Moldova's Top Court Endorses Proposal To Switch Official Language To 'Romanian' In Constitution

Is Romania going to annex it soon? I mean, Moldovans want into EU so much, they'll get there automatically.

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someone explain this in a way that a dumb western european like myself can understand

what's happening

The question of reunification is not so simple. There are a lot of people, maybe even the majority, who are against it on both sides.

Could you imagine your country being so god damned awful that being taken over by Romania would be considered a good thing?

Nothing really important, Moldova used to pretend for a long time that they speak a different language, that just happens to be identical to romanian.

why are they against it?

actually the same language or at least some dialect with weird words, like flemish vs dutch or just LITERALLY the same fucking language?

Because a lot of the people living thre are not Romanian.

Like the difference between England English and American English I think.

> flemish vs dutch
I don't know the difference.
In written form it's the same. When spoken it's with and accent, but no different words. People from the Romanian part of moldova, like myself, also have that accent.