(OP) This is happening on Nov 4 'It's Okay To Be White' sky banner flying over UC Berkeley at 4:30 We need boots on the ground there to record reactions
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>Plane will show up to UCB any time 4:45-5:15pm >duration 20 minutes >plan to stay there 4:30-5:45 >make sure you film the ENTIRE time >make a burner Google Drive account >share all of your footage >share said GDrive with me at email in OP >okwhiteskybanner @ protonmail will spread the footage
Lol >Mass hysteria >They're gonna bomb us! >No bombs >Phew ... I thought we were on real danger for a minute those damne white sup- >Starts coughing >Starts vomiting >They wrote it in gas! > OYYY GEEVVVAAALLLT
Bentley Scott
Wyatt Kelly
Nathaniel Scott
Lol is he holding a beer can? >Hey watah snake ...'mere >No way man ... Last time you tried using me as a pool noodle > Nah come here I got a treat for you > Stahp >Fuckin drink it cunt
Hudson Carter
Adrian Murphy
that's great
Joseph King
Dominic Collins
Jaxson Morales
Wait till tomorrow to celebrate. If the wrong people catch wind of this they will try to shut it down. I suggest, go dark until tomorrow when it's too late to bitch.