no one can suffer poverty.
Because socialism and communism completely solved poverty as we all well know.
Shit tier b8, I'll go whip myself for responding.

Why everything he wrote was true. If you're poor in America you belong poor

It's not my job to "solve" poverty. Fend for yourself, I'm not a slave to your objectives.

>But wants and ideology that:
>banned religion
>bans free speech
>bans private property
>in it's truest forms ban private incentives
>doesn't guarantee any civil rights whatsoever
>routinely purges and famines it's own people
>can never seem to create a checks and balances system

Friendly reminder that Trump gave money to Flint in his first month of office- Obama did not in his almost two years to do it.

Exceptional postings


>Rich people outsourcing jobs to Chinese people or make Robots do menial work for a cheap price.
>Rich people becoming richer as the working class lose jobs.
> Americans complain about how foreigners are stealing their job, when in reality, the rich people fucked them over.
>To add insult to Injury.Rich people lobby governors and presidents for a tax break and tell them to tax the fuck out of the middle class and the poor class.
>These capitalists blames the poor for poverty while they enjoy the riches they get through bribery, extortion, money laundering, investments, and loopholes.


and yeah definitely

>Dumb commies like you deserve death for the sake of humanity.

I'm not a commie, in fact I think communism sucks. I disagree with the retards on here who think all or most of humanity's progress is a result of capitalism.

>And loses. You forgot that part. The part where it lost to capitalism. Interesting oversight. Really energized my batteries.

Right and Mongols conquered half of Eastern Europe and most of Asia. Does that mean Europe should have given up on farming and building castles and instead became horse riding nomads like the Mongols?

>TRUE COMMUNISM hasn't been implemented in USSR countries. Democracy is the main part of Communism. Democracy includes, free speech, religion, civil rights. basic necessities to live, and a pursuit of happiness, and checks and balances of system

Capitalism eliminated more poverty than you can possibily comprehend.

We were all poor before capitalism.

>capitalism is the most effective system to combat poverty
Poverty still exists in Capitalism
>Communism is a tyrannical, oppressive system
No, it's not True Communism is Democratic. Everybody has the right to live as they want.








This is leftist ignorance on economics in a nutshell

No, we weren't. Before Capitalism, People were hunting and gathering. People would share food with other people who couldn't gather or hunt. That's what you call Communism. Everybody was happy.

Until some Assholes decided to monopolize on wheat and rice, controlling the flow of water and food thus causing massive famines. You have to work in their farms to get food. That's what you call a dick move.

>Poverty still exists in Capitalism
Poverty is greater under other systems. But this is irrelevant, even if you found a system that traded liberty for equality I would tell you to go fuck yourself, why do I have to pay for others with my labor?

Yeah right, OP. Just a bit curious how exactly you are gonna overthrow Capitalism and establish that utopian society in your mind?

You're already paying for other's education and healthcare. Taxes are one aspect of communism. If you don't pay taxes, you're an asshole.

This sushi-comrade is a disgrace to his people and country. Commit seppuku and benefit the world that way at least.

You're the dumbest slope I've ever seen online. Please be one of those shut in neets and never breed.

>No, we weren't. Before Capitalism, People were hunting and gathering.

No, before capitalism we had a feudal society where monarchs and the gentry ruled by divine right. This was true both in Europe and in Asia.

The ascendancy of the mercantile class came, much much later.

We nationalize almost every corporations that gives us basic necessities. (McDonalds, SUbWay, TacoBell )Food, (Nestle, CocaCola )Water, (Trump Hotel, Hilton Hotel)Shelter, (Hartfard University, Princeton University )Education, Healthcare, (guns, knives)Security.

Before Feudalism and monarchism, there were a community of cavemen who hunt and gather resources and care for each other. then someone asshole decided to become king of the assholes

You're a total fuckin omega. Unironically kill yourself.

Yeah goy, don't forget to include the deaths of shit tons of people due to the people who act in the name of communism with their retarded policies. The "life expectancy" can also happen in the capitalist societies just so you know. The question which remains here is what system lasted through all of this

The poor in first world countries have significantly high standards of living than 3rd worlds.

jesus christ I've not seen worse faggotry since visiting /r9k/. you should probably seppuku.

They can choose to be well-fed, have a nice place to sleep, and live in a warm little shelter

But those shelters don't accept drug-addicts, so those dumb fucks would rather have their needles and pills than a nice place to sleep
Don't give money to homeless people, they choose to live out there when all of their needs are already given, they just choose not to use them

Lol, and how do you intend to persuade them to do that??. Commies always say lives will be much better under Communism but never intend to show how to actually get there.

Counter point.
Poverty is necesary an unavoidable when the space is limited.
The only way to reduce poverty is expand out of Earth

OP raises a good point. isn't this how saudi arabia achieved 1st world status? they tax their companies at 90%

Don't be poor

>communist japanese shitposting
Wew lads, we really are in the end times.

In a world of finite resources can poverty ever be "solved"

Finite resources? Food and water are replenish-able.
Food: Crops grow, we eat them, we poop, poop fertilizes soil, repeat, we plant seed.
Water: Water evaporates from the ocean, water condenses and rains. rain is filtered underground as groundwater. We drink spring water. We pee. Pee goes in ocean.
Food and water should be free

or more like. Everybody should have the right to work and get what they need.

Poverty is avoidable through communism. If Everybody works, Everybody gets reimbursed with food, water, shelter, healthcare.
Earth has lots of resources.

>capitalism failed to solve poverty
Are you fucking retarded? Our poor people are obese, our rich are sending rockets off to fuck-knows where in space, meanwhile communism collapses everywhere it's tried. but i guess ThAt WaSn'T rEaL cOmMuNiSm

>life expectancy goes up after being drastically lowered when 60 million young people die in a war

>Yay, Cheap Minority labor force and free slavebots.
>Hey, What the FUCK do you mean I had to pay Tariffs?
>What the fuck do you mean, I had to pay taxes?
>What the fuck do you mean, I can't enslave minorities?
>Fuck Human Rights and Tax system
This is rightist Corrupted ideals on economics in a nutshell.

Look I'm not arguing communism is better than capitalism. Personally this is beside the point.

What I am saying is that capitalism, or even the underlying economic system, is not the only causal factor in the progress of a nation and the quality of life of its people.

I think the opposition to free trade agreements which lead to the election of Trump is almost certainly a rebuke of unfettered capitalism. Free trade agreements have been opposed by large numbers of working people and trade unions because they rightly assume that it fucks them over. You cannot vehemently oppose free trade while simultaneously believing that free markets are necessary and sufficient to improve quality of life. It's essentially an attempt to eat your cake and keep it to.

That wasn't real communism because that wasn't democratic. Communism=Democracy


Not real communism

And America is fucking its working class through taxing the shit out of them instead of the rich

Not real capitalism

>life expectancy goes up after being drastically lowered when 60 million young people die in a war

You guys are really stupid. 60 million died in total in the entire ww2 (all countries included)

Then why was life expectancy so low in Tsarist Russia (pre-communism)?

Either the economic system is less important than other factors (my argument) or communism helped the improve quality of life. Which is it?

"After the October revolution, the life expectancy for all age groups went up. A newborn child in 1926-27 had a life expectancy of 44.4 years, up from 32.3 years thirty years before. In 1958-59 the life expectancy for newborns went up to 68.6 years."

>what is automation

Where are you hiding? It's time to be removed.

Of course, America is a mixed market Economy. However, I think it's fucked up for company to overprice their products which people need. Like the Daraprim price scandal.
Martin Shrekli, an ASSHOLE CAPITALIST, thinks its a good idea to Raise the price of a drug which people need to cure their medical conditions. (SUCH A DICK MOVE)
Another DICK MOVE caused by an ASSHOLE CAPITALIST is nestle, capitalizing a government owned water springs. Many Springs owned by locals are being stolen by them. (SUCH A DICK MOVE)

I bet you Worship Reagan like all Republcans
Reagan was an asshole. He nearly destroyed the Middle Class. Not only that. He funded Terrorism in Iran and Central America. He deserved that Alzeihmers.

You made a good point. However, the faggots that you were responding to were telling the Jap-commie that capitalism actually did help many people (not in a negative way that the Jap is describing). Also I don't think that they believe every single good thing that came is from Capitalism. It would be beyond retardation to believe that.

>Another miracle of capitalism surely.
it is, capitalism help a lot

Doesn't solve poverty and human rights abuses tho