how do you treat blackpill?
i am so apocalyptic i wanna die
>apocalyptic grey wasteland
Seems about right.
Maybe you should get actual help. Not even joking.
The black pill made me start working out and get into prepping.
There's no going back. This is it unfortunately. The final stage.
Activated charcoal, the pictured pills, are quite useful for adsorption of toxins
what do you prepare?
but you gotta surive somehow right? any book how to ironically lie and make fun of normies without revealing too much power level?
What is the black pill?
Think about it this way.
You were born too late to explore the world. Born too early to explore the cosmos. But born just in time to participate in world war 3
If you just woke up it can be pretty hard but in time you see that more and more people are waking up and things are actually getting better.
Nurture your thread and I'll tell you how to deal with Black Pill Depression.
IDK what the black pill refers to though.
honestly I've found that you have to keep blackpilling yourself until you find the spiritual pill
Hopelessness, nihlilism, everything is going to shit, life is shit, we are fucked etc.
desu, I think nukewar would be nice restart, but I am afraid it won't happen
i was thinking some Jung, Kant, psychopath, "understand yourself" books, but fuck, I kinda did a lot, but life just keeps sucking
Redpilled so fast everything seems hopeless and depressing
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After red-pilling several times I went through large waves of depression and mental instability. I've taken Red Pills on 9/11, Sandy Hook, Secret Societies, The Money System, The Matrix, Tulpas, Female Nature and now WWII and Hitler. Each time is very painful because you have to face decades of propaganda that you've swallowed. It seems like you nearly die from it.
But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I can tell you what is helping me out of the tunnel of darkness.
>Finding really tasty foods that are unique. Trying new foods from other countries. Not settling for Hershey's Wax or Coke corn syrup. Making the tasting of a new unique food an event.
>Lifting, HiiT and Yoga on a revolving schedule. No, you don't have to go crazy. Set a a Google Calendar and spend an hour a day giving yourself a little resistance.
>Watching old Black and White movies. I watch the old movie channels on TV. They rarely play commercials and it brings me peace seeing women behave and men acting like strong figures. Yes, it's living in a lie but it's better than booze.
>Embracing minimalism. Pick up every object in your life right now and ask if you've used it in a year. Ask if it brings you joy. Ask if it brings you guilt. Do you keep it to keep somebody else happy? You'd be amazed what you "don't need". Getting rid of "things" helps you clear your mind. You'll soon find that the things you own, actually own you. I have one spoon; one fork; one knife and I eat food from the pan I cook it in. I wear five tee-shirts during the week and have two pairs of pants. I do one load of wash a week.
If it's all going to end, why care? Why let it bother you? If it is impossible to save there is no reason to be worried or scared. It will change not one single thing.
But even if it is hopeless, why go down crying on your knees like a child when better men than you will be laying down their lives and fighting tooth and nail for that impossible, one in infinity chance, to save it all?
If I am going to die I want to die a man. It's okay if you don't want to fight. I know you are scared. I am too and it's okay, if we pull off that impossible task and save it all, we won't judge you for not fighting.
We will then, however, pity you.
Pull a Brevik and you will feel better
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>Spend time in nature as nature heals. The more we spend time in artificial constructs like cities, the worse we feel. It sounds cliche, but nature has an energy force that can heal your mind.
>Start practicing a complete shutdown of information for a hour or two a day. If you feel more and more depression, shut off the TV and computer and start the purge. I lay down and listen to binaural beats or my favorite Spotify list. It's important to stop "taking in information" when you head hurts. Realize that information on the internet is a "drug" and as so, must be moderated.
>Find like minds on the Chans. I know I'll get shit for this but I see some of the brightest and strongest minds here. Look past the shills and the children calling for attention and find like minds. It's food. You may even run a thread one day and make it positive. I've put hard work into 300+ comment threads before and I think the readers were genuinely thankful that I contributed to a subject they wanted to discuss intelligently.
>Write and learn our "language". You'll notice that the Autismos here on the Chans have a certain language. Some call it "Sperging", especially during Happenings. It's a certain permission to say anything on your mind, no matter how retarded it sounds. Often it's funny. But you can also write on your own time. It's like pouring out the bullshit in your mind. Just start writing words. Whatever word is on you mind. Write that word! Then another and another. It will be gibberish shit. Doesn't matter. It will get thoughts out of your mind so you can find peace. I write pages of gibberish sometimes and it feels so good.
>psychopath, "understand yourself" book
If you haven't read Kant, do you at least know of his outlook on morality?
This is good advice so far. God bless brother.
(3 of 3)
>Experiment with new music. I use a Spotify Discover list each week to constantly experiment with new music. Don't get stuck in one genre or artist. Branch out. I also want to learn music soon. Music is a great healer.
>It is so important to seek out new hobbies. This could be marshal arts; kayaking; rock climbing or building birdhouses. You are seeking out meaning but also the subtle that you're seeking out groups of people who want meaning. Half the battle is moving past the Zombies of society. Don't look for a girlfriend on OKCupid. That is like drinking the coffee dregs. There is no sustenance there. Find a hiking group where the "subject" is hiking but eventually you have a high capacity to meet some quality people who you can confide in. Another user said to volunteer at a soup kitchen. That may work. Some like to go to church. Choose your avenues. You may have to navigate a sea of liberals and zombies but don't give up completely on meeting like minds.
>Fidget Toys (pic related). I got one of (pic related) along with a whole basket of fidget toys like spinners and other mechanical things to work with my hands. Amazon has a huge selection of these. It's mindfulness therapy. It helps you break free of an obsessive thought. That is what haunts most Anons here, those cycling thoughts in their mind that became poisonous with time (eg: What if the world ends next Tuesday? What if I never find a woke woman? What if nobody likes me?). A fidget device is designed to make you focus on a "simple task" like turning; clicking or moving an object that will alter your focus away from poisonous thoughts. I must say, it actually does help me get out of the various mental breakdowns during the day. Sometimes I need a beer. Sometimes I use the device to break out.
>Taking walks whenever you have a depression wave helps greatly. Keep Moving. It's very important. It gives you a task to focus on.
Blackpill = bestpill
Nothing matters so fucking enjoy yourself.
Dying is for bitches.
thaanks, black and white movie sounds like a nice niche blackpilled user medidative, healing hobby
no, forced to read in "sociological intellectual" bullshit in uni and a lot of anti-religion "intellectual" cocksuckers were criticizing him, so I assumed he is redpilled.
don't run away from the blackpill. you have to embrace it. you have to go so far down the rabbit hole that you find what is really important. to you.
good luck user
Prepare for the coming collapse of life as you know it.
>Embracing minimalism
"Almost nothing material is needed for a happy life, for he who understands existence." - Emperor Marcus Aurelius
Bitch you live in Latvia. Go find a physically perfect conservative qt and make Baltic babies.
You haven't understood anything. This is what happens when you are compelled to do something. Nietzsche was the one who castigated him, but not for his religiousness but for his objective outlook on morality. Nietzsche was a nihilist moralist.
ride the tiger.
thanks for replies ideas, going to sleep now
God be With You
and with you too, user
Another thing I must articulate is that every piece of Red/Black pill knowledge you bite off will further isolate you. You'll lose more and more friends each time as neither of you can relate to each other after the red pill has dropped. This is unless you are lucky enough to have a joint red-pill friend.
I am a loner at work. I'm just board of the break room conversations about work or what the MSM said. It's like watching TV now. I just can't watch it and not see propaganda. Thus, if you find a good black/red pill buddy, hold onto them for dear life. It's the person you can share with and not fear judgement.
People who live inside the lie have lots of friends. This is especially true for women who must roam in raving packs. They must all agree on their chosen propaganda for harmony.
Redpill knowledge will isolate men to the point where they must find like minds on the internet where there is a larger swath of population to draw from (eg: Chans, MGTOW forums, etc).
But you must strengthen your own soul this time. You have to realize it's *you* that is now being called on to help others up by their boot straps. All my life, I relied on others to help me. Now I must help myself and help others find their truths.
Find what is good for you, then assess if it is good for you next week and next year.. is it also good for your family and community and the world? Then it is something that is good.