How do we solve the obesity problem?

How do we solve the obesity problem?

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Humans were not ever designed to have this much abundance. Government invention or Darwinism and natural selection are the only options.

With fire

fat tax

I'm still gonna eat it.


By nationalizing health care and making it inaccessible to people with unhealthy lifestyles

Stop of eating lots of carbs, cut your bread and sugar consumption, start eating more unprocessed foods.

Healthcare is already nationalized in Poland and it doesn't work. My health checkups still show me that I'm fat but overall healthy enough to not risk anything.

>whole grain pasta


By showing people who are about to stuff themselves full of food the type of picture you posted. Jesus Christ, it looks like 20yr old pasta served with tumorous growths and smegma.

Stop telling fat women that they are beautiful.

Your food looks like a vomit.
Still better than eating grass and paper tho.

>dry farts with vinegar

I'm already diagnosed with the beetus and autism so I don't really care

by fat-shaming.

Then give it stricter guidelines
Or you could make obesity a crime

>Darwinism and natural selection is the only option

ftfy, authoritarians need to get out of the free world

Whoever would eat pic related deserves the consequences. As to solving the problem. No support from government for fatfucks. If you work and can afford it go for it, if you really think it's the right thing to do.

Fasting! Not eating is cheap, easy to do, and you can use that free time to sort your room.

It's a medical issue, so treat it like one. Universal single-payer healthcare for all. Doctors can write prescriptions for fitness clubs for the overweight covered by this healthcare plan. Tax unhealthy food, especially junk and fast food (Tobacco taxes have been phenomenally good at decreasing smoking) and use that tax to subsidize healthy food.

There needa to be a fat tax. A simple tax increase on sugar products, maybe if 30 or 40% or more calories come from sugar it needs to be taxed. I get a discount on my health insurance premiums for not smoking, the same should apply if you're not fat. The biggest issue is winning the cultural war on it. Have to turn the tide against people saying health at everysize, love your body no matter what, etc. Do the same thing with tobacco, companies prompting fat as healthy should get fined. Let diabetic peope start suing sugar companies since they all say sugar is fine.

Make it a law that all fast food establishments are built atop fifty foot supports so the only way to get into them is climbing a rope. Also, require any business selling sugar products to be on a large hill with no road access.
If you’re fit enough to climb a rope or ascend a hill, then you can have sugar.

Just don't go 1 day then, 5 then, 10, 15 - you can fuck up your organs. But the true devil is in the addiction mode, think trainspotting tier mashed up mind racing with explanations as to why you need this stuff. There won't be any decent sleep nor mood for a while and you MUST pull through it. Fructose is the devil, fuck it off completely. You don't need processed pure poison. You don't even need fruits - you can substitut them with veggies (there were no fruits in the winter just 100 years ago. And dont even mention the (((helathy juice))). Don't full yourself. Listen to that hypocrite turboliberal (because he's fat despite of what he knows) Lustig "bitter truth". Of course there will be thousands of explanations to the contrary. Medical papers etc. This field is the one of the most kiked there is.

do what i did
get told im a fat slob and go to /fit/ and look at them make fun of fat slobs
thanks to that i now ride my exorcise bike for 1 hr at max settings and burn 1500 cals a day
iv already lost my first 10 pounds

Teach cooking and meal planning in schools, mandatory.

Teach exercise and basic biology, mandatory.

And focus more on mental health. Obesity is a result of pleasure seeking, a symptom of a dissatisfied being.

When you're walking with 100 pounds on your back you don't need any excercise beyond 30 minuts of physical activity like walking. You're delusional if you think pozzed medical establishment will tell you that, in fact you're the best close example of such idiocy. You'll never outexcercise bad diet, I tried, got into great shape, so great that I fucked up my bowels and got overgrown heart.
Better, and funny.

How about we ban sugar and replace it with stevia which doesn't cause cancer unlike other sweeteners?

In Poland there is a social stigma attached to being fat, hence every woman tries to look their best. In the west people don't usually judge on your looks, hence western women don't dress as well as Polish women, neither do they care about their weight.

fuck amerifats

I'm not a woman, thank you.

People do not know that every single piece of fructose you ingest is poisonous and lands in your fat (except glycogene after hard workout and it's a small amount like 50 grams max). Some are more resistant than others of course, but biology is the same. They don't tell you in school even if you've had biochemistry in higher education. Still remember a dietician that was so fat she could barely take a breath. She was a young girl. It was mind boggling to watch.
They don't tell you also that not one molecule of fat you consume goes into your fat. But if you eat enough (which is easy it's the most condenced food callory wise) it will push every other carb into fat.

Why dont we eliminate the need for sweetened food?

A car doesnt complain about the flavor of its fuel.

>Why dont we eliminate the need for sweetened food?
Cause you can't change human nature, Hitler.

fructose is not poisonous in general. the amount is important. as said correctly all fructose is being changed to triglycerides, but to the ones that harm the body. they fuck around with hdl-ldl (both have good and bad triglycerides).

embrace a low carb or ketogenic lifestyle and treat yourself from time to time, like on holidays or birthdays n such. and never eat soy products for gods sake

i really wanted to like Stevia but that fucking after taste


Eating does not have to be a form of pleasure seeking.

Passing this off as natural human behavior is an excuse to not exercise your willpower. God-given or otherwise.

Take joy from life, not its contents.

That looks disgusting OP

People must know this:
It must be popular knowledge, not one country promotes this basic biochemistry.
If this doesn't work there is a range of policies. But who could be enough insane to go against corporations and armies of addicted braindead sheeple? Beside norks, but they have different problem obviously.
As I understand it they go to your personal beloved fat being processed via liver in the vein very much similar to alcohol. You wouldn't propose to people wanting to go on a healthy diet to start consuming alcohol at age 2, and then consume it in every meal and bevarage and in every snack inbetween until they die.

By my estimation, by destroying satiation mechanism which I never had since my childhood and after 25 regained and works like a charm (you can't overeat if you'r leptin is working) - it's poison. And mothers don't know that you don't give drugs to children to cheer them up. Here, have a cigarette and stop bothering me. It won't happen to everybody, but you're better off ditching it completely. It's a very new invention, just by this simpleton logic you should be suspicious.

Kill all niggers

Eat less and move more. It is not complicated.

Nah, you need to fix your life so that you ain't sad and stuff your face with sweets. Otherwise, without the cruth you'll just end up miserable, depressed and malnourished. Ditch the fructose, prepare for withdrawal.

Wtf is that , testicle and spunk penne ?

tax fat people or let them die without government funding.

either use the government to cripple them for being fat or pull it out and let them die

we eat less and exercise more

Destroy all sugar and corn syrup

Preach, my friend.

Many dont want to face the truth that consumption of too much sugar is typically basic pleasure seeking behavior, and a symptom of a larger overall problem.

Fix your mental state by fixing your body. You cannot achieve spiritually if you neglect the body. You can do neither if you plug holes with subsitutes.

If youre already there, then there is no place to go.

If your cup is always full then it can only pour over.

Nothing to do with poverty.

you want to be fat, be fat, i don't care.

By eliminating starches. We use some kind of starch as the base for every meal because they are cheap, plentiful and filling while vegetables and meat are expensive.

My dinner was a plate of broccoli stir fried with garlic and lemon juice. Didn't even know that such a thing could taste good until I tried out of necessity. The obesity epidemic would disappear overnight If the food industry engineered replacements for bread, pasta, rice etc. using vegetables.

i'll even vote a little payolla off the cabbage for you.

I don't really get how people can be fat without being massive gluttons or something.
Seriously, I drink two bottles of wine a day, almost half my daily allotment of calories, and I don't go hungry, AND I'm losing weight in the process.

Stop subsidising sugar
Carb tax

Do you get out of your chair once in a while?

Well thx, don't have much more to say nor am I an example to follow - didn't fix my life, went to other activities like being here wasting time and such.
But if your sole goal is loosing weight what more do you need? Working satiation mechanism that is blocked by fructose: this piece of meal tastes great, another - no interest at all, just imagine... Who wouldn't that? Who wouldn't want to know from reputable surgeon general what REALLY makes them fat i.e. where it really comes from, physically. They know subconsciously, but the professionals say otherwise, muddy up the waters. It's such a clusterfuck.


You can't be fat if there is nothing to eat.

Yeah of course, but not to the extreme.
I walk to the shops once or twice a day, maybe run on my treadmill if I can muster up some motivation.
Probably 45 minutes tops exercise.

Talking to your fellow man is never a waste of time.

What you should take away from what you said is that you realize and acknowledge some behaviors are a waste.

You cant fix problems you ignore.

Hey man, nice job. Keep it up.

>How do we solve the obesity problem
>solve obesity

Not my problem as I'm not obese. Those fuckers got fat all by themselves so they can get unfat all by themselves too. Props to the people who try to help them but it isn't my problem

Deny healthcare services to fat people if their medical issues are obesity related, that simple
A good portion of worthless fatties are alive only because their doctors keep giving them pills to keep them that way, at the expense of the healthy taxpayer
Let them all reap what they sow

>eating does not have to be a form of pleasure
Ok sociopath, try telling that to every human on earth that's biologically engineered to the contrary
What people need is the discipline to not just seek carnal pleasures all the time


What is the qualifier for sociopathy? Willpower?

Education was enough for me, why not every other human on Earth, excluding the mentally ill?

You conveniantly left out seeking. You can enjoy food as I do without seeking out the extremes, brainlet.

Horses for personal tranport.

this is actually counterproductive, stick to 45 minutes tops or you may start burning muscle.

kill all the white farmers?

This is true. Fear of death is a great motivator. As a nurse, I see fat people literally LIVE in hospital beds for months at a time. We call these people "slugs" because they are just giant, slimy slugs that lay in bed and expect to be catered to 24/7. These people do not work, do not have insurance, and are the reason the healthcare system is failing.

The simple fact of the matter is you can't just force people to have more willpower, it wont work and isnt a solution to the problem
People seek food for pleasure because our brains reward us for it, and the vast majority of people dont give a shit. Therefore, your solution is worthless even if it is true

Switch to a vegan diet. Lose all your excess weight and look good naked.

You can't force people to have more willpower, but you can force them to do what is good for them and for society.
The police and court systems send drug addicts to drug rehab all the time as part of their sentences. This is because illegal drug addiction is a public health issue that, if left unchecked, will destroy the nation.
Obesity should be the same.
It should be illegal to be fat.

I need real iron faggots.
I give blood on regular basis.

You can force them to have less willpower by feeding them soy and porn.

that worked out well for Zimbabwe, right?

Agreed. The red pills of obeisty that occasionally get dropped here cause me to skip or reduce meals, as well as making healthier food choices. I screencapped some a while back, need to organize them into something to take daily. The horror stories of the morbidly obese from the POV of a restaurant worker were both dosgusting, frightening, yet strangely motivational.

I agree with your stance sure, but think of the logistics
Where's the cutoff? How do we decide who's fat and who isn't? Would powerlifters, who are admittedly pretty fat (in general) but strong and productive, be illegal? How fat is too fat?
Instead, its better to fix the problem right where the problem is: refuse treatment for any obesity related illness, and suddenly hospitals arent constantly bleeding money keeping the slugs breathing.

I believe it's pasta with fucking sour cream and potatoes lmao

Then all you need to do is get a lot of vitamin c. Mandarins, berries, potatoes etc. Vitamin C wildly increases non-heme iron absorption.

Veganism is a mental illness
Humans are biologically omnivores and I maintain a well balanced, healthy diet including meats, grains and vegetables
Eating meat doesnt make you fat, thats false causation. Rather, fat people are more likely to be meat eaters because they'll eat just about anything whenever if it tickles their dopamine response just so

We are more like rats in that we ate everything we could to survive. We do not need to eat any animal product to be healthy and when science and trials weigh in on the health consequences of animal products it's very negative. Associated with heart disease, colon cancer, diabetes, death in general. You can't claim a healthy diet includes meat because meat feeds bad bacteria that causes sickness in human beings. Research TMAO.

You are retarded. Vitamin C won't produce iron by magic. Just eat that liver and be done with it.

Furthermore very little about our bodies indicates that we are meat eaters. Our intestines are long unlike carnivores, our hands are fragile and nails cannot significantly harm any beast, our teeth are mostly flat which indicates we chew our food instead of ripping into flesh and swallowing it, we are slow and cannot keep up with wild animals.

Your move, retard.

Nuke America, please start with the West coast

My point is that none of your listed products contain iron and plant iron in general is always hard to absorb. That's why your hemoglobin levels are low. Take a test and see for yourself.

The food I listed are high in vitamin C which I said aids the absorption of non-heme iron. Eating the foods I listed with legumes, spinach, broccoli etc. will greatly improve your iron levels.

This would work, but it would also be inaccessible to people with healthy lifestlyles.

Also peppers are very high in vitamin C too.

We adapted to be carnivorous by having a gut that can digest animal protein and evolving to use tools for hunting instead of claws or fangs. I dont think I need to remind you that the only reason humanity exists today is because or distant ancestors survived the ice age and many other hardships through hunting and domestication of animals, without which we would have surely starved.
And I'm sure that gut bacteria is a real detriment to meat eaters considering how irellevant it is
Sure, we don't NEED meat. But that's like saying we don't NEED any one specific high protein/fat fod source. It doesn't matter in the end, animals are tasty and nutritous.

Do you expect me to spend retarded amounts of money just to brag about being a vegan? I can get 1 kg of liver for 1.5 dollars.

I like how the only right answer has no replies.

>How do we solve the obesity problem?

Let's think about this. There was still an abundance of food 100 years, but not the obesity epidemic. What was proliferated in the last 40 years?
>corn syrup
>fast food
>processed food
>high sugar intake
>vast amounts of simple carbs
>premade packaged food
>diminished consumption of veggies & fruits
Too any of y'all with obesity issues, I recommend you try the S4;
I helped my mom lose 30ish lbs (10kg I think) in 4 months. This diet was about 80% of her weekly diet (along with her pulling, pushing, carrying, lifting and throwing 30lbs sandbags/5 gallon jugs full of dirt, about 15 minutes, twice a day, 5x a week).

You mean nuke all fatsos? You might have a point considering Nips are quite slender.

>Nips are quite slender.
Slender Nips

I'm not going to pretend to know what food costs in your country. You can grow your own food for very little cost. I don't spend a lot of money on what I buy at the grocery store. Beans, potatoes, rice, onions, are all very cheap food.

>Darwinism and natural selection are the only options.
Being manlets again because of shitty carb heavy nutrition? No thanks. Every lazy NEET of today could beat up most of the old generation, so I'm OK when abundance leads to less manlets.

Ban assault carbs


I see you slowly upgrading, dude. Used to make noodles with the WHOLE bouillon cube. Now look at this.