The left can't me-

>the left can't me-

Other urls found in this thread:

better, but you still got a long way to go kiddo

Reminder, they come here to get paid, we enjoy it. Sup Forums is like a spider's web

The small hands are the only relevantly comical thing about that shitty comic


Where is the punchline? Where is the irony? Where are the esoteric and/or hidden references?

If I had made this meme, I think I would have used the "i sleep/real shit" template and it would have been much more powerful. Why do leftists not know how to meme properly?

>be Jew
>Push nationalism for me but not for thee
So predictable

>Where is the punchline? Where is the irony? Where are the esoteric and/or hidden references?

Everywhere, but they go over your pathetic right wing brain. That's why right wingers try to claim we "can't meme", our memes are literally too esoteric for you.

Look buddy, for a meme to work, it needs to be short and sweet. Your meme that you posted has neither of those. It's too wordy to be immediately funny to those who want to laugh at it and the words also dilute any intrinsic comedic potential. I'll admit, if it we're just the picture of Trump in the baby chair with the guy feeding him, it might warrant a laugh or two. But your faux-intellectualism has clouded your sense of humor by trying to constantly high ground your political opponents. The left can send a message but, and say it with me now, THE LEFT CAN'T MEME.

Excuse me it's pronounced "I schleep"


My point exactly.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand lefty memes. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical humor most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Marx's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from jewish literature, for instance. The lefties understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Lefty memes truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Marx's existential catchphrase "Sieze the means of production," which itself is a cryptic reference to the Torah I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Marx's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Karl Marx tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the immigrant's eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

albert (((einstein)))

A bottle, tiny hands, mashed covfefe haha holy shit lol

He stole the work of Oppenheimer and Fermi

Not a meme

No your like that kid who explains why his long winded joke that has no punchline is funny. Go ahead and explain us why your joke is hilarious and we are just stupid, you manchild.

Not a meme. It's a preachy political cartoon.

Thanks for playing.

literally a plagiarist

your memes are shit

Said the Zionist.
Also Albert was so lazy that he needed his wife and others to do just about everything for him while he fiddled with maths.

>Einstein the zionist doesn't promote nationalism

kike tricks at work boys

>>the left can't me-
There's too much there. Not really that clever. Less is more.



>albert einstein disparages nationalism
>is a rabid suppoter of the state of israel

Actually makes my process information in my brain

Shit meme


The left can't meme because almost anything they try to pin on Trump is applicable to them as well.
>He's a rich narcissist!
Is that anything like being a Harvard grad larping as an oppressed Leninist?
>His feewings are fwagile!
Is that anything like spending the past decade and change insisting that hurtful words can be tantamount to murder?
>He's reckless and impulsive!
>Quick, throw open the borders. I saw a dead brown kid on the news last night!

>too esoteric
Their meaning is literally the opposite of esoteric. Anybody can understand your meme on a surface level. The best memes are arcane; you've gone in the exact opposite direction.

That's a lot of text

What the actual fuck? This is not a pic I chose to post

lel I love how insecure lefties are about memeing it’s fucking hilarious

I guess Einstein didn't know much history.

Hi J Durvette nice to meet you. Nice job Doxxing yourself faggot

Yep, still can't meme. All you're doing is pretending to be smart and shaming. Not really funny in my book.


Lefty memes aren't funny because they're detached from reality

>Left: let's make Donald Trump a cry baby

>Left: let's make Donald Trump the villain in Harry Potter

>Left: let's make Donald Trump do a stupid face

>Left: let's make fun of Donald Trump's hair

And they try to say he's immature?

Someone find out who this J Durvette fag is and we should just fuck with him

Left can't meme for shit. Nazis started the memes with quick short phrases. Shower in some zyklon faggot

It's such a great meme you had to include a quote from Einstein to give credence to it. Such a great meme indeed.

Fake & gay.

>He's got a meme
>That's not a meme
>This is is a meme

Einstein was such an autistic kike he regularly shat his pants while working on theorems. He was a high functioning retard

I wonder (((why))) (((Einstein))) made this quote?

I can't believe libtards still do the "tiny hands" thing. Very poor meming.

>(((quotes by (((einstein))))))

And he wasted the entire second half of his life accomplishing nothing.

>jew shills against nationalism

Wow user, you've really activated my almonds

Thanks for explaining why the left can't meme

These are low IQ leftists who are too lazy or stupid to hold down a real job so they work for soros and others as paid shills

If they had one iota of worth they could do anything else. Not being able to meme is the least of their dysfunctions. Hell they can't even tell there are only two natural genders and everything else is just disabled, retarded or otherwise fucked up.

That meme is kind of an exaggeration. Einstein did come up with the concise theory of relativity. The guys pictured made a lot of discoveries that helped Einstein, but the credit should still go to Einstein. Tesla has an interesting opinion of Einstein.

>Tesla cultist blows himself without even knowing it

The jokes write themselves these days

>The left likes the GOP now

The only thing they memed is themselves


No, you just absolutely CANNOT meme. Sorry sweetie.

>"Nationalism is an infantile thing. It is the measles of mankind" (((Albert Einstein))

>If true, please explain Israel to me OP

Posted wrong meme, but I wasn't really saying that Einstein was right about relativity, just that he is due credit for his (possibly erroneous) discovery of the theory of relativity.

Tesla repeatedly called him a plagiarist.

>be anarcho-communist
>the left can't me-
>post theleftcantmeme.png
>prove that the left can't meme

But he also called him wrong. Einstein Jewed so hard he Jewed himself.

>all of the leftist memes against trump were started by republicans
you cant make this shit up

>measles is a disease found only in mankind
>the disease found only in mankind of mankind

What did Einstein mean by this? Was this the original predecessor to RIPIP? Oh shit, the left can meme.

The left can meme as long as two conditions are met:

1) It's not about politics

2) They are black

>There is no energy in matter

Wait, what?

Hmmmm, still NO. Not very good.

Acceptance of failure is easier if you just give in.

The left cannot meme.

End of story

Memes are dead jokes repeated endlessly by retards too stupid to have an original thought.

>>the left can't meme
Sometimes I wonder if their political ideology damaging their brain and prevents them from being creative and have fun. Oh, right, having fun is offensive.

For once a commie is right they indeed can't meme.

You mean the country everybody hates and only gets support out of holocaust guilt?

>inks and markers
Get with the times, grandpa.

I normally let people post their bullshit here without ever replying to it but this image is just so stupid.

In Alberts Einstein's time everyone was one nationalistic, way way more than now. That nationalism that was normal than would be called extremism today. You can't use this idiotic comparison.

>That einstein quote
Fucking jews.

Your leaders certainly don't hate them

This is what I say about Rick and morty. Too bad our party is too smart to win

>being this new

You have no fucking idea what a meme is.

I don't get it.
Maybe you should put more fucking text all over the image. I don't think there's enough.

Because if they don't support them they'll start WWIII.

the left can't meme because good humor is intrinsically offensive.
>look. i made a left meme, that they would never use.


I must say, you've definitely beaten Sup Forums with this comic! We've never seen anything close to this level of genius.

OP kinda proving that point

Liberals like baby with huge cocks, I guess.

>t.butturt libtard

>"Nationalism is an infantile thing..."

Said the kike who supported Zionism and Israel.

Jews, ery fuken tiem.

And global socialistic government.

You have no idea how humour works.

>5 iq points within my own
das racis

>teleports behind you

Heh, maybe someday you can meme like me,but not today