HEADLINE READING PLEB HERE: can you give me a quick rundown on how the Mueller investigation is actually good for Trump and bad for Hillary? All I am reading is people admitting to being in contact with Russians in Trump's campaign and the Uranium One deal being swept under the rug
Leo White
fuck drumpf
Austin Bell
Brayden Barnes
Chase Robinson
Any criticisms of Sessions unneeded recusal, his stumbling over the Russia collusion interviews and his inaction towards DNC corruption are invalid because I suspect that those critics are motivated purely by the desire to use drugs. I morally and intellectually disqualify them and their criticisms because drugs are bad on general principle. No argument or presentation of facts pertaining to the harm that Sessions has done to the Trump administration will sway me due to the fact that those critics most likely use drugs. In fact I am angered that they are even posting. I would like them to stop speaking or better yet, stop living because they are categorically bad people.
Sessions is cracking down on cocaine and opioids, lol i bet that makes you hippie stoner pot smokers so mad. I hope after all the cocaine/heroine busts that you'll never be able to fill your pipe with weed ever again! Muahahaha
Leo Green
Zachary Brooks
jordan peterson just pledged alligiance to alt-right