Born white in white coutnry of out complete randomness

>born white in white coutnry of out complete randomness
>thinks it something to be proud of
>think you're superior to non-whites despite it just being luck
>"muh ancestors"

How do white nationalists recover from this?

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It's not randomness. There was no way that I could have been born from parents other than my father and mother. The only way I could have been born in the third world would be if they first conceived me and then moved away, which would not have happened.

yeah how the fuck did all those humans slip on something and land dick first in a white woman and get together for so long
life is a mystery

>be you
>denounce white pride
>but support black pride, gay pride,
jew supremacism


Hmm, yes, still no arguments.

No one thinks we're superior faggot, that's the left's eternal strawman against us. "YOU THINK DAT YOU BE BETTER DAN ME CUZ YOU WHITE!? NAZI!".
No, we just think that whites deserve to remain the super-majority in white nations. Superiority doesn't matter one way or the other.

>born non-white in a white country out of complete desperation and personal gain
>thinks it is something to be proud of
>think you're equal to whites because you were born in their country
>"yoos ancestors are muh ancestors"

How do 3rd world murder-apes rationalize this?

I would maybe understand that if you were a nigger, knowing how negro fathers are; but everyone in here who have or had some civiliced parents or isn't a science freak was born because a couple wanted to have a child, to have a descendant. Any red-blooded father would wish the best for his child, to be like him or even better, same as his parents did, and the parents of those parents; that's heritage, continuing the history of your lineage and preserve it, conserve the achievements that the ones who bringed your life worked for and use it to achieve higher peaks that the ones previously before you couldn't.

>be non white
>comment on white posts
>provide input on white issues
>criticize whites for things non whites regularly do
>incorrectly thinks he understands the white point of view

We wuz dickriders

>Implying the white point of view is so difficult to understand and requires some mythical super high IQ

I'm white-presenting btw, so whites often tell me what's on their minds without realizing I'm not one of them.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand lefty memes. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical humor most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Marx's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from jewish literature, for instance. The lefties understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Lefty memes truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Marx's existential catchphrase "Sieze the means of production," which itself is a cryptic reference to the Torah I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Marx's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Karl Marx tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the immigrant's eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>be born black out of complete randomness
>thinks it something to be proud of
>think you're superior to white people despite it just being luck
>"muh black lives matter"

See how this goes both ways?

>born from heroes and scientists that created civilization
>some BadBaitBoii on Sup Forums tries to downplay my Godhood

Get wrecked, sonny son son.

>higher IQ
>better on every standardized test
>less crime
>more money
>less single motherhood
>better educated
>better countries
>less disease
>better governments
>better culture
>more scientific achievements

What? You think you're better than black people just because you have white skin?

>just being luck
Luck has nothing to do with it. Centuries of sweat and blood has.

Your ancestors were most likely almost all peasants, not "heroes" or scientists.
This is like when american blacks howl that they were kangs and quanz.

Never said it was a high iq or supremacy thing, just that whites are different and it doesn't matter what you larp as. I was born this way, you were born that way, and its not the same thing. There is literally no reason I should not have a country for people with euro descent, just like I'm sure you have a country with your people that you visit when you aren't larping as a white

Compared to niggers, mudslimes and chinks, all whites are heroes and scientists.

> OP describes all human behavior
> Tries desperately to make it sound odd.
Hi Jew. Hope you're having a wicked day.

>complete randomness


Maybe you don't have parents.

Most white people do. Most of them work tirelessly to give their children the best possible chances to have a better life than they had. That means not only giving a shit and actually doing helpful things for their own families, but for their community and nation as well.

It has been this way for generations of Americans. The luxury and comfort of today is the compound interest of generations of white Americans, and earlier white Europeans, trying to civilize the world and leave it better for their descendants than they inherited it.

I am not a product of random chance. I am a product of hundreds of years of intentional effort towards future greatness. I am exceptionally proud that my children already exhibit some of the desirable qualities of my father and his father.

Yup, especially when compared to chinks. Most definitely.

You whites can almost be as bad as blacks when it comes to unwarranted personal pride and self-importance.

will always laugh at anons here who think they are somehow connected to achievements and contributions from men hundreds of years ago.

Achmettt, please calm down for a moment, pray to me, your god, and eat some hummus and go to sleep.

Your bait is so bad I mistook this thread for Sup Forums for a second.

White Allfathers reign supreme in this galaxy.

Nice flag
Sage in all fields

>lineage doesn't matter senpai

I know its hard to deal with the fact that whites invented 95% of the worlds breakthroughs including the internet and computer with which you express your inferiority complex

I'm not a muslim or middle easterner, but even if I were would it be that bad?
Europeans were living in mudhuts, just like niggers, when the first civilizations rose in the middle east.

>(((But even if I were would it be bad?)))

Yes it would,your ancestors enslaved whites, your parents enslaved whites, and you and your kike offspring will receive benefits from MY paychecks.
You are scum, pure dirt beneath my shoes, the yellow foam on a rotting beach, the rancid maggots eating away at civilization and reason.

>out of complete randomness


Why should randomness be relevant? We were randomly born as humans too, you can't be proud to be human?

>Has to resort to tactical nihilism
If anything, this shows how asinine liberalism is.

We are our ancestors. Just as our children are us which you'd understand if you had any. Have fun shitting on your birthright. Unless your one of the invaders, in which case... well played.

(((European))) sure bud

I would be honored to be a Jew, but unfortunately I'm not (I also thought I had that covered under not being a middle easterner).
Chances are you are the one leaching benefits from the state.

>You are scum, pure dirt beneath my shoes, the yellow foam on a rotting beach, the rancid maggots eating away at civilization and reason.
You seem to have something to prove. Let me guess, a high school dropout who's mechanic job was taken Achmed bin Salim?

Genetics are not luck

Actually I went from base schooling to lower education to higher education to college to university, but I can't expect an UltraFascist Islamocuckold to relate to any of that.

>would be proud to be a (((kikelord))) This ends any argument. You are working to end earth, and I loathe your " kind " . That I may slaughter you endlessly in the afterlife.

>but I can't expect an UltraFascist Islamocuckold to relate to any of that.
Kek, I'm doing a post-doc right now, not that you'd believe me or that I can prove it without doxing myself. I'm half-swedish half-russian so I don't have a drop of arab blood in me. I'm just tired of you whites wewuzing constantly.

>That I may slaughter you endlessly in the afterlife.
There is no afterlife, especially not a "viking" one, you larping manchild.

Lol someone's mad they were born non-white.

That someone is you.

>pulls the ass checks to each side exposing the sjw asshole
>ready to receive culturally enriched by a black cock
>thinks it something to be proud of


(((White presenting)))

Just because you suck doesn't mean we have to as well

>>born white in white coutnry of out complete randomness
I don't think you realize how reproduction works.

>you were born a shitskin
>now you will spend the rest of your life being jealous of white people


This argument goes for your body, but not for your consciousness.

People who blame all their ills on Jews are subhuman. And I'm not jewish, read the thread.

literally this

Why not just leave us alone? Japan gets left alone. I don't understand why it has to be different for Europeans but if this continues the backlash is going to be beyond anything seen in human history. Benign races who did nothing wrong will be lucky to survive. They won't because we are a people of extremes, welcome one day exterminated the next.

is this (((you))) op ?

Because you don't even have a heritage lol.

Yeah but niggers still are while Europeans surpassed every other fucking civilization and create the modern world.

Do you really think the success of whites will continue forever? Your civilization is just one chapter in the history of the world.
Soon the pendulum will swing back to east asia, and when arabs get their shit together, to the middle east.

Based Dane.
Fuck wh*Te subhumans.

They aren't subhuman, they just aren't better than anyone else.
And I'm half-Swedish half-Russian, my muslim friend.

Das rite dey ride dic, and WE WUZ KANGZ Bix Nood!

Pakistani here.
Feels good getting full marks in my maths exams despite my class being 1/3 white, 1/3 black and 1/3 Asian.

Then some retards on Sup Forums say that all blacks are retarded, or some shit like that.

>I'm not a muslim or middle easterner, but even if I were would it be that bad?Europeans were living in mudhuts, just like niggers, when the first civilizations rose in the middle east.

that's kind of fake, but sure roll with that if you want. lots of Neolithic megastructures in europe and russia, much older than the pyramides.

Here's a (you)

they grade you by minority status, because of regressive politics. if you were white your grades would be shit.
don't believe me? Swap homework with some white dude.

They do this shit all over Europe.

Why would the two be seperate?

>minority status
No they don't. An examiner marks it, an examiner from an exam board who doesn't know who anyone in the class is.

They then give us back the papers along with the mark schemes of each paper.

>if you were white your grades would be shit
No they wouldn't. Because they give the papers back to us, to read over.

>Swap homework with some white dude
Again, it's not homework. The teacher marks the homework.

>They do this shit all over Europe
Post some proof of that, and not some American affirmative action shit.

>This is like when american blacks howl that they were kangs and quanz.
No. It's not. Niggers think their ancestors built pyramids, flying cars and had telekinesis. We think our ancestors invented the lightbulb, automobiles, internet, space travel, etc.