Non libertarians explain yourselves
What the fuck is your problem?
Non libertarians explain yourselves
What the fuck is your problem?
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Because war is pretty fucking cool man. Like if you don't like a good war you're not an American. Plus open boarders + wellfare state = pissed off tax payers. You have to fix some of the fiscal things that are really fucked up by the Liberals before you can have your utopia my man.
>Like if you don't like a good war you're not an American
No true scotsman fallacy.
Get fucked
Explain why libertarianism was successfully co-opted by the American right ever since the beginnings of the tea party and is now a sham ideology that's just re-branded alt-rightism with legalized drugs.
Explain how libertarianism is able to deal with the arms race of corporations figuring out how to subvert human agency using any and all means profitable, becoming ever more skillful at doing so to sell trinkets for power. Google, Facebook, and others are now doing this on an industrial scale. Libertarianism assumes that people always act according to their self-interest, when it is obvious that self-interest has been massively subverted by marketing and advertising.
Strawman detected
Libertardianism is just anarchy rebranded for cuckservatives.
> if corporations [i.e. CEOs] would rule over everything, instead if the People, everything would be so great
Because clearly Goldman Sachs has not enough power and Zuckerberg would not abuse his power.
Libertardianism is also impossible to achieve, hasn't even happened yet and is a terrible system that goes against one of the simplest things in our society, and that's the fact that the smallest unit in society is the family, not the individual
t. Former libertardian
This. Libertarians are annoying and wouldnt know a good war if it treaded on them.
>if corporations [i.e. CEOs] would rule over everything, instead if the People, everything would be so great
Companies respond to the free market. Don't like Zuckerberg? Don't buy his products. Simple as that you fucking commie.
*wrong flag