Why the fuck can't Trump just keep his mouth shut and let the legal process play out? Because of him, the judge gave this traitor a lighter sentence which includes zero jail time. When will he fucking understand that the President should not comment on these cases to maintain the impartiality of the courts. Hell, even Obama was smart enough to understand that. What next, the Manhattan terrorist will get off easy as well. You damn well know Mueller is gonna take Trump's statements about Tony Podesta into account if he ever decide to prosecute him.
Thanks to Trump, Bergdahl will not serve any time
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I'm glad my life isn't so pathetic that I watch the news cycle of other countries
>if Trump doesn't like it then I love it!
How exactly does this work..? Mean words shorten prison sentences now?
Trump's words are not cause for mitigation; the opposite actually. It's like saying the testimony of the relatives of the soldiers who died looking for Bergdahl is mitigating evidence. Sounds like the judge used it as an excuse to undermine Trump.
That's why Presidents shouldn't comment on these ongoing court cases. Judges have to take that into account.
So king niggers calling trayvon his son that had no influence on the Zimmerman trial
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Not a good comparison.
Obama didn't comment on whether Zimmerman should be found guilty or not. He just expressed sympathy and sadness for the victim that died.
>Judges have to take that into account.
Why? You have retarded laws, and you should fix them.
OP is nonwhite
The reason is because the defendant can claim that he is not receiving a fair trial due to pressure from the President to sway the outcome one way or the other.
So they fix a possibly unfair trial by making it certainly unfair trial. Makes sense.
No, presidents regularly call out crimes and criminals of national importance.
Which is why the President shouldn't comment at all so that there won't even be this problem.
>That's why Presidents shouldn't comment on these ongoing court cases
>If I had a son he'd look like Travon
>the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home
>Bo Bergdahl served with honor and distinction
Hopefully Trump comments more on the indictment of Manafort then.
Also don’t forget to SAGE
Maybe cos fagdhal was CIA. Trump had nothing to do with it.
That's like saying there wouldn't be a problem if the person didn't commit the crime in the first place. Or that the hair in the breakfast of the judge affected the trial. Or that whatever external thing affected it. It should not have any bearing. The trial should be fair. Regardless of what happened and who said what.
But he can do that anyway. Bergdahl's case has been thoroughly covered in the national media.
Yep, the judge liked this mitigating evidence best.
>Hell, even Obama was smart enough to understand that
He has a fucking law degree. Of course he understood the necessity of the separation of powers. It's perfectly appropriate for the judiciary to throw a bitch fit if the executive or the legislature dare to encroach on their area of competence.
If you challenge the foundational philosophical and theories that underpin modern western democracies you can and should expect a proper bitchslap in return
Its less about retribution and more about sending a clear message to the President that its not okay for him to overstep his bound.
Nice flag, faggot. KYS
>necessity of the separation of powers. I
You clearly don't understand what that means. The separation of powers means that they keep each other at check. That means that they criticize each other whenever they feel like it. Otherwise it'd be a pointless system.
>clear message to the President that its not okay for him to overstep his bound.
You fucking moron Obama did it all the time shill.
>civil case 1
>civil case 2
Not sure what your third quote is from, but I'm guessing Obama said that at some point? Maybe before he was charged and put on trial I'm guessing? Bergdahl was back on duty for awhile before they started pushing for charges.
The President is not at the head of the civilian judicial system, so undue command influence does not apply. The President is the Command in Chief, so he should not make statements on military court rulings.
This was a big fuck up. Bergdahl was a shit head who deserved prison time for getting people killed. Some service members are going to be pissed. All Trump had to do was deflect any questions regarding the case for a few days. Instead he told reporters to look up previous comments which the judge had already said would not be relevant to the case. Because Trump talked he made them relevant.
Trump fucked up. It doesn't matter too much except for the fact that faggot gets to walk free.
You fucking idiot. Obama shit all over the constitution. Shouldn't you be tending to your sand nigger rapist immigrants instead of shitposting here?
You people will slam him no matter what he does.
This Judge is an idiot and should be retired immediately and investigated at minimum. 0bammy had this traitor in the ducking Rose Garden. If he wanted to bring up Trump’s remarks under “undue command influence” he had a moral and ethical obligation to mention 0bammy’s tampering as well and at minimum they are offsetting. He should have said nothing or both but this is clear bias.
In fact, I wonder if his failure to mention 0bammy’s undue command influence might not actually be grounds to demand a new trial and bring this fuck back for a “real” Court Martial.
>kikes have to be kikes because antisemitism
You belong in an oven.
Why don't you take off your meme flag you fucking Canadian faggot
>Hell, even Obama was smart enough to understand that.
>If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.
Yeah, another pussyhat judge determines case by spite. How is this anyone’s problem but the pussyhats? Short of failing to deliver justice.
I made a temperature when I was at school. It had a digital display. I showed it to my teacher who said it was nice. He probably though I was pretty autistic. The president didn't comment it at all. Feels bad, man.
>Obama was smart enough to understand this
Ugghhh what? Obama commented on cases all the time.
Spergdhal will face his punishment in the near future as he seeks out arab cock
*temperature meter
The judge was in the wrong here and is a fucking idiot.
>military trial
>president is military leader
Pretty sure it's in trumps ultimate power in the military to have the faggot hung for treason.
Washington did it a few times even so it's one of those founding father supported actions as well.
>Pretty sure it's in trumps ultimate power in the military to have the faggot hung for treason.
It actually isn't; that's why the military has trials. Otherwise the commanding officers would just order punishments and sentences without trials.
Gtfo with that Adolf shit
Exactly. Its really sad that a lot of people on the right don't even understand this basic concept.
>if they can that means they will every time
that isn't how it works
the president can declare martial law, that doesn't mean they do it every time a riot occurs
>guilty of desertion
>but since Trump said some random thing on internet that has no effect on the trial
>you get off free!!
Makes sense desu
Real life is the guy voluntarily went on a combat deployment and had a mental breakdown. He though he was going to take out the taliban like and prove he was like Jason Bourne. Then guys died trying to save him.
Im not sure how hard we should really be on him, the whole situation is terrible.
How many nigger cocks have you sucked today leaf?
>the president can declare martial law
Only in the appropriate emergency.
In the same way, the president can't just say "FUCK RULE OF LAW, EXECUTE THIS FAGGOT!"
In this instance I'd prefer we forgo the trial.
How long til he (((dies in his sleep/suicides))) I give him about a 2 months.
The facts are the facts. I'm not even a fan of Obama. If Trump was just expressing sympathy for the soldiers that died or were injured, then it wouldn't have been an issue as well.
Meanwhile, Bradley Manning got mindfucked and turned into a tranny.... There is no justice on this gay earth.
well maybe when you're dictator we can do what you prefer
>Spent five years captive by the Taliban
>no prison time
Yeah you're just a fucking idiot. He was in a far worse situation with the Taliban than he would have been in a prison in the US. Go fuck yourself.
Look at OP's flag. This is a slide thread.
Why does he have to mention Obama and no one else? Seems like the penultimate "BUBUBU WHAT ABOUT" as opposed to the judge ruling on this specific case.
this, jesus christ the short memories of people
From what I am seeing, this shithead might even appeal!
>if a president says bad things about a criminal, the criminal must be set free
Sorry faggot, there is no law on the books that says that, and there is no judicial tradition that says so.
We're likely dealing with a never-trumper who used his position to get back at Trump
Are you this retarded?
Judges also shouldn't be members of or otherwise support racist groups like La Raza.
>meme flag
What are you talking about? The left is the party of conviction in the court of opinion.
Does that mean trayvon had a sister who did porn?
Trials are built on facts, evidence, and testimony.
At no point did Trumps words affect any of those
kek. who gives a fuck. go kek yourself, you jewish swine!
Obama talked about zimzam and skittles kid, and zimzam became a free man.
who cares this shit is gay
>judges says Trumps comments don’t affect trial
>judge says Trumps’ comments do affect trial
Col. Nance should also be put next to Bergdahl on the wall.
>comments made before presidency do not affect trial
>comments made during presidency referring to earlier comments do affect trial
really gets the noggin rolling
enemy combatants
fuck the courts
patriot act ftw
Thermometer, my non English friend
I wonder if Trump will pardon the person that kills him. Thatd be hilarious
That’s not even what the judge said. He said his comments while candidate and POTUS were bad, even though Monday he said it didn’t affect the court..
Get trigged butt licker
They were never going to jail Bowe
This game was rigged the moment muslim lover president Ovomit gave up the 4 gitmo prisoners
Everyone already knew Bergdahl was not innocent and they used him to help out some more muslims
The victim lived; the criminal got himself killed.
>Obama’s comments and actions about Bergdahl have no affect
>Trump’s comments do have an affect
Makes sense desu
Make Friendly Fire Great Again and someone blow Col. Nance's fucking brains out.