It's okay to be jewish

reminder that this board is not a godless cumskin safespace.

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good idea user, there are some good jews and Trump has really opened my eyes to that

stfu retard, your country is our puppet slave and trump does what we want him to do. stop acting like he's the one making decisions

we own you

No you don't, we work with jews as equals.

Yes PLEASE spread those everywhere
PLEASE do that.
Don't ask rabbi first just start spreading

>we work with jews as equals.
hahahaha fuck off amerifat, even the worse jew is superior to the best cumskin degenerate

okay you're obviously larping as a jew, because jewish people don't act like you do

>because jewish people don't act like you do
I doubt you know any real jews other than the retards that are mixed with wh*tes and living in that shithole you call the USA

You mean Jews would actually steal ideas from other people and take credit like they thought of it? That can't be right