Trump earlier
>the Military has hit ISIS "much harder" over the last two days. They will pay a big price for every attack on us!
Trump earlier
>the Military has hit ISIS "much harder" over the last two days. They will pay a big price for every attack on us!
Remember when Trump said he would end all these stupid wars overseas?
he also said he was gonna destroy ISIS, you retard.... and thats what hes doing
Just something certain folks do every single day of the week. In about 77 countries ;).
That was before the military coup
How did you think he planned on ending these wars?
wtf i love ISIS now??
>we're going back into Somalia
kek, Trump is literally Clinton 2
"end" does not mean "let the enemy take over the region"
>he also said he was gonna destroy ISIS,
Yeah so he lied. We will be in forever war around the planet until the end of time and space.