Anyone else here recently hit the age of 30 and feel that because of your extremely high level of intelligence and...

Anyone else here recently hit the age of 30 and feel that because of your extremely high level of intelligence and being alive and existent in this world for a reasonable period of time, you've become way too red pilled about life in general for your own good? Not really an existential crisis per-se, but more that you look down upon the less intelligent whom care way too much about meaningless shit as a result of their low IQ?

I kinda envy the morons that can have fun and fuck around because they are dumb

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

i'm 30 and i've spent most of my adult life consuming redpills. i had to become an alcoholic because of it.

I think that's how it is for most of us Rick and Morty fans OP. We're too smart for this world.

I am there at 22

Ephesians 5:18
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;


>mfw to smart too take this bait

Questo sito è pieno di disinformazione, specialmente sul campo scientifico e americano. Non hai niente da guadagnare dal stare su Sup Forums. Esci, gioca all console, fa quello che ti pare, ma non fidarti di tutte le bufale che passano qui.

oops happened to me 10 years too early lol

I'm 33. Single father to a 13yo and 3yo. Wife died from complications of birth. You'd be surprised how many people think I'm a pedophile "dating" my daughter while in public, women have actually tapped her on the shoulder and asked her if she's okay before, followed by a prompt "fuck off, this is my Dad." type comment. Sad shit but it's happened a handful of times.

Living in New York, society around us redpilled my daughter without me having to try. She thinks 3rd wave feminism is pointless and stands for nothing other than the subjugation of men. She sees the blacks and mexican/central americans/south americans committing nearly all the crime. Detests them. I'm concerned because she's growing up too fast, but I suppose that's life. She loves her role as "free babysitter" all I do in exchange is take her to Sephora once a month to stock up on cosmetics as payment.

She's a good kid. My son is a typical 3yo. No idea what he's going to end up being. He's fun though. I enjoy my slice of the world, annoying to see how many idiots surround me though.

Nice data mining thread btw FBI.



must be tough living in New York. Are you going to move out?

Yeah I started down this path in my mid 20's and now it's pretty evident that I basically can't have relationships with people my age. The only people I was able to relate to were my grandparents and now they're gone.

Tried to have a game night or a wholesome social gathering with some people from work and they all would rather watch Netflix or play vidya.

Marry a woman. Make a home. Worship God. Start producing. It's never too late to start living a worthy life.

I'm 29 and I feel like an alien where I live. I've given up on society and just work, vidya, and shitpost.



My town is 90%+ white, only 70 miles away from NYC, 4 national parks, 3 state parks. Overwhelming police presence because of the amount of universities in the area, good hunting/trapping/fishing laws, conceal carry permits easily obtained. Outside of nigger infested shitholes like the city and Albany area NY is Trump territory. Good family values here.

So aren’t 13 year olds allowed to walk around with 33 year olds without being accused of being a pedo? Is that your daughter in pic?

Oh okay, I figured you meant NYC. Sounds nice.

As the saying goes: ignorance is bliss.

That said, I could never be so ignorant. I have a constant yearning to discover truth

I was 30 yesterday and suddenly I am 35, I don't wtf happened. Only a marriage, a baby, 4 jobs, 3 properties, house, living in central america for 2 years.

Yea I don't get it either. Sometimes she'll hold my hand or link arms with me when we're out. She is still a child afterall. Went to the pumpkin patch together last month so we could carve pumpkins and decorate for Halloween. She kissed my cheek and ran off with her brother. Some random woman asked me if it didn't bother me how young she is. I told her she's my daughter, disregards my comment and asked my daughter if she needed help anyway. My daughter asked her why she wasn't tending to her own children and where they were. Smart girl.

We see shows and go to galleries in the city, but the Hudson Valley is our home. God's country up here. Pic related, our garden view.

Same crap happened to me. Took my daughter to the movies on the back of my motorcycle. I guess she was 19 at the time. Got off walked into the movie theater and heard Whispers. What is she doing with him? Isn't he a little old for her? He must be rich, that's why she's with him...

I let them talk and talk and talk she heard it and just laughed. I said hey baby girl, go get us some popcorn. She said you got it DAD real loud and look the gossipers straight in the eye. One of those epic I love my daughter moments.


How much money have you spent on raising your hole(s) so far? How many years of your like have you wasted on them?

pick one

give it 5-10'll be in the country, learning to subsistence farm because fuck the rest of the world

Fucking pathetic cuck lmao

it's a good thing because it makes navigating the world a lot easier when you realize how dumb most people are, here, watch this

t. child of divorce who got diddled by his step-dad so now thinks theres nothing sacred but actually sexual about parent child relationships

mate im 35 and im moving away from the city, can't god damn stand the absolute bullshit and complete insanity of people.

moving next to the sea in a rural area.

moving to summer bay! lol

Yeah she's going to try to hop on your dick one day. Don't fool for it.


Raising children is expensive. I don't count the amount of money I spend on them. Not important.

Doubtful, but nice imagination you have.

my brother goes to the shop etc with my 4 yr old niece, ive been with him a few times.

some women give him the dirtiest looks, its quite disturbing. especially when you go to the park with your kids and just sit down on the park bench and watch over them etc. some of the women grab their kids and leave almost instantly. dont understand how their brains work, you go their with your own kids, but they are scared for the safety of their kids around you.

beautiful looking place

>still breathing
pick one, for all our sakes

a few events like this happening to someone and I can empathize with the vegas shooter

what the.....

Just wait. If she's not getting plowed by alpha chads when she's 17 guess what? You're the chad.

29 here going on 30, yes. But it’s been this way for most my life.

Good kid. Glad it all worked out.

You added cold steel, nice touch

Again, nice imagination.

Are you me?

Left NY and moved to Florida, greatest decision of my life. I recommend it.

>t. Balding cuck father

How does it feel like to know that from the age of 14 onwards something that came out of your dick will be fondled by other males? Faggot.

Every euro i'd have to spend on a daughter would feel like throwing it into the trash.

no, I don't have contempt for people who are dumber than me

I'm probably not even as smart as i think I am

You are doing a good job dad

>To smart to care about meaningless shit
>makes thread bitching about meaningless people

every time I see this flag I read the post in an irish accent

I work in IT. People = shit.

it's called being black-pilled you div

>Palmetto bugs, no snow, lowest funded educational system in the country, salty air destroys cars, southerners, black widow spiders etc etc etc.

I'll pass, glad you're happy though.

You sound aggravated. How's life?

I'm 13 and I already feel like this , I hate god why did you do this to me why you make me very smart .

hope you have a static ip

Ohoho. I smell a vacation for you, memeflagger.

Ahahahh good one, user

>niggers, coumo tax anytime you fart, cold as fuck, terror attacks, salt on the road destroys cars, most corrupt govt in the union

Enjoy senpai.

Literally none of that exists outside of the city and Albany, or Detroit refugees in the rustbelt. Quality of life is high here, I love it. Enjoy the Krispy Kreme.


Jesus Christ. Its like you're in my mind.

Not really, no it just sucks that I have really no one to relate and I went far down the rabbit hole. I always tell myself I'm smarter than most, but not all when my ego gets out of hand.

Best to humble yourself otherwise you start to fall into the same traps everyone else does, (Liking the sound of your own voice as opposed to others).

Why the FUCK would you put your daughters pic on this shit hole you dumbass

2 sons, 1 is 10, the other is 12. Also had a daughter but I put her up for adoption. Yeah, it's pretty good. How about you? Have other males started feeling your daughter's warm holes yet? I'm sure it's okay with you as long as they're """good men""" lmao, pathetic.

EXIF scrubbed. No risk.

Again, your imagination is vast and creative.

That logic is on par with "all men are rapists, because their penises have to penetrate women". Of course they have sex, it's what nature intended (be design). Raise her right and it won't go so badly.

I’m from upstate and that’s bull shit. Corrupt govt fucks over the whole state and rapes everyone on taxes, everyone but niggers and other minorities - which keeps them flooding in.

Whole reason NY was the last state to get ride sharing was due to corrupt govt. Tip of the iceberg.


I'm in the Metro NY area. If you can get on the Metro North instead of Amtrak, you're also in the Metro Ny area. Not upstate. If you're further north than that you don't matter much.

>contradicting yourself this blatantly

Confirmed troll account larping. 10/10 got me. Sauce on the fake daughter pic?

Sono commosso, del buon senso su Sup Forums. A questo punto peró mi viene da chiedere perché frequenti questa board (io principalmente per deridere la ridicola idiozia degli americani).

Blacks don't exist outside of the city, Albany and the rustbelt. Taxes aren't that bad here. I don't care what happens in the city, why do you?

Now add to that living in a 3rd world unstable shithole, and knowing well the full horror of the situation you were born into and i mean fully knowing it, then you can begin to imagine the hell im in.

I would say it is preferable to have a high intellect than to have high IQ.

You will find many high IQ left marxist and liberals though they lack intellect.

30 in a couple of weeks. This is where I am also at with my life. My wife in 30 in 6 months, she is also there with her life. It's fucking suffering desu.

Oh man, this kind of thing will definitely happen to me in the future. I can't walk two blocks down and already have to deal with car door locking sounds, people noticing me and crossing the street, and shit like that.


>extremely high level of intelligence
>on Sup Forums

fucked up a lot in life
need to get married soon but have no money/friends so I can't afford it and have nobody to stand up and do the usual wedding bullshit with
kinda sad honestly, idk what to do about the no friends thing
sort of lost contact with all of my childhood friends and it's tough to make friends as an adult (manchild)
everyone else seems to have a brother or a best friend they've had since age 5 to be their best man

send help

Nearing 30 can't stand normies and normiedom. Sure i like some of the normies (friends) but it's pretty bad to be around them. All i want is to gather enough money to escape to the countryside and get wife to settle with.

I specially hate urban life. It brings out the worst in people.

>mfw you finally get the "to smart for your own good" line

Nice argument

This is how it works. When a female reaches puberty she starts getting secual thoughts and that is when she starts becoming a whore. She's going to be a whore all through her college years until she reaches the age of about 28, right before she becomes completely unfuckable. She will then look for a beta provider which will lead to the creation of subhuman children.

Betas create daughters for the sons of Chads.

A beast's test is to see if it can care about other lesser beasts more than itself, then it becomes a woman

A woman's test is to see if she can care about her children/man/community more than herself, then she becomes a man

A man's test is to see if he can care about other men more than himself, then he becomes a leader

A leader's test is to see if he can care about other races more than his own, then he becomes a God

Then once he's here, idk

Staying successful while serving those below you is the right of passage from man to God

hes larping

HAHAHA this is a fucking larp.

What was meant by this?

>most corrupt govt in the union

Don't you try to take that away from Illinois

Sure thing.

Like i said, city, albany, rustbelt.

There is no argument.

No it isn't cuckoldry you retard. She is propagating your genes.

The only difference between a son and a daughter is a son is potentially a winning roll of the dice if he becomes a king who slays all his enemies and establishes a dynasty with many powerful descendants, Ghengis Khan style, or some genius male who redefines the course of humanity intellectually.

A daughter can still do some of this, just to a much lesser extent.

That's not the same thing as being a self castrating cuck who shoves a dildo up his ass and gives his money to a whore that fucks subhuman scum.

wow NY has red areas! this must mean NY is a white utopia!

>i always have to tell myself "they don't know what they do"
>take drugs to numb myself to the bullshit

It is, outside of the city, Albany and rustbelt. NY blacks/chinks/spics aren't voting red that's for sure. So...why are you against high taxes? Roads are great, schools are top tier, state and national parks are clean and easily accessible. Are you a 48% earner and that's why you hate New York? I'm curious.

Wait until a new red pill popper starts to toss you baby redpills. You won't have to hide your power level because you don't even want to talk about it. It feels exhausting going thru the first redpill stages with someone

27 been refilled for as long as I can remember my earliest memories are my dad driving me around telling me that the country is being flooded by Muslims and niggers and it's the government letting them in I wish I had a normal childhood and could enjoy life

maybe try learning about how to deal with being too intelligent?

I scored 1580 on my SATs back when it meant something in 2010 and it wasn't until I took a post-grad level critical theory course that I learned that being a hyper-intelligent being amongst average people is actually equally a curse and a blessing.

Some days you win and it is good but some days you lose and it's bad. If you keep improving yourself you will have many more good days than bad.

There's not that many things that usually cause depression. Just review the list below and fix those issues and almost always you will stop being sad.

1) family
2) sex
3) job
4 location
5) exercise
6) diet

that's it man... if you get 4/6 right you're doing pretty well.

A son can spread your genes too.

All women are whores when they're young and beautiful. You should know that.

Mi piace la libertà d'espressione che manca nel mondo reale. In mezzo a tante bufale a volte leggo cose molto interessanti. A volte aiuto a trovare gente scomparsa e delinquenti. Altre volte si scopre che la BBC racconta tante, troppe cazzate sull'immigrazione. Ma più spesso frequento altre board.

Hi me

I agree, daughters are useful political/social tools. But they'll never be quite as useful as male progeny.
I just wish women were intelligent enough to understand that the world is not a happy safe place where you can "be yourself".
I mean, if rule of law crumbled tomorrow who would guarantee their safety? Their family, chiefly their father and brothers, and if old enough, any sons they might have (sons tend to be aggressively protective of their mothers, and to a lesser extent, sisters).

Truly, family is the only reliable safeguard in a shaky society. The only room of concrete in a glass building. But even that familial safety is crumbling thanks to cultural relativism, among other things.

Got 27 last Halloween, I can relate. Red pills create lonely people, pariahs. I see them as animals now