>I need muh AR-15 to defend myself from da big bad gooberminte, hue hue hue!!
I need muh AR-15 to defend myself from da big bad gooberminte, hue hue hue!!
someone post the screenshot plz, i dont have it on this phone
We have this same shitty thread everyday
>he can't dodge bullets and bombs with ease whilst dropping them like flies
Reminder to sage all leaf (shill) threads
Burn slowly, and scream leaf.
Irrelevant because gun nuts always spout the same thing:
If this statement is true, then there really is no need for you to own guns because the government would never be able to impose tyranny on you because the military always has the will of the people in mind.
If it is false, then gun nuts are even more retarded than I thought and vote EVERY SINGLE YEAR to give this military a blank check. You can't simultanously think the government is going to oppress you WHILE AT THE SAME TIME give them all the money to do so.
Wouldnt that be a reason for MORE guns instead of less?
Fuck off kike, nobody is afraid of you and your pets. The devil himself will recoil at the tortures your disgusting race will endure before it ends.
>Any questions
Does this mean I need a rocket launcher to destroy both tank and airplane?
Isn't that a argument for private ownership of SAM missiles, bombs, tanks and artillery?
If an AR-15 is not enough to defeat a goverment then we need private tank corps.
First of all, you need to fuck off from posting the same thread every day, stir in some originality.
Secondly, the post you’re replying to didn’t mention the hypothetical dissertation and turn rates and all of his points are still valid.
But let’s presume the second scenario is true, and no one in the military turns orders. That’s reason for more gun rights, not more gun control. Our military hegemony over the rest of the world is important, but fortunately they’ve proven consistently that they can’t hardly fight an insurgency in another country. Fighting one here would be 10000x harder.
You can’t fire a tank round into a power substation that’s potentially being sabotaged, you can’t bomb out your own financial centers, and you can’t collect taxes from an active and armed revolution.
Liberals have the benefit of a revolution being the least relevant use for guns in our time in the US, but you can’t learn that it’s an argument you won’t when you choose to have it.
obvious slide thread
Lol @ that picture.
That was never my arguement, the right worships the military, and they loathe big government without realising they are hand in hand.
Any so called "tyranny" will be imposed by the MILITARY, senators and congressmen are not going to be the ones doing raids and knocking down your door. You firmly believe the military would NEVER disarm the populace, yet you want to arm yourself to prevent something you don't believe will happen.
Adding to fact you also want to give the people you "don't believe will disarm Americans" as much money as possible to do so.
why don't we look at real life examples instead of just theorizing?
*can hardly fight
*won’t win when
What makes you think that statement will always be true?
That's why the only way to protect yourself from government tyranny is rail-mounted heavy artillery
>what is vietnam?
>what is afghanistan?
>what is iraq?
>people who have no sense of urban warfare at all
>people still reply to these threads without saging
>And yet we still have our guns...
The military would be mutilated and tortured if they did. They have families, they have children. Their families would be targeted and used as hostage material if they genuinely turned against the American people (they would never do so anyways).
But the thing is, the military is obsessed with the constitution, and is actually sworn to obey the president. So there is no fucking way Trump would order gun grabs. And if some libshit tried to do it in the future, the military would 100% defect.
Recent studies show that 1 in 4 people are estimated to be white nationalists in the US military. That includes navy, army, and air force.
You worthless kikes and your families will be sliced to chunks by angry goys and the military itself if you make a move. I DARE you to make a move. Let's see it faggot. Spark the fucking war you kike filth need to mutilate and get rid of you finally.
Pic related. You've already lost, kike.
>1 post by this faggot
That's the thing, I don't. Whenever theirs an arguement that the Military will disarm the populace, the arguement is the Military or the vast majority of the military would never agree to such orders.
wow, where can I turn in my ar?
>implying any more than 15% of the armed forces would be complicit in the disarming and subjugation of American citizens
>implying the military attempting to take the guns would turn out differently than the state police trying to take guns
>implying the military is more or just as corrupt and malleable as faggot pedo politicians
First of all sage,
Second, the untied states and its 380 million residents own 250 million of the worlds small arms. And gov't plot will be stopped cold in the face of millions upon millions of americans simply being armed, and getting more protective and violent the closer any gov't Bullshit gets.
Try your drones against my guns.
>Implying the military will engage and murder its own citizen's
>Implying 90% of the armed forces wont take their TA-50 layout and their issued weapons and fuck off back home
Remember when we used to derail threads with traps, now we have an entire generation of faggots unironically.
this same shill will turn around and say "wtf why can't US military win a war against a bunch of goat herders in the middleeast lol omg"
Not worried about "Duh Goberment" I am worried about the nigher and Antifa faggots that will come looting when the power is out. They will get a bullet in the head and no questions asked. Fuck the freeloaders and unprepared, you earned your starvation and bullet.
Ok, so you do in fact believe the Military will never take your guns. Tell me then, why do you need guns to defend against people that will never hurt you?
(Unless deep down you don't believe a word you just posted, and need something to defend yourself against military)
>I need muh AR-15 to shoot targets innawoods because it's fun and I should be allowed to make the choice of buying such a product and using it in such a safe legal way
Woah, that was so hard to grasp!
Fuck yeah, buddy. Also, with .50 BMG API/APITs, which any civilian can buy readily, muh MRAPs don't mean a fuckin thing except that they are blenders on wheels.
That moment when you're a parrot.
what if we ALSO have guns to defend ourselves and government from communist twats like you?
>Gay leafs whine...
Blah blah BILL OF NEEDS blah blah.
Try again parasitic leech of the United States.
You have no power here. We will never give them up. The genie is out of the bottle...
If it is war y'all want then war shall ye have....
>You firmly believe the military would NEVER disarm the populace, yet you want to arm yourself to prevent something you don't believe will happen.
Much of the military would not abide an order like that--that's why they wan't to get rid of the 2nd. The military is sworn to orders by the President, and the President is sworn to uphold the constitution. Furthermore, the vast majority of military personnel worship the constitution as they are largely whites from the South and Midwest. The only way a situation you're describing would happen without repealing the 2nd is if the majority of military personnel became loyal only to the President, the President was corrupt enough to order the confiscation of all guns, some tragedy facilitated this desire to confiscate guns, the Congress was corrupt enough not to impeach, the Judiciary corrupt enough not to remove from office, and a beaurocratic deep state only comprised of people who would see this through.
It's obviously totally unlikely that something like this could happen organically, and more difficult for (((the powers that be))) to facilitate something like this than to keep doing what they've been doing.
Also, this is a slide thread--sage
Nice pic gun user, saved. Leaf btfo.
Yeah and that is the case right now and before and probably will be true in 50 years. We need guns to protect ourselves because we don't know what happens in the future. Why give up your guns and be sorry later for it?
Possession of firearms by civilians is a crucial part of his argument though. Without them there is no threat of insurgency. Your post is babble and you have a simple mind.
Hmmm It's almost like everyone in the military wouldn't do the exact same thing or something....what is that called again?....oh yeah a civil war you fucking mong
>just because the individuals in the military won't shoot civilians
>means the government giving them orders wont impose tyranny.
Nice False Equivalency there retard.
Because if they did not have ANY guns, then the military could actually just bully the people into doing almost anything.
It's the fact that people have guns that scares the shit out of politicians and kikes from going too far.
I fully support the 2nd amendment and don't want it changed one bit. I am just annoyed by all the Burgers who think that they could defeat the US military with their puny little AR15's. Maybe in another reality because it would never happen in this one.
Perfect opportunity
I've been saving this shit for ages
This. Technology mainly matters in a head-to-head situation. In a guerrilla war, it's less effective.
You will never have enough boots in the ground to continually control an entire nation that rebells at once, or even one that rebels en masse at once, unless it's already disarmed. You'd see a massive exodus of soldiers leaving to support their families rather than their government, the men left wouldn't be able to occupy every street corner.
And planes and ships and shit are great, but there aren't enough of them to constantly control a nation the size of the US.
Gonna have to steal this one.
just stop canada. stop trying to be funny
>i trust the government implicitly
>only they should be armed
>i distrust the police though
>they are the fascist wing of the government!
>but i trust them to carry guns
Vietnam, Afghanistan, etc.
>Implying we don't have more powerful weapons than ARs, including anti-vehicle weapons like .50s
>Completely neglects IEDs and their devastating effects and ease of manufacture.
Our military is super right wing. If an authoritarian left tried to use them against us so many would defect.
Also, some shitty AKs certainly stop the government. They're not gonna bomb their own land (more than likely). So it would be an infantry battle. And when your opponent isn't wearing uniforms, civilians that youre supposed to be protecting might ambush your ass.
>Our military is super right wing. If an authoritarian left tried to use them against us so many would defect.
It amazes me that the same thread can get posted 10 times a day everyday and newfags continue to post in them. Sage. Fuck you all
The real reason why the "elite" wants disarmed peasants has not changed since the middle-ages, only the justifications for turning citizens into serfs.
The funny thing is that 60 years ago or so, the left actually did understand this.
How would the government's tyranny be imposed if there wasn't people to impose it? If a president orders the detention of citizens, and no one carries out the order, is it still tyranny even though said tyranny never reached the populace?
I pointing out the double-think you fuckers have with this. Slashing a militaries budget can do WAY more to prevent tyranny than an armed populace. Why fight tanks when you can just prevent them from being built in the first place.
Maybe if you lower the defense spending, in 50 years you won't have to fight the world's largest military with decades of counter-insurgency experience.
Yeah, we’ll be done in the Middle East any day now.
America wouldn't be independent if niggers weren't being niggers in african colonies. The British Empire had 100x the army and even if the army was matched the British empire would still win.
Admit it amerifats, you only exist because of niggers.
>military is mostly right wing.
Nice try schlomo
Funny when people post this shit. I work on airplanes and I’ve grounded airplanes for a $250k avionics computer that’s bad and as low as a $0.75 O-ring that’s leaking.
An airplane’s operational readiness is eaqual to its parts supply and maintenance personnel. Good luck getting me to work on military jets If the government is using them to bomb Americans.
Nice argument.
Of course I only have statistics to go by.
And anyway, the scenario of that becoming a reality is slim due to the many reasons listed already ya fucking leaf.
>posts redneck in camo with shotgun most likely going hunting
Day of the leaf now!
Best post
>jets will be used to go door to door and confiscate guns
I yearn for the day when people as stupid as you no longer exist in reality.
>If this statement is true, then there really is no need for you to own guns
>Be Canadian
>90% identical to America, with the exception of certain things
>No free speech
>No right to bare arms
>Less money
>More 3rd world immigrants
>Sluttier women
Somehow think you are different and that these differences are good things
does shareblu or whatever they are called now even pay some dork to start threads like this anymore
Jets will be used to flatten neighborhood blocks where you infidels live
Which inevitably means that you will be flattening the homes of the non-infidel too. Creating yet more infidels against the government, dumbass.
The "Government" aka soldiers have families and by that point there is no more rules of engagement.
And what are you going to do when government will have spaceships, and millions of drones the size of the mosquito that can't be seen? How will those guns help you in 100 years, when government will be able to track you anywhere, read your thoughts? The state and corporations will always be 10 steps ahead of any individual.