IOTBW SkyBanner Happening ~ UC Berkeley Nov 4 ~ 4:35

This is happening on Nov 4
'It's Okay To Be White' sky banner flying over UC Berkeley at 4:30
We need boots on the ground there to record reactions

prev thread

>Plane will show up to UCB any time 4:45-5:15pm
>duration 20 minutes
>plan to stay there 4:30-5:45
>make sure you film the ENTIRE time
>make a burner Google Drive account
>share all of your footage
>share said GDrive with me at email in OP
>okwhiteskybanner @ protonmail will spread the footage

Other urls found in this thread:

>Mass hysteria
>They're gonna bomb us!
>No bombs
>Phew ... I thought we were on real danger for a minute those damne white sup-
>Starts coughing
>Starts vomiting
>They wrote it in gas!



Lol is he holding a beer can?
>Hey watah snake ...'mere
>No way man ... Last time you tried using me as a pool noodle
> Nah come here I got a treat for you
> Stahp
>Fuckin drink it cunt


that's great



Wait till tomorrow to celebrate. If the wrong people catch wind of this they will try to shut it down. I suggest, go dark until tomorrow when it's too late to bitch.