Papa Jews BTFO
There pizza is gross anyway
Yeah it could have nothing to do with the actual low sales figures getting priced into the stock he owns. Clearly Sup Forums BTFO.
i'm craving some papa john's now. their garlic sauce is the most delicious. and i feel good that my money is going to a good cause (trump donation).
I have to find out if there is a John of the Papa near me
Right now would be a good time to buy some of his stock, You will make good money once this dark cloud passes overhead.
>publicly say that the NFL is hurting his sales
>people hear "Papa John is losing profit? Better sell some stock quick"
Really no surprise at all, except for complete retards.
I'm sure they have massive marketing statistics along with other data that show giving the finger to the NFL will actually work out better for them.
Corporations aren't fuckin stupid, they didn't get as big as they did by being retarded
>literally have a conference call to talk about earnings.
>During the call he partially blames NFL because less people are watching less people are seeing their commercials.
>Commies blame his "calling out" the NFL for stock drop the same day they have an earnings report.
as a soy soldier who consumes way too much pizza(i'm eating some for breakfast right now) i must say that although i do like papa johns pizza it's just a tad bit bland and uninspired.
pizza hut is my favorite but i think that's because i eat it so rarely.
dominos is my go-to pizza but their crust gets old fast.